On no account ______ to be exceeded.A.the S.W.L of the crane areB.is the S.W.L of the craneC.are the S.W.L of the craneD.the S.W.L of the crane is

On no account ______ to be exceeded.

A.the S.W.L of the crane are

B.is the S.W.L of the crane

C.are the S.W.L of the crane

D.the S.W.L of the crane is


If you are traveling in Australia. take _________of the duty-free goods availableat our store in the Sydney Airport.A. holdB. advantageC. noticeD. account

Such poets as Shakespeare_________widely read,of whose works,however,some________difficult to understand.A.are;areB.is;isC.are;isD.is:are

YoucreateaPasswordSettingsobject(PSO).YouneedtoapplythePSOtoadomainusernamedUser1.Whatshouldyoudo() A.ModifythepropertiesofthePSO.B.ModifytheaccountoptionsoftheUser1account.C.ModifythesecuritysettingsoftheUser1account.D.ModifythepasswordpolicyoftheDefaultDomainPolicyGroupPolicyobject(GPO).

GivenanHttpServletRequestrequest,whichretrievesanobjectoftypeAccountwithanIdof“account”?() A.Accountaccount=request.getResource(”account”):B.Accountaccount=request.getAttribute(“account”):C.Accountaccount=request.getParameter(account”):D.Accountaccount=(Account)request.getResource(“account”):E.Accountaccount=(Account)request.getAttribute(“account”):F.Accountaccount=(Account)request.getParamter(“account”):

关于冠状动脉左主干病变,下列造影投照体位展示清楚的有( ) A、左前斜位(LA045°)B、左前斜头位(LA045°,CRAN25°)C、左前斜足位(LA045°,CAU25°)D、右前斜头位(RA030°,CRAN25°)E、右前斜足位(RA030°,CAU25°)

You are the administrator of a Windows Server 2003 computer named Testking1.Backups of the System State data of Testking1 occur each day by using the localAdministrator account.A new requirement restricts you from running services by using theAdministrator account. To meet the requirement, you create a new service accountnamed BackupTestking1 to be used for backups. You want this account to have theminimum permissions necessary to perform backups.You need to grant the appropriate permissions to the BackupTestking1 account andto configure the backup job to use the BackupTestking1 account.What should you do?()A. Add the BackupTestking1 account to the Server Operators group. Modify the backup Scheduled Task to use the BackupTestking1 account.B. Add the BackupTestking1 account to the Backup Operators group. Modify the backup Scheduled Task to use the BackupTesking1 account.C. Add the BackupTestking1 account to the Server Operators group. Modify the Task Scheduler service to use the BackupTestking1 account.D. Add the BackupTestking1 account to the Backup Operators group. Modify the Task Scheduler service to use the BackupTestking1 account.

系统帐户信息保存在注册表中的位置是()。 A.HCU\SAM\SAM\Domains\Account\Users\NamesB.HCR\SAM\SAM\Domains\Account\Users\NamesC.HLM\SAM\SAM\Domains\Account\Users\NamesD.HCR\SAM\Domains\Account\Users\Names

The net productivity per gang-hour can be improved through a decrease of ______.A.cranes/derricksB.crane/derrick cyclesC.crane/derrick cycle timeD.weight per package

Mr. Crane__________ your report on increasing operational efficiency, and he is eager to talk to you about it on Monday.A.seenB.seeC.has seenD.seeing

There is no margin for error in our plan.A:room B:houseC:place D:account