How can an operator temporarily gain access to the command line while in a smit session, without losing the current smit session?() A. F2 keyB. F6 keyC. F8 keyD. F9 key

How can an operator temporarily gain access to the command line while in a smit session, without losing the current smit session?()

A. F2 key

B. F6 key

C. F8 key

D. F9 key


以下方法,哪个可使session无效?( )A.session.removeAttribute(String key)B.session.invalidate()C.session.setAttribute(String key)D.session.getAttribute(String key)

Which three types of policies must you configure to allow remote users transparent access to protected resources using IF-MAP Federation between a Junos Pulse Secure Access Service and a Junos Pulse Access Control Service?()A. Session-Export policies on the Junos Pulse Secure Access ServiceB. Session-Export policies on the Junos Pulse Access Control ServiceC. Session-Import policies on the Junos Pulse Secure Access ServiceD. Session-Import policies on the Junos Pulse Access Control ServiceE. Resource access policies on the Junos Pulse Access Control Service




Howwouldthesystemadministratorfindinformationregardingsmitmenudefinitions?() A.UseODMcommandsB.UseLVMcommandsC.Inthe/etc/environmentfileD.Inthe/usr/lib/smit/menu.cfgfile

HowwouldanAIXadministratorfindinformationregardingsmitmenudefinitions() A.UseODMcommandsB.Inthe/smit.logfileC.Inthe/etc/environmentfileD.Inthe/usr/lib/smit/menu.cfgfile


以下方法,哪个可使session无效?()A.session.removeAttribute(String key)B.session.invalidate()C.session.setAttribute(String key)D.session.getAttribute(String key)
