Evaluate the SQL statement:What is the result of the statement?() A. The statement produces an error at line 1.B. The statement produces an error at line 3.C. The statement produces an error at line 6.D. The statement returns the employee name, salary, department ID, and maximum salary earned in the department of the employee for all departments that pay less salary then the maximum salary paid in the company.E. The statement returns the employee name, salary, department ID, and maximum salary earned in the department of the employee for all employees who earn less than the maximum salary in their department.
Evaluate the SQL statement:What is the result of the statement?()
A. The statement produces an error at line 1.
B. The statement produces an error at line 3.
C. The statement produces an error at line 6.
D. The statement returns the employee name, salary, department ID, and maximum salary earned in the department of the employee for all departments that pay less salary then the maximum salary paid in the company.
E. The statement returns the employee name, salary, department ID, and maximum salary earned in the department of the employee for all employees who earn less than the maximum salary in their department.
Statement是PreparedStatement的父接口。Statement对象用于执行不带参数的简单SQL语句;PreparedStatement对象用于执行预编译SQL语句。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。
3.下列选项中,关于Statement描述错误的是() A: Statement是用来执行SQL语句的 B: Statement是PreparedStatement的子接口 C: 获取Statement实现需要使用Connection的createStatement()方法 D: PreparedStatement能使用参数占位符,而Statement不行A.A B C DB.A B C DC.A B C DD.A B C D