The Authority reserves the right not to accept ______ for pilots by vessels in anchorages if the vessels have not reported their anchored position.A.bookingsB.commandsC.ordersD.Reports

The Authority reserves the right not to accept ______ for pilots by vessels in anchorages if the vessels have not reported their anchored position.






A scientist is informing techs. about a new product which is starting and the type of work that the lab techs. will be expected to do. The barriers which could hinder the lab techs. ability to filter the information include all of the following except:A language and semanticsB culture and ethicsC intelligence and knowledge baseD reputation, authority, organizational status and positionE relative location of the lab to the scientist's office

50 The receiver filters messages based on all but the following:A. LanguageB. DistanceC. CultureD. KnowledgeE. Authority/Reputation

(ii) authority; (3 marks)

\[A\] power\[B\] authority\[C\] ability\[D\] right

[A] authority [B] power [C] control [D] ruling

Reserves,bank 银行准备金

Reserves,international 国际储备

[A] agency [B] organization [C] institution [D] authority

收到;接受;选择(  )。A.receive;accept;choiceB.receive;choice;acceptC.accept:receive;choiceD.accept;choice;receive

Uri的组成格式中,authority的作用【 】