Consider the MySQL Enterprise Audit plugin.On attempting to start the MySQL service after a crash, notice the following error: [ERROR] Plugin ‘audit_log’ init function returned error.In the audit log file, you notice the final entry:…What action should you take to fix the error and allow the service to start?()A.Re-install the audit pluginB.Execute the command FLUSH LOGSC.Execute the command SET GLOBAL audit_log_fiush= OND.Move or rename the existing audit.log file

Consider the MySQL Enterprise Audit plugin.On attempting to start the MySQL service after a crash, notice the following error: [ERROR] Plugin ‘audit_log’ init function returned error.In the audit log file, you notice the final entry:…What action should you take to fix the error and allow the service to start?()

A.Re-install the audit plugin

B.Execute the command FLUSH LOGS

C.Execute the command SET GLOBAL audit_log_fiush= ON

D.Move or rename the existing audit.log file


MySQL数据库产品包括() A、MySQL企业服务器B、MySQL社区服务器C、MySQL嵌入数据库D、MySQL集群

关于mysql_fetch_object说法中,正确的是:()。 A.mysql_fetch_object和mysql_fetch_array一样,没什么区别B.mysql_fetch_object返回值是个对象,所以在速度上比mysql_fetch_array要慢C.mysql_fetch_object返回值是个数组,所以在速度上和mysql_fetch_array及mysql_fetch_row差不多D.mysql_fetch_object返回值是个对象,在速度上和mysql_fetch_array及mysql_fetch_row差不多

修改MySQL用户root的密码的指令是?() A.mysqladmin-urootpasswordtestB.mysql-urootpasswordtestC.mysql-uroot-ptestD.mysql-uroot-passwordtest

取得查询语句的结果集合的记录总数的函数是:()。 A.mysql_fetch_rowB.mysql_rowidC.mysql_num_rowsD.mysql_fetch_array

A user executes the statement;PURGE BINARY LOGS TO ‘mysql-bin.010‘;What is the result?() A.It deletes all binary log files, except ‘mysql-in.010‘B.It deletes all binary log files up to and including ‘mysql-bin.010‘C.It deletes all binary log files before ‘mysql-bin.010‘D.It deletes all binary log files after ‘mysql-bin.010‘

You install a copy of Mysql 5.6.13 on a brand new Linux server by using RPM packages. The server starts successfully as verified by the following commands: $ pidof mysqld 3132$tail – n2 /var/lib.mysql/hostname.err2013-08-18 08:18:38 3132 [Note] /usr/sbin/mysqld:ready for connections. Version: ‘5.6.13-enterprise-commercial-advaced‘socket:‘/tmp/mysql.sock‘ port; 3306 Mysql Enterprise Server – Advanced Edition (Commercial) You attempt to log in as the root user with the following command: $mysql – u root ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user ‘root‘@‘localhost‘ (using password: NO)Which statement is true about this scenario?()A.The RPM installation script sets a default password of password for new installationsB.The local root user must log in with a blank password initially: mysql –u root –pC.New security measures mean that the mysql_secure_installation script must be run first on all new installationsD.The mysql_install_bd post-installation script used – random-password

PHP使用以下哪个函数连接MySQL数据库服务器() A.mysql_queryB.mysql_select_dbC.mysql_connectD.mysql_fetch_array

php连接上mysql之后,采用哪个函数配置循环可以得到指定表中的记录?() A.mysql_fetch_rowB.mysql_select_dbC.mysql_queryD.mysql_connect

php哪个函数用于向mysql数据库发送指令?() A.mysql_select_dbB.mysql_connectC.mysql_queryD.mysql_fetch_field

【单选题】下面哪个命令组合能够打开mysql数据库监视窗口A.mysqld-ntB.e: cd mysql cd bin Mysql -u rootC.use bookD.start