If you are traveling in Australia. take _________of the duty-free goods availableat our store in the Sydney Airport.A. holdB. advantageC. noticeD. account

If you are traveling in Australia. take _________of the duty-free goods available

at our store in the Sydney Airport.

A. hold

B. advantage

C. notice

D. account


It is easy to ____ a machine ____ but difficult to put it together. A、tear…apartB、take …awayC、take …apartD、bring…away

he had wonderful childhood, _____with his mother to all corners of the wordA. travelB. to travelC. traveledD. traveling

When there is no indication of damage to the ______ , a bill of lading is said to be ______.A.documents.., clearB.goods.., clearC.documents.., cleanD.goods.., clean

You can ______the seat belt ____ as soon as the light overhead goes off. A.turn…onB.take…offC.take…outD.pick…out

Idon'tmind____bybus,butIhate____inqueues. A.totravel...standingB.havingtraveled...standingC.traveling...tostandD.traveling...standing

It is understood that the filming of Legends is almost complete and the film is not ____________ to be delayed.A、possibleB、likelyC、easyD、available

ToaddaTTYTerminaltoSerialport1,whichofthefollowingsetofoptionsshouldbechosen?() A.ttyrs232AsynchronousTerminalthensa1Available01-S2StandardI/OSerialPortB.ttyrs422AsynchronousTerminalthensa1Available01-S2StandardI/OSerialPortC.ttyrs232AsynchronousTerminalthensa0Available01-S1StandardI/OSerialPortD.ttyrs422AsynchronousTerminalthensa0Available01-S1StandardI/OSerialPort

1.复制数据库shop中的sh_goods表结构到数据库mydb的my_goods表中。(5分) 2.查看mydb.my_goods表的数据。(5分) 3.复制shop.sh_goods表数据到mydb.my_goods表中。(5分)。 4.向mydb.my_goods表中插入部分数据 (id为20, NAME为橡皮, content为修正书写错误, keyword为文具)(5分)。


1、利用艾拉托斯特尼筛法无穷素数列表primes (参见讲义第8章) 获得介于100000和200000之间素数的方法是A.take 200000 (take 100000 primes)B.take 100000 (take 200000 primes)C.take 100000 (drop 100000 primes)D.takeWhile (\x - x = 200000) (dropWhile (\x - x = 100000) primes)E.takeWhile (\x - x = 200000) (take 200000 primes)F.[x | x - primes, x 100000, x 200000]G.[x | x - take 200000 primes, x 100000, x 200000]