Consider the Mysql Enterprise Audit plugin. The following event detail is found in the audit log:Which two points can be concluded from the given event?() A.A connection as the user kate was successfulB.A connection failed due to authentication being unsuccessfulC.A connection was attempted via socket rather than TCPD.A connection was blocked by a firewall or a similar security mechanismE.A connection failed because the proxy user privileges did not match the login user

Consider the Mysql Enterprise Audit plugin. The following event detail is found in the audit log:Which two points can be concluded from the given event?()

A.A connection as the user kate was successful

B.A connection failed due to authentication being unsuccessful

C.A connection was attempted via socket rather than TCP

D.A connection was blocked by a firewall or a similar security mechanism

E.A connection failed because the proxy user privileges did not match the login user


鼠标滚轮滚动时触发的事件()。 A.scroll_event()B.figure_enter_event()C.resize_event()D.figure_leave_event()

Consider the MySQL Enterprise Audit plugin, You add the following lines to the my.cnf configuration tile: [mysqld] Audit-log=FORCE_PLUS_PERMANENT You attempt to start up the MySQL service and notice that it fails to start.Which two statements would explain why the service did not start?()A.FORCE_PLUS_PERMANENT is not valid for the audit-log optionB.The library does not existC.The library is in a location that is different from that defined by the plugin_dir optionD.The audit plugin must be loaded dynamically by using the INSTALL PLUGIN commandE.The audit log file does not exist in which to write audit eventsF.The library is not an executable file

Consider the MySQL Enterprise Audit plugin.On attempting to start the MySQL service after a crash, notice the following error: [ERROR] Plugin ‘audit_log’ init function returned error.In the audit log file, you notice the final entry:…What action should you take to fix the error and allow the service to start?()A.Re-install the audit pluginB.Execute the command FLUSH LOGSC.Execute the command SET GLOBAL audit_log_fiush= OND.Move or rename the existing audit.log file,thedevelopersareresponsibleformodifyingthetablestructureaccordingtotheapplicationrequirements.However,youwanttokeeptrackoftheALTERTABLEcommandsbeingexecutedbydevelopers,soyouenableauditingtoachievethisobjective.Whichtwoviewswouldyourefertofindouttheauditinformation?()A.DBA_AUDIT_TRAILB.DBA_AUDIT_SESSIONC.DBA_FGA_AUDIT_TRAILD.DBA_COMMON_AUDIT_TRAIL




以下关于 image组件的属性哪项是错误的?A.src: 图片的资源信息#B.mode: 图片裁剪、缩放的模式#C.binderror: 当没有错误发生时,发布到AppService的事件名,事件对象event.detail = { errMsg: 'something wrong' }#D.bindload: 当文档载入完毕时,发布到AppService的事件名,事件对象event.detail = {height:'图片高度px', width:'图片宽度px'}

6、以下关于 image组件的属性哪项是错误的?A.src: 图片的资源信息#B.mode: 图片裁剪、缩放的模式#C.binderror: 当没有错误发生时,发布到AppService的事件名,事件对象event.detail = { errMsg: 'something wrong' }#D.bindload: 当文档载入完毕时,发布到AppService的事件名,事件对象event.detail = {height:'图片高度px', width:'图片宽度px'}

以下关于 image组件的属性哪项是正确的?A.src: 图片的资源信息#B.mode: 图片裁剪、缩放的模式#C.binderror: 当没有错误发生时,发布到AppService的事件名,事件对象event.detail = { errMsg: 'something wrong' }#D.bindload: 当文档载入完毕时,发布到AppService的事件名,事件对象event.detail = {height:'图片高度px', width:'图片宽度px'}