单选题A whistle signal of one prolonged,one short,one prolonged and one short blast,is sounded by a vessel().Aat anchorBtowing a submerged objectCbeing overtaken in a narrow channelDin distress

A whistle signal of one prolonged,one short,one prolonged and one short blast,is sounded by a vessel().

at anchor


towing a submerged object


being overtaken in a narrow channel


in distress


解析: 暂无解析


The emergency signal for fires is sounded on the ship’s whistle and general alarm as _____.A.a continuous ringing for 10 secondsB.one short ring followed by one long ringC.two long rings of at least 20 secondsD.a continuous ringing until the fire is extinguished

You are on international waters during a heavy rainstorm and hear a vessel sounding a fog signal of one prolonged blast followed by two short blasts. Which of the following could it be?Ⅰ.A vessel laying submarine cable making way.Ⅱ.A pilot vessel on station at anchor.A.Ⅰ onlyB.Ⅱ onlyC.Either Ⅰ or ⅡD.Neither Ⅰ nor Ⅱ

On the high seas,a fog signal consisting of one prolonged blast followed by four short blasts would indicate the presence of a ______.A.vessel being towedB.fishing vessel engaged in trawlingC.vessel at anchor warning you of her locationD.power-driven pilot vessel on station underway

Approaching a anchorage in fog, you hear one short, one prolonged, and one short blast in that sequence on a ship’s whistle. This indicates ______.A.A vessel towedB.A vessel not under command and unable to maneuver.C.A vessel anchored giving warning of her position.D.A vessel stopped dead in the water.

If you do NOT understand the course or intention of an approaching vessel you should sound ___________.A.one short blastB.one prolonged blastC.not less than five short blastsD.not less than five prolonged blasts

In which case would an overtaking vessel sound a whistle signal of two prolonged followed by one short blast? ______.A.When overtaking in restricted visibilityB.When overtaking in a narrow channelC.When overtaking on open watersD.When no other vessels are in the immediate area

Second Officer, give one ()(长声).A、blastB、short blastC、prolonged blastD、prolonged blasts

单选题The wind is ESE,and a sailing vessel is steering NW. Which fog signal should she sound?()AOne blast at one-minute intervalsBOne blast at two-minute intervalsCTwo blasts at one-minute intervalsDOne prolonged and two short blasts at two-minute intervals

单选题If your vessel is underway in fog and you hear one prolonged and three short blasts,this indicates a().Avessel not under commandBsailing vesselCvessel in distressDvessel being towed

单选题On the high seas,a fog signal consisting of one prolonged blast followed by four short blasts would indicate the presence of a().Avessel being towedBfishing vessel engaged in trawlingCvessel at anchor warning you of her locationDpower-driven pilot vessel on station underway

单选题Your vessel is approaching a bend. You hear a prolonged blast from around the bend. You should ().Aback your enginesBstop your engines and driftCanswer with one prolonged blastDsound the danger signal

单选题A signal of one prolonged,one short,one prolonged,and one short blast,in that order is given by a vessel().Aengaged on pilotage dutyBin distressCat anchorDbeing overtaken in a narrow channel

单选题You are underway in fog and you hear one prolonged blast followed by two short blasts.This is a vessel().ATowingBEngaged on pilotage dutyCAground in a fairwayDStopped and making no way through the water

单选题While underway,in fog,you hear a whistle signal of one prolonged blast followed by two short blasts. This signal is sounded by a vessel().Anot under commandBbeing towedCon pilotage dutyDaground

单选题A tug is towing three manned barges in line in fog. The first vessel of the tow should sound ().Ano fog signalBone short blastCone prolonged and three short blastsDone prolonged,one short,and one prolonged blast

单选题You are Master of a towing vessel engaged in towing three barges astern.The middle barge of the tow would be required to sound which of the following during restricted visibility ().ANo fog signalBA prolonged blast at intervals never to exceed more than two minutesCA prolonged blast followed by two short blasts at intervals never to exceed more than two minutesDA prolonged blast followed by three short blasts at intervals never to exceed more than one minute

单选题Which signal is recognized as a distress signal?().ADirecting the beam of a searchlight at another vesselBA smoke signal giving off orange colored smokeCA whistle signal of one prolonged and three short blastsDInternational Code Signal PAN spoken over the radiotelephone

单选题Which of the following represents the emergency signal for fire aboard ship?()AMore than six short blasts and one long blast on the whistleBContinuous blast of the ships whistle for a period of not less than 10 seconds supplemented by the same signal on the general alarmCThree short blasts of the whistle supplemented by the same signal on the general alarmDMore than six short blasts and one long blast on the whistle supplemented by the same signal on the general alarm

单选题A sailing vessel is overtaking a steam vessel in a fairway on International waters,so as to pass on the steam vessel’s port side. The sailing vessel is the().Aprivileged vessel and would sound two short blastsBburdened vessel and would sound two prolonged blasts followed by two short blastsCburdened vessel and would sound no whistle signalDprivileged vessel and would sound no whistle signal

单选题When two vessels are in sight of one another and NOT in or near an area of restricted visibility,any of the following signals may be given EXCEPT().Aa light signal of at least five short and rapid flashesBone prolonged,one short,one prolonged,and one short whistle blastsCfour short whistle blastsDtwo short whistle blasts

单选题Approaching an anchorage in fog,you hear one short,one prolonged,and one short blast in that sequence on a ship’s whistle. This indicates().AA vessel towedBA vessel not under command and unable to maneuverCA vessel anchored giving warning of her positionDA vessel stopped dead in the water

单选题You are approaching another vessel and will pass starboard to starboard without danger if no course changes are made.You should().Ahold course and sound a two blast whistle signalBhold course and sound no whistle signalCchange course to the right and sound one blastDhold course and sound two prolonged and two short blasts

单选题A fog signal consisting of one prolonged blast followed by four short blasts would indicate thepresence of a().Avessel being towedBfishing vessel engaged in trawlingCvessel at anchor warning of her locationDpower-driven pilot vessel on station underway

单选题A vessel sounding a fog signal of one short,one prolonged,and one short blast is indicating that the vessel is().AfishingBin distressCat anchorDnot under command

单选题A whistle signal of one prolonged,one short,one prolonged and one short blast,is sounded by a vessel().Aat anchorBtowing a submerged objectCbeing overtaken in a narrow channelDin distress

单选题A 95-meter vessel aground sounds which fog signal? ()AA rapid ringing of a bell for 5 seconds every two minutesBA whistle signal of one short,one prolonged,and one short blastCA prolonged blast of the whistle at intervals not to exceed one minuteDA rapid ringing of a bell for 5 seconds,preceded and followed by three separate and distinct strokes on the bell

单选题A vessel which is being assisted by an icebreaker should indicate that she is ready to cast off the towline by().Adisplaying code letter Y (Yankee)Bsounding five short blasts on his whistleCdisplaying code numeral 5Dsounding one prolonged blast on his whistle

单选题If two sailing vessels are running free with the wind on the same side, which one must keep clear of the other?().AThe one with the wind closest abeamBThe one to windwardCThe one to leewardDThe one that sounds the first whistle signal