Mary doesn't look happy today. She would rather Bob and Linda () each other any more.A、don't seeB、didn't seeC、havn't seeeD、won't see

Mary doesn't look happy today. She would rather Bob and Linda () each other any more.

A、don't see

B、didn't see

C、havn't seee

D、won't see


[A] other [B] simply [C] rather [D] all

Bob: If I win the lottery, Fm going to buy a big house.Mary: ______

She_____ answer my phone call yesterday.A. doesn'tB. didn'tC. wasn't

The little girl _____ sing before so many people, _____ she?A. doesn’t dare to; dareB. dares not; dareC. daren’t; doesD. daren’t; dare

Linda: Mary, I'm afraid I have to be leaving now.Mary: __________A、That sounds wonderful.B、Oh,so early?C、Not at all.D、Good luck!

设有语句 int n,m; char a[5],b; cin>>n>>a>>m>>b; 为了分别将10和20分别赋给n和m,look赋给a,t赋给b,则正确的输入为A.10 "look" 20 't'<CR>B.10 "look" 10C.10 look 20 tD.10<CR>look20<CR>t<CR>

41. Mary ________ vegetables.A. don 't likeB. doesn’t likeC. doesn’t likesD. don’t likes

Should the vessel have no deratisation certificate at the time of her delivery,she ______ be held to be unseaworthy.A.shallB.shouldC.mayD.would

—She‘s broken her arm again.—Again I______she_______ever broken it before.A.don‘t know;hasB.didn’t know;hadC.didn‘t know;hasD.hadn’t know;would

—She‘s broken her arm again.—Again I______she_______ever broken it before.A.don‘t know;hasB.didn’t know;hadC.didn‘t know;hasD.hadn’t know;would