In C language, the increment and decrement ______ can only be applied to variables, so an expression like x=(i+j)++is illegal.A.operationB.operateC.operatorD.operand

In C language, the increment and decrement ______ can only be applied to variables, so an expression like x=(i+j)++is illegal.






_________[A] Only [B] So [C] Even [D] Hence


I offered to pay the check, but was ____ by my friend. A.inclinedB.declinedC.repliedD.applied

The extent of the damage could not be ______ though I inspected it with the Chief Stevedore in charge.A.sureB.containedC.ascertainedD.applied

Phatic communication refers to( ). A.language’s function of the expression of identity interaction of language C.language′s function of expressing it self D.sociological use of language

07510011:下面程序的结果是() #include <stdio.h> increment() { static int x=0; x+=1; printf(“%d”,x); } void main() { increment(); increment(); increment(); }A.1 1 1B.1 2 3C.0 1 2D.0 0 0

【填空题】请写出以下程序的运行结果() int main() { void increment(); increment(); increment(); increment(); return 0; } void increment() { static int x=0; x++; printf("%dn",x); }

电脑生产商Applied实施三级价格歧视,分别实体店和互联网店销售其产品,目前,Applied在实体店销售的边际收益为2000元,而在网店销售的边际收益为1500元,为了进一步提升利润,在当前产量下,Applied应该 ()A.增加在实体店的销量,减少网店的销量B.Applied已经达到利润最大化了C.减少在实体店的销量,增加网店的销量D.目前的信息不足以做出判断

59、以下程序的输出结果为:()。 void main() { void increment(void); increment(); increment(); increment(); } void increment(void) { int x=0; x++; printf(“%d ”,x); }

【填空题】以下程序的运行结果是()。 main() { increment(); increment(); increment(); } increment() { int x=0; x+=1; printf("%d",x); }