以下程序段运行的结果是______。 Dima(-1 To 5)As Boolean Dim flag As Boolean flag=False Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer Do Until flag=True For i=-1 To 5 j=j+1 If a(i)=False Then a(i)=True Exit For End If If i=5 Then flag=True End If Next Loop Print jA.20B.7C.35D.8

以下程序段运行的结果是______。 Dima(-1 To 5)As Boolean Dim flag As Boolean flag=False Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer Do Until flag=True For i=-1 To 5 j=j+1 If a(i)=False Then a(i)=True Exit For End If If i=5 Then flag=True End If Next Loop Print j






以上程序段运行的结果是:______. Dim a(-1 To 5) As Boolean Dim flag As Boolean flag = False Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer Do Until flag = True For i = -1 To 5 j=j+1 if a(i)= False Then a(i)= True Exit For End If If i = 5 Then flag = True End If Next Loop Print jA.20B.7C.35D.8

以下程序段运行的结果是: ______。 Dim a(-1 To 5)As Boolean Dim flag As Boolean flag=False Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer Do Until flag=True For i=-1 To 5 j=j+1 If a(i)=False Then a(i)=True Exit For End If If i=5 Then flag=True End If Next Loop Print jA.20B.7C.35D.8

下列程序段的执行的结果是 Dim a(10),b(10) i=3 For j=1 To 5 a(j) =j b(i) =2 * i + j Next j Print b(i);a(i)A.11 3B.3 15C.3 11D.15 3

以下程序段运行的结果是______。 Dim a(~1 To 5)As Boolean Dim flag As Boolean flag=False Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer Do Until flag=True For i=-1 To 5 j=j+1 If a(i)=False Then a(i)=True Exit For End If If i=5 Then flag=True End If Next Loop Print jA.20B.7C.35D.8

以下程序段运行的结果是:_______。 Dima(-1 To 5)As Boolean Dim flag As Boolean flag=False Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer Do Until flag=True For i=-1 To 5 j=j+1 If a(i)=False Then a(i)=True Exit For End If If i=5 Then flag=True End If Next Loop Print jA.20B.7C.35D.8

以下程序段运行的结果是______。 Dim a(-1 To 5)As Boolean Dim flag As Boolean flag=False Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer Do Until flag=True For i=-1 To 5 j=j+l If a(i)=False Then a(i)=True Exit For End If If i=5 Then flag=True End If Next Loop Print jA.20B.7C.35D.8

以下程序运行后,Text1的输出结果是___________ 。 Dim a%(5), i% For i = 0 To 5 a(i) = 2 * i + 1 Text1.Text = a(i) Next iA.程序出错B.1 3 5 7 9 11C.11D.9E.1

以下程序输出的结果是___________ 。 Dim a(5), i As Integer For i = 0 To 5 a(i) = 2 * i + 1 Next i MsgBox(a(i))A.程序出错B.1 3 5 7 9 11C.11D.9E.不确定

下面程序段的执行结果是()。 Dim A(5) As Interger For i=1 To 5 A(i)=i*i Next i Print A(i-1)A.5B.25C.0D.16