1 It isthe money that____- these fishermen to risk a long ocean journey.2 A goodteacher should stimulate students to come up with____ideas inventions.3 Withthe rapid development of the economy, ou___ of life has changed greatlythese years.4 Shestudied almost_____ for the big test,more than 12 hours per day for nearly a month.5 Mr.Selby is seriously ill and has been transferred to____care.6 This isthe____hotel room we stayed in last year.7 Afterthe applause died down , the pianist____to play.8 Thestudents tried to____the teacher into losing her temper.9 Theprogram deals with subjects as____pop music and Bejjing Opera.10 If youwant to be an actor you have to really____to it.
1 It isthe money that____- these fishermen to risk a long ocean journey.
2 A goodteacher should stimulate students to come up with____ideas inventions.
3 Withthe rapid development of the economy, ou___ of life has changed greatlythese years.
4 Shestudied almost_____ for the big test,more than 12 hours per day for nearly a month.
5 Mr.Selby is seriously ill and has been transferred to____care.
6 This isthe____hotel room we stayed in last year.
7 Afterthe applause died down , the pianist____to play.
8 Thestudents tried to____the teacher into losing her temper.
9 Theprogram deals with subjects as____pop music and Bejjing Opera.
10 If youwant to be an actor you have to really____to it.
3 Project tradeoffs are usually made by comparing _____ and constraints.A. Time, cost, and qualityB. Time, risk, and qualityC. Risk, quality, and manpower availabilityD. Cost, quality, and technical performanceE. Cost, quality, and risk
85 Project tradeoffs are usually made by comparing _____ and constraints.A. Time, cost, and qualityB. Time, risk, and qualityC. Risk, quality, and manpower availabilityD. Cost, quality, and technical performanceE. Cost, quality, and risk
设串s="student.",t=“good",则执行StrInsert(s,1,t)后,s为()。 A."good student."B."good student"C."goodstudent"D."good teacher"
Risk ( )acknowledge the existence of a threat ,but no proactive action is taken。 A、avoidanceB、transferC、mitigateD、acceptance
3、下面选项中,更新account表中money字段值,其取值在100-200之间,现在将money字段值增加50,能够正确执行上述要求的SQL语句是A.update account set money + 50 where money >=100 and money <=200;B.update account set money = money + 50 where money >=100 or money <=200;C.update account set money = money + 50 where money between 100 and 200;D.update account set money = money + 50 where money <=200 and money >=100;
下面选项中,更新account表中money字段值,其取值在100-200之间,现在将money字段值增加50,能够正确执行上述要求的SQL语句是A.update account set money + 50 where money >=100 and money <=200;B.update account set money = money + 50 where money >=100 or money <=200;C.update account set money = money + 50 where money between 100 and 200;D.update account set money = money + 50 where money <=200 and money >=100;
下面哪条语句,可以产生与下面程序相同的结果。 data invest; money=1000; do until(money gt 5000); Year+1; money+(money*0.10); end; run;A.do while(money ge 5000);B.do while(money =5000);C.do while(money le 5000);D.do while(money >5000);