A requirement is a feature of the system or a description of something the system is capable of doing in order to fulfill the system's(71).A.planB.purposeC.documentD.Design
A requirement is a feature of the system or a description of something the system is capable of doing in order to fulfill the system's(71).
●A (68) is a feature of the system or adescription of something the system is capable of doing in order to fulfill the system's purpose.(68) A.planB.requirementC.documentD.Design
● In software engineering and systems engineering,(71) is a description of a system's behavior. as it responds to a request that originates from outside of that system.(71)A. black boxB. business ruleC. use caseD. traceability matrix
Note: requirement (a) includes 4 professional marks.A central feature of the performance measurement system at TSC is the widespread use of league tables that displayeach depot’s performance relative to one another.Required:(b) Evaluate the potential benefits and problems associated with the use of ‘league tables’ as a means ofmeasuring performance. (6 marks)
public class Something {public static void main(String[] args) {Something s = new Something();System.out.println("s.doSomething() returns " + doSomething());}public String doSomething() {return "Do something ...";}}看上去很完美。
此处,Something 类的文件名叫OtherThing.javaclass Something {private static void main(String[] something_to_do) {System.out.println("Do something ...");}}这个好像很明显。
In software engineering and systems engineering, (71) is a description of a system' s behavior as it responds to a request that originates from outside of that system.A.black boxB.business ruleC.traceability matrixD.use case
In software engineering and systems engineering,(71) is a description of a system's behavior. as it responds to a request that originates from outside of that system.A.black boxB.business ruleC.use caseD.traceability matrix
A(68)is a feature of the system or adescription of something the system is capable of doing in order to fulfill the system's purpose.A.planB.requirementC.documentD.Design
A requirement is simply a statement of what the system must do or what characteristics it needs to have. Requirements written from the perspective of user and focus on user needs are called( ). Requirements written from the developers perspective and describe how the system will be implemented are called( ). Requirements evolve from detailed statemens of business capabilities that a system should have to detailed statements of the technical way in which the capabilities will be implemented in the new system. Requirements can be either functional or nofunctional in nature. For example, during the analysis phase of travel vehicles sales system, the system that must have the ability to search for available inventory is( ). The requirement that the system should be able to work on any Web browser belongs to( ). That customer personal information is protected in compliance with the Data Protection Act is a requirement of( ).A.operational requirements B.business requirements C.technical requirements D.system requirements A.operational requirements B.business requirements C.technical requirements D.system requirements A.a functional requirements B.a technical requirements C.an operational requirements D.a service requirements A.functional requirements B.technical requirements C.operational requirements D.information requirements A.system constraint B.system performance C.secrity and control D.cultural and political
In a world where it seems we already have too much to do,and too many things to think about,it seems the last thing we need is something new that we have to learn.But use cases do solve a problem with requirements:with__1__declarative requirements it's hard to describe steps and sequences of events.Use cases,stated simply,allow description of sequences of events that,taken together,lead to a system doing something useful.As simple as this sounds,this is important.When confronted only with a pile of requirements,it's often__2__to make sense of what the authors of the requirements really wanted the system to do.In the preceding example,use cases reduce the ambiguity of the requirements by specifying exactly when and under what conditions certain behavior occurs;as such,the sequence of the behaviors can be regarded as a requirement.Use cases are particularly well suited to capturing these kind of requirements.Although this may sound simple,the fact is that__3__requirement capture approaches,with their emphasis on declarative requirements and"shall"statements,completely fail to capture the__4__of the system's behavior.Use cases are a simple yet powerful way to express the behavior of the system in way that all stakeholders can easily understand.But,like anything,use cases come with their own problems,and as useful as they are,they can be__5__.The result is something that is as bad,if not worse,than the original problem.Therein it's important to utilize use cases effectively without creating a greater problem than the one you started with.4、_____A.staticsB.natureC.dynamicsD.originals
In a world where it seems we already have too much to do,and too many things to think about,it seems the last thing we need is something new that we have to learn.But use cases do solve a problem with requirements:with( )declarative equirements it's hard to describle steps and sequences of events.Use cases,stated simply,allow description of sequences of events that,taken together,lead to a system doing something useful.As simple as this sounds,this is important.When confronted only with a pile of requiements,it's often( )to make sense of what the authors of the requirements really wanted the system to do.In the preceding example,use cases reduce the ambiguity of the requirements by specifying exactly when and under what conditions certain behavior occurs;as such,the sequence of the behaviors can be regarded as a requirement.Use cases are particularly well suited to capture approaches.Although this may sound simple,the fact is that( )equirement capture approaches,with their emphasis on declarative requirements and"shall"statements,completely fail to capture the( )of the system's behavior.Use cases are a simple yet powerful way to express the behavior of the system in way that all stakeholders can easily understand.But,like anything,use cases come with their own problems,and as useful as they are,they can be(请作答此空).the result is something that is as bad,if not worse,that the original problem.Therein it's important to utilize use cases effectively without creating a greater problem than the one you started with.A.misappliedB.appliedC.usedD.powerful
In a world whereit seems we already have too much to do, and too many things to think about, itseems the last thing we need is something new that we have to learn.But use cases dosolve a problem with requirements:with (71) declarative requirements it's hard to describe steps and sequences ofevents.Use cases, statedsimply, allow description of sequences of events that, taken together, lead toa system doing something useful.As simple as this sounds,this is important.When confronted only with a pile of requiements, it's often(72)to make sense of what the authors of therequirements really wanted the system to do.In the preceding example, use casesreduce the ambiguity of the requirements by specifying exactly when and underwhat conditions certain behavior occurs;as such, the sequence of the behaviors canbe regarded as a requirement. Use cases are particularly well suited to captureapproaches. Although this may sound simple, the fact is that (73) requirement capture approaches, with theiremphasis on declarative requirements and "shall"statements,completely fail to capture fail to capture the (74) of the system's behavior. Use cases are asimple yet powerful way to express the behavior of the system in way that allstakeholders can easily understand.But,likeanything, use cases come with their own problems, and as useful as theyare,they can be (75). The result is something that is as bad, if not worse, that the originalproblem.Therein it's important to utilize use cases effectively withoutcreating a greater problem than the one you started with.A.misappliedB.appliedC.usedD.powerful
27、【单项选择题】☆收藏本题A requirement is simply a statement of what the system must do or what characteristics it needs to have. Requirements written from the perspective of user and focus on user needs are called __(71)__. Requirements written from the developer's perspective and describe how the system will be implemented are called __(72)__. Requirements evolve from detailed statemens of business capabilities that a system should have to detailed statements of the technical way in whick the capabilities will be implemented in the new system. Requirements can be either functional or nofunctional in nature. For example, during the analysis phase of travel vehicles sales system, the system that must have the ability to search for available inventory is __(73)__. The requirement that the system should be able to work on any Web browser belongs to __(74)__. That customer personal information is protected in compliance with the Data Protection Act is a requirement of __(75)__.(73)应选?A.A.functional requirementsB.A.technical requirementsC.an operational requirementsD.A.service requirements
A requirement is simply a statement of what the system must do or what characteristics it needs to have. Requirements written from the perspective of user and focus on user needs are called __(71)__. Requirements written from the developer's perspective and describe how the system will be implemented are called __(72)__. Requirements evolve from detailed statemens of business capabilities that a system should have to detailed statements of the technical way in whick the capabilities will be implemented in the new system. Requirements can be either functional or nofunctional in nature. For example, during the analysis phase of travel vehicles sales system, the system that must have the ability to search for available inventory is __(73)__. The requirement that the system should be able to work on any Web browser belongs to __(74)__. That customer personal information is protected in compliance with the Data Protection Act is a requirement of __(75)__.(72)应选?A.operational requirementsB.business requirementsC.technical requirementsD.system requirements
A requirement is simply a statement of what the system must do or what characteristics it needs to have. Requirements evolve from broad statements of overall (71)from the system to detailed statements of the business capabilities that a system should support to detailed technical statements of the way in which the capabilities will be implemented in the new system. (72)focus on describing how to create the software product that will be produced from the project Nonfunctional requirements are primarily used in the design phase when decisions are made about the user interface, the hardware and software, and the system's underlying architecture. The system's physical and technical environments would be considered (73). The speed, capacity, and reliability of the system belong to (74).(75)describes that who has authorized access to the system under what circumstances.(74)应选?A.security requirementB.performance requirementC.technical requirementD.information requirement
A requirement is simply a statement of what the system must do or what characteristics it needs to have. Requirements evolve from broad statements of overall (71)from the system to detailed statements of the business capabilities that a system should support to detailed technical statements of the way in which the capabilities will be implemented in the new system. (72)focus on describing how to create the software product that will be produced from the project Nonfunctional requirements are primarily used in the design phase when decisions are made about the user interface, the hardware and software, and the system's underlying architecture. The system's physical and technical environments would be considered (73). The speed, capacity, and reliability of the system belong to (74).(75)describes that who has authorized access to the system under what circumstances.(75)应选?A.System constraintB.Cultural requirementC.Control requirementD.Security requirement
A requirement is simply a statement of what the system must do or what characteristics it needs to have. Requirements written from the perspective of user and focus on user needs are called __(71)__. Requirements written from the developer's perspective and describe how the system will be implemented are called __(72)__. Requirements evolve from detailed statemens of business capabilities that a system should have to detailed statements of the technical way in whick the capabilities will be implemented in the new system. Requirements can be either functional or nofunctional in nature. For example, during the analysis phase of travel vehicles sales system, the system that must have the ability to search for available inventory is __(73)__. The requirement that the system should be able to work on any Web browser belongs to __(74)__. That customer personal information is protected in compliance with the Data Protection Act is a requirement of __(75)__.(75)应选?A..information requirementsB.system performanceC.secrity anD.controlD.cultural anD.political
A requirement is simply a statement of what the system must do or what characteristics it needs to have. Requirements written from the perspective of user and focus on user needs are called __(71)__. Requirements written from the developer's perspective and describe how the system will be implemented are called __(72)__. Requirements evolve from detailed statemens of business capabilities that a system should have to detailed statements of the technical way in whick the capabilities will be implemented in the new system. Requirements can be either functional or nofunctional in nature. For example, during the analysis phase of travel vehicles sales system, the system that must have the ability to search for available inventory is __(73)__. The requirement that the system should be able to work on any Web browser belongs to __(74)__. That customer personal information is protected in compliance with the Data Protection Act is a requirement of __(75)__.(74)应选?A.functional requirementsB.technical requirementsC.operational requirementsD.information requirements
The (1) is a general description of the architecture of a workflow management system used by the WFMC, in which the main components and the associated interfaces are summarized. The workflow enactment service is the heart of a workflow system which consists of several (2).空白(1)处填()A、waterfallmodelB、workflowreferencemodelC、evolutionarymodelD、spiralmodel
A customer is trying to remotely upgrade their system BIOS firmware on their xSeries server through their RSA adapter. What feature would best fit the requirement?()A、Use the remote update feature of the RSAB、Use the remote diskette/CD feature on the RSAC、Insert the diskette in the server, flash the BIOS, and reboot the server.D、Use the remote POST function of the RSA to flash the BIOS
During a review of environmental requirements before ordering an IBM System z9 server and IBM System Storage DS8700, the customer states that the available power is 220 volts AC. Which feature should be included with the DS8700 order() A、Low VoltageB、High VoltageC、Remote System z Power ControlD、Battery Assembly
An administrator has a requirement to mirror the operating system on a VIO server. Which of the following IOS commands will achieve this?()A、 mirrorvgB、 iosmirrorC、 mirroriosD、 mkiosmirror
A Business Partner has proposed an IBM System Storage DS8700 that will have several AIX, Windows, and Sun Solaris servers attached via SAN. The customer has asked for detailed documentation on the steps needed to install the latest adapter drivers. What is the best document the Business Partner can suggest to accomplish this requirement()A、the IBM System Storage DS8000 Interoperability MatrixB、the IBM System Storage DS8000 Introduction and Planning GuideC、the IBM System Storage DS8000 Host System Attachment GuideD、the IBM System Storage DS8000 User’s Guide
A customer would like to implement an IBM System Storage DS8000 solution that requires 225 TB raw capacity. They are convinced that 450 GB is the optimum size for their business applications. There is limited space available for additional machines in the data center. Which solution meets best this requirement()A、DS8700 system with three framesB、DS8800 system with threeframeC、DS8700 system with two framesD、DS8800 system with two frames
单选题The(1) is a general description of the architecture of a workflow management system used by the WFMC, in which the main components and the associated interfaces are summarized. The workflow enactment service is the heart of a workflow system which consists of several(2).空白(2)处应选择()Aworkflow enginesBprocessesCworkflow threadsDtasks
多选题Which two changes and their effect on the system can be tested by using the Database Replay feature?()Amultiplexing of the control fileBadding the redo log member to the databaseCdatabase and operating system upgradesDchanging the database storage to ASM-managed storage
单选题The (1) is a general description of the architecture of a workflow management system used by the WFMC, in which the main components and the associated interfaces are summarized. The workflow enactment service is the heart of a workflow system which consists of several (2).空白(2)处填()Aworkflow enginesBprocessesCworkflow threadsDtasks