Your company has computers in multiple locations that use IPv4 and IPv6. Each location is protected by a firewall that performs symmetric NAT. You need to allow peer-to-peer communication between all locations.What should you do?()A. Configure dynamic NAT on the firewall.B. Configure the firewall to allow the use of Teredo.C. Configure a link local IPv6 address for the internal interface of the firewall.D. Configure a global IPv6 address for the external interface of the firewall.
Your company has computers in multiple locations that use IPv4 and IPv6. Each location is protected by a firewall that performs symmetric NAT. You need to allow peer-to-peer communication between all locations.What should you do?()
A. Configure dynamic NAT on the firewall.
B. Configure the firewall to allow the use of Teredo.
C. Configure a link local IPv6 address for the internal interface of the firewall.
D. Configure a global IPv6 address for the external interface of the firewall.
7. Hi! This is_______ new teacher.__________ name is Linda.A. your; MyB. his; YourC. your ; HerD. her; His
package;public class MainClass{public static void main(String[]args){}}And Main Class exists in the/apps/com/company/application directory.Assume the CLASSPATH environment variable is set to.”(currentdirectory).Which two java commands entered at the command line will run MainClass() MainClass if run from the/apps if run from the/apps if run fro many if run fromt he/apps/com/company/application if run from the/apps directory;publicclassMainClass{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){}}AndMainClassexistsinthe/apps/com/company/applicationdirectory.AssumetheCLASSPATHenvironmentvariableissetto.(currentdirectory).WhichtwojavacommandsenteredatthecommandlinewillrunMainClass?()A.javaMainClassifrunfromthe/
Examine the structure of the EMPLOYEES, DEPARTMENTS, and LOCATIONS tables.EMPLOYEESNOT NULL,EMPLOYEE_ID NUMBERPrimary KeyVARCHAR2EMP_NAME(30)VARCHAR2JOB_ID(20)SALARY NUMBERReferencesMGR_ID NUMBEREMPLOYEE_IDcolumnDEPARTMENT_ID NUMBER Foreign key toDEPARTMENT_IDcolumn of theDEPARTMENTStableDEPARTMENTSNOT NULL, PrimaryDEPARTMENT_ID NUMBERKeyVARCHAR2DEPARTMENT_NAME(30)References NGR_IDMGR_ID NUMBERcolumn ofthe EMPLOYEES tableForeign key toLOCATION_ID NUMBERLOCATION_IDcolumn of theLOCATIONS tableLOCATIONSNOT NULL, PrimaryLOCATION_ID NUMBERKeyVARCHAR2CITY|30)Which two SQL statements produce the name, department name, and the city of all the employees who earn more then 10000?()A. SELECT emp_name, department_name, city FROM employees e JOIN departments d USING (department_id) JOIN locations 1 USING (location_id) WHERE salary 10000;B. SELECT emp_name, department_name, city FROM employees e, departments d, locations 1 JOIN ON (e.department_id = d.department id) AND (d.location_id =1.location_id) AND salary 10000;C. SELECT emp_name, department_name, city FROM employees e, departments d, locations 1 WHERE salary 10000;D. SELECT emp_name, department_name, city FROM employees e, departments d, locations 1 WHERE e.department_id = d.department_id AND d.location_id = 1.location_id AND salary 10000;E. SELECT emp_name, department_name, city FROM employees e NATURAL JOIN departments, locations WHERE salary 10000;
Youneedtodesignaconfigurationforthemailboxservers.Whatshouldyoudo?() A.CreatetwoExchangeServer2003computers.Placethemailboxesformainofficeusersononeserver,andplacethemailboxesforremoteusersontheotherserverB.CreateaNetworkLoadBalancingclusterthatcontainstwoExchangeServer2003computers.Placehalfoftheusermailboxesononeserver,andplacehalfoftheusermailboxesontheotherserverC.CreateaMicrosoftClusterServerclusterthatcontainstwoExchangeServer2003computers.PlacealloftheusermailboxesononeserverandconfiguretheotherserverasafailovernodeD.CreateaMicrosoftClusterServerclusterthatcontainstwoExchangeServer2003computers.Placehalfoftheusermailboxesononeserver,andplacehalfoftheusermailboxesontheotherserver
( ) – Is Miss White __________ English teacher, Maria?– No, she teaches __________ geography.A.your;;;usD.your;us