Software design is a(71)process .It requires a certain(72)of flair on the part of the designer. Design can not be learned from a book .It must be practiced and learnt by experience and study of existing systems .A well(73)software system is straightforward to implement and maintain ,easily(74)and reliable .Badly(73)software systems ,although they may work are(75)to be expensive to maintain ,difficult to test and unreliable.A.createB.createdC.creatingD.creative

Software design is a(71)process .It requires a certain(72)of flair on the part of the designer. Design can not be learned from a book .It must be practiced and learnt by experience and study of existing systems .A well(73)software system is straightforward to implement and maintain ,easily(74)and reliable .Badly(73)software systems ,although they may work are(75)to be expensive to maintain ,difficult to test and unreliable.






● Software (71) refers to that the software to meet the specification must be produced.(71)A. testB. supportC. developmentD. process

● A transport layer protocol has several responsibilities. One is to create a process-to-process (program-to-program) communication; TCP uses port (71) to accomplish this. Another responsibility of a transport layer protocol is to create a (72) and error-control mechanism at the transport level. TCP uses a sliding (73) protocol to achieve flow control. It uses the acknowledgment packet, time-out, and retransmission to achieve (74) control. The transport layer is also responsible for providing a connection mechanism for the application program. The application program sends (75) of data to the transport layer. It is the responsibility of the transport layer at the sending station to make a connection with the receiver.(71)A. numbersB. connectionsC. diagramsD. resources(72)A. procedureB. functionC. routeD. flow(73)A. pathB. windowC. frameD. diagram(74)A. packetB. timeC. errorD. phase(75)A. portsB. streamsC. packetsD. cells

A transport layer protocol has several responsibilities. One is to create a process-to-process (program-to-program) communication; TCP uses port (71) to accomplish this. Another responsibility of a transport layer protocol is to create a (72) and error-control mechanism at the transport level. TCP uses a sliding (73) protocol to achieve flow control. It uses the acknowledgment packet, time-out, and retransmission to achieve (74) control. The transport layer is also responsible for providing a connection mechanism for the application program. The application program sends (75) of data to the transport layer. It is the responsibility of the transport layer at the sending station to make a connection with the receiver.(71)A.numbersB.connectionsC.diagramsD.resources

Asystems architecture is a representation of a system in which there is amapping of(71)onto hardware and softwarecomponents, a mapping of the(72)onto thehardware architecture. and a concern for the human interaction with thesecomponents. That is, system architecture is concerned with a total system, includinghardware. software, and humans.Softwarearchitectural structures can be divided into three major categories, dependingon the broad nature of the elements they show.1)(73)embodydecisions as a set of code or data units that have to be constructed orprocured.2)(74)embody decisions as to how the systemis to be structured as set of elements that have runtime behavior. andinteractions.3)(75)embody decisions as to how thesystem will relate to nonsoftware structures in itsenvironment(suchas CPUs, file systems, networks, development teams, etc.).71.( )A.attributesB.constraintC.functionalityD.requirements

The stages within the development phase of the software life cycle are ( 71 ), analysis, implementation, and testingB.analysis, design, implementation, and testingC.analysis, design, testing, and, analysis, testing, and implementation

A requirement is a feature of the system or a description of something the system is capable of doing in order to fulfill the system's(71).A.planB.purposeC.documentD.Design

????????Software engineering is the study and application of engineering to the (71)??development and maintenance of software??????????

Software( )refers to that the software to meet the specification must be produced.A.testB.supportC.developmentD.process

Cloud computing is a phrase used to describe a variety of computing concepts that involve a large number of computers ___71___ through a real-time communication network such as the Internet. In science, cloud computing is a ___72___ for distributed computing over a network, and means the ___73___ to run a program or application on many connected computers at the same time.The architecture of a cloud is developed at three layers: infrastructure, platform, and application. The infrastucture layer is built with virtualized computestorageand network resources. The platform lay-er is for general-purpose and repeated usage of the collection of software resources. The application layer is formed with a collection of all needed software modules for SaaS applications. The infrastucture layer serves as the ___74___ for building the platform layer of the cloud. In turn, the platform layer is founda-tion for implementing the __请作答此空___ layer for SaaS