






EIT1F板只能插在C220的()槽位? A.1槽B.2槽C.3槽D.9槽

对于新冠疫苗接种实施准备,以下正确的是()。 A、摸底登记造册需要接种的人员B、接种前要询问接种对象健康状况以及是否有接种禁忌等并测量体温C、接种前应告知受种者或监护人疫苗的品种,作用,禁忌,可能出现的不良反应等注意事项D、以上均正确

依据《中国银监会关于印发商业银行内部审计指引的通知》规定,商业银行应建立内部审计责任制,但经责任认定,内部审计部门和审计人员已勤勉尽职的,可()其责任。 A、减轻B、加重C、免除D、不予追究

轨道电路的主要作用是检查列车占用轨道的状态,从而判断列车在线路上的位置。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

在选择测量仪器的最大允许误差是时,通常应为所测量对象所要求误差的()。 A、1/3~1/2B、1/2~1C、1/5~1/3D、1/10~1/5

Whatistheimpactofthefollowingbackupifitexceedsthedurationallowance?()Backupascompressedbackupsetduration2:00partialminimizeloaddatabase; A.Theentirebackupwillfail.Itwillnotbeusableforrecovery.B.Theentirebackupwillfailbutanydatafilesuccessfullybackedupwillbeusableforrecovery.C.Ifthisbackupfails,subsequentbackupswillprioritizedatafilesnotbackedup.D.Ifthisbackupfails,anerrorwillberaisedandanyothercommandswillnotbeexecuted.E.Ifthisbackupfails,noerrorwillberaisedandanyothercommandswillbeexecuted.

Given:Which two, independently, will allow Sub to compile?() A.B.C.D.E.

An application owner wants to grant write permission to all users for all the files and directories in the application directory. Which of the following is the correct command?() A. chmod -R u+rw /applicationB. chmod -r u+rw /applicationC. chmod -R o+rw /applicationD. chmod -r o+rw /application

You are the network administrator for . All network servers run Windows Server 2003. A server named TestKing6 functions as a file server. All client computers run Windows XP Professional and are members of the periodically hires temporary employees. You need to prepare a custom user profile for all temporary employees.You log on to a client computer as an administrator, and you configure the desktop settings. You copy the profile to a folder named \\TestKing6\Profiles\Temp_profile.You rename the Ntuser.dat file in the \\TestKing6\Profiles\Temp_profile folder to You create three new user accounts for the temporary employees. The user accounts are named temp_user1, temp_user2, and temp_user3.You need to configure the temporary user accounts to receive the new desktop settings that you created on TestKing6. The temporary employees must not be allowed to retain customized desktop settings?What should you do?()A. Specify a user profile path of \\TestKing6\Profiles\username for each of the three user accounts.B. Specify a user profile path of \\TestKing6\Profiles\ for each of the three user accounts.C. Specify a home folder path of \\TestKing6\Profiles\username for each of the three user accounts.D. Specify a user profile path of \\TestKing6\Profiles\Temp_profile for each of the three user accounts.E. Specify a user profile path of \\TestKing6\Profiles\ for each of the three user accounts.