Text 2Women are, on the whole, more verbal than men. They are good at language and verbal reasoning, while men tend to be skilled at tasks demanding visual spatial abilities. In fact, along with aggression, these are the most commonly accepted differences between the sexes.Words are tools for communicating with other people, especially information about people. They are mainly social tools. Visual and spatial abilities are good for imagining and manipulating objects and for communicating information about them. Are these talents programmed into the brain? In some of the newest and most controversial research in neurophysiology, it has been suggested that when it comes to the brain, males are specialists while women are generalists.But no one knows what, if anything, this means in terms of the abilities of the two sexes. Engineering is both visual and spatial, and it' s true that there are relatively few women engineers. But women become just as skilled as men at shooting a rifle or driving a car, tasks that involve visual spatial skills. They also do equally well at programming a computer, which is neither visual nor spatial. Women do, however, seem less likely to fall in love with the objects themselves. We all know men for whom machines seem to be extensions of their identity. A woman is more likely to see her car, rifle, or computer as a useful tool, but not in itself fascinating.26. According to the passage, women are usually good at ______.A) body languageB) logical reasoningC) tasks demanding for the use of wordsD) both A and B

Text 2

Women are, on the whole, more verbal than men. They are good at language and verbal reasoning, while men tend to be skilled at tasks demanding visual spatial abilities. In fact, along with aggression, these are the most commonly accepted differences between the sexes.

Words are tools for communicating with other people, especially information about people. They are mainly social tools. Visual and spatial abilities are good for imagining and manipulating objects and for communicating information about them. Are these talents programmed into the brain? In some of the newest and most controversial research in neurophysiology, it has been suggested that when it comes to the brain, males are specialists while women are generalists.

But no one knows what, if anything, this means in terms of the abilities of the two sexes. Engineering is both visual and spatial, and it' s true that there are relatively few women engineers. But women become just as skilled as men at shooting a rifle or driving a car, tasks that involve visual spatial skills. They also do equally well at programming a computer, which is neither visual nor spatial. Women do, however, seem less likely to fall in love with the objects themselves. We all know men for whom machines seem to be extensions of their identity. A woman is more likely to see her car, rifle, or computer as a useful tool, but not in itself fascinating.

26. According to the passage, women are usually good at ______.

A) body language

B) logical reasoning

C) tasks demanding for the use of words

D) both A and B


Previous studies show that parents tend to be aware of sleep problems in older children and adolescents and that pediatric practitioners are ( ) likely to identify sleep problems in these age group.:A、less…lessB、less…moreC、more…lessD、more…more

91 The LEAST effective form. of communication for complex situations is:A. verbal - face to faceB. writtenC. formalD. informalE. A and C

173 The LEAST effective form. of communication for complex situations is:A. verbal - face to faceB. writtenC. formalD. informalE. A and C

在名称为Form1的窗体上画一个文本框,其名称为Text1,在属性窗口中把该文本框的MultiLine属性设置为True,然后编写如下的事件过程:Private Sub Form_Click()Open "d:\test\smtext1.txt" For Input As #1Do While Not ______Line Input #1, aspect$whole$ = whole$ + aspect$ + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)LoopText1.Text = whole$Close #1Open "d:\test\smtext2.txt" For Output As #1Print #1, ______Close #1End Sub上述程序的功能是,把磁盘文件smtext1.txt的内容读到内存并在文本框中显示出来,然后把该文本框中的内容存入磁盘文件smtext2.txt。请填空。

( 10 ) 在窗体上画一个文本框 , 其名称为 Text1 , 在属性窗口中把该文本框的 Mult i Line 属性设置为 True ,然后编写如下的事件过程:Private Sub Form_Click ()Open " d:\test\smtext1.Txt " For Input As #1Do While Not 【 13 】Line Input #1, aspect$W hole$=whole$+aspect$+Chr$ ( 13 ) +Chr$ ( 10 )LoopText1.Text=whole$【 14 】Open " d:\test\smtext2.Txt " For Output As #1Print #1, 【 15 】Close #1End Sub运行程序 , 单击窗体 , 将把磁盘文件 smtext1.txt 的内容读到内存并在文本框中显示出来,然后把该文本框中的内容存入磁盘文件 smtext2.txt 。请填空。

In his composition there are ________errors _______a few misspellings.A: no other ... thanB: some other ... thanC: more ... thanD: other ... than

As an () observer my analysis is supposed to be objective. A、impartialB、impartC、partiD、whole

把一个磁盘文件的内容读到内存并在文本框中显示出来,然后把该文本框中的内容存入另一个磁盘文件,请填空完成程序。在窗体上建立一个文本框,在属性窗口中把该文本框的MultiLine属性设置为 True,然后编写如下的事件过程:Prlvate Sub Form_Click()Open"D:\test1.txt"For Input As 1Text1.FontSize=14Text1.FontName=“幼圆”Do While Not EOF(1)【 】whole$=whole$+aspect$+Chr$(13)+Chr$(10)LoopText1.Text=【 】CloseOpen"D:\test2.txt"For Output As 1Print 1,【 】CloseEnd Sub

在名称为Forml的窗体上绘制一个文本框,其名称为Text1,在属性窗口中把该文本框的MultiLine属性设置为True,然后编写如下的事件过程:Private SUb Form_CnCk()Open"d:\tes\smtext1.txt"For Input AS 1Do While Not EOF(1)Line Iput 1,aspect$whole$=whole$+aspect$+Chf$(13)+Chr$(10)Loop

Phatic communication refers to( ). A.language’s function of the expression of identity B.social interaction of language C.language′s function of expressing it self D.sociological use of language