You are managing an Oracle Database 11g instance with ASM storage. The ASM instance is down. To know the details of the disks in the DATA disk group , you issued the following ASMCMD command:ASMCMD lsdsk -I -d DATAWhich statement is true regarding the outcome of this command?()A. The command succeeds but it retrieves only the disk names.B. The command produces an error because the ASM instance is down.C. The command succeeds but it shows only the status of the ASM instance.D. The command succeeds and retrieves information by scanning the disk headers based on an ASM_DISKSTRING value.
You are managing an Oracle Database 11g instance with ASM storage. The ASM instance is down. To know the details of the disks in the DATA disk group , you issued the following ASMCMD command:ASMCMD> lsdsk -I -d DATAWhich statement is true regarding the outcome of this command?()
A. The command succeeds but it retrieves only the disk names.
B. The command produces an error because the ASM instance is down.
C. The command succeeds but it shows only the status of the ASM instance.
D. The command succeeds and retrieves information by scanning the disk headers based on an ASM_DISKSTRING value.
A database instance is using an Automatic Storage Management (ASM) instance, which has a disk group, DGROUP1, created as follows:What happens when the whole CONTROLLER1 Failure group is damaged?() A. The transactions that use the disk group will halt.B. The mirroring of allocation units occurs within the CONTROLLER2 failure group.C. The data in the CONTROLLER1 failure group is shifted to the CONTROLLER2 failure group and implicit rebalancing is triggered.D. The ASM does not mirror any data and newly allocated primary allocation units (AU) are stored in the CONTROLLER2 failure group.
You are maintaining the SALES database.You have added a new disk to a disk group. Automatic Storage Management performs the rebalancing activity. You want to speed up the rebalancing activity.Which parameter should you specify to control the speed of the rebalancing activity?()A. ASM_POWER_LIMITB. ASM_DISKSTRINGC. ASM_DISKGROUPSD. INSTANCE_TYPE
The ORACLE_SID environment variable is set to +ASM. ASMLIB is not used in the configuration. You executed the following command to startup the Automatic Storage Management (ASM) instance.SQL STARTUP;Which two activities are performed during a successful start up operation?()A. The databases configured to use the ASM instance are mountedB. The disk groups are mounted as per the ASM_DISKGROUPS initialization parameterC. ASM starts the Oracle Cluster Synchronization Services (CSS) daemon if it is not startedD. ASM discovers and examines the contents of all files that are in the paths specified in the ASM_DISKGROUPS initialization parameters
Which two statements are true regarding an Automatic Storage Management (ASM) instance? () A. As ASM instance mounts an ASM control fileB. An ASM instance uses the ASMB process for rebalancing of disks within a disk groupC. Automatic Memory Management is enabled in an ASM instance even when the MEMORY_TARGET parameter is not set explicitlyD. An RDBMS instance gets connected to an ASM instance using ASMB as a foreground process when the database instance is started
ImmediatelyafteraddinganewdisktoorremovinganexistingdiskfromanAutomaticStorageManagement(ASM)instance,youfindthattheperformanceofthedatabasedecreasesinitially,untiltheadditionorremovalprocessiscompleted.Performancethengraduallyreturnstonormallevels.Whichtwoactivitiescouldyouperformtomaintainaconsistentperformanceofthedatabasewhileaddingorremovingdisks?()A.increasethenumberofcheckpointprocessesB.definethePOWERoptionwhileaddingorremovingthedisksC.increasethenumberofDBWRprocessesbysettingupahighervalueforDB_WRITER_PROCESSESD.increasethenumberofslavedatabasewriterprocessesbysettingupahighervaluefor DBWR_IO_SLAVESE.increasethenumberofASMRebalanceprocessesbysettingupahighervalueforASM_POWER_LIMITduringthediskadditionorremovalprocess
Which two statements are true regarding an Automatic Storage Management (ASM) instance?() (Choosetwo.) A. As ASM instance mounts an ASM control fileB. An ASM instance uses the ASMB process for rebalancing of disks within a disk groupC. Automatic Memory Management is enabled in an ASM instance even when the MEMORY_TARGET parameter is not set explicitlyD. An RDBMS instance gets connected to an ASM instance using ASMB as a foreground process when the database instance is started
WhichofthefollowingoptionsistrueaboutshuttingdownanAutomaticStorageManagement(ASM)instance?() A.IftheSHUTDOWNIMMEDIATEcommandisissuedtotheASMinstance,theASMinstanceimmediatelyshutsdown.B.IftheSHUTDOWNABORTcommandisissuedtotheASMinstance,theASMinstancewillshutdownallthedatabaseinstancesandthenshutdownimmediately.C.IftheSHUTDOWNNORMALcommandisissuedtotheASMinstance,beforeshuttingdown,theASMinstancewaitsforthedependentdatabaseinstancestoshutdown.D.IftheSHUTDOWNTRANSACTIONALcommandisissuedtotheASMinstance,theASMinstancepassesthesameSHUTDOWNcommandtothedependentdatabaseinstances,butdoesnotwaitforanyactivetransactionstocompletebeforeitshutsdown.
YouexecutethefollowingcommandtostartanAutomaticStorageManagement(ASM)instance:SQLSTARTUP;InwhichofthefollowingmodeswilltheASMinstancestart?() A.OPENB.MOUNTC.NORMALD.NOMOUNT