Which of the following tools can make recommendations for indexes and/or MQTs to improve the performance of DB2 applications?() A.Design AdvisorB.Visual ExplainC.Performance AdvisorD.Configuration Assistant

Which of the following tools can make recommendations for indexes and/or MQTs to improve the performance of DB2 applications?()

A.Design Advisor

B.Visual Explain

C.Performance Advisor

D.Configuration Assistant


● You are managing an internal project where a vice president from the user group is acting as the sponsor. You have just been informed by your team that the critical path has slipped by three weeks. You should:A Immediately inform. the sponsor and ask for adviceB Do nothing until the slippage occursC See the sponsor after you have evaluated alternatives, recommendations, and performed an impact analysisD Look for someone to blame before you see the sponsorE Inform. your senior management of the problem and tell them that you will get back to them after you assessed the situation

You’re going to have a quiz ( )by another two in the ( )month. A. followed,followedB. followed,followingC. following,followedD. following,following

All children want to have pocket money. Why do their parents just give them a certain amountOne main purpose is to let kids learn _____their own money. First of all, children are expected to _____a choice between spending and saving. Then parents should make the children understand what is expected to pay for with the money. Pocket money can give children a chance to experience the three things _____they can do with the money. They can spend it by giving it to a good cause. They can spend it _____buying things they want.They can save it for future use.Saving helps children _____that costly goals require sacrifice. Saving can also open the door to future saving and investing for children.1.A. when to manageB. how to manageC. which2.A. takeB. giveC. make3.A. thatB. whoC. what4.A. toB. atC. by5.A. understandingB. understandC. understood

WhichparameterallowsSQL*Loadertoloaddataintoatablewiththeindexesintheunusablestate,priortotheloadoperation?() A.INDEXESB.SKIP_INDEXES_MAINTENANCEC.SKIP_UNUSABLE_INDEXESD.RESUMABLEE.INDEXES_UNUSABLE

Oracle9iprovidesadatabasepackagecalleddbms_redefinitiontoperformanonlinerebuildofatable.Whichtwostepsareyourecommendedtodopriortoissuingthedbms_redefinition_start_redeftableprocedurecall?() A.Grandprivilegesontheinterimtable.B.Invokethedbms_redefinition.can_redef_tableprocedure.C.Invokethedbms_redefinition.sync_interim_tableprocedure.D.Createanytriggers,indexes,orconstraintsontheinterimtable.E.Createanemptyinterimtablewithallthedesiredcharacteristics.

查看全网整体告警的操作是() A.Applications-Ericsson-Alarm-ViewAlarms-AlarmStatusMatrixB.OthersC.Applications-Ericsson-Alarm-ViewAlarms-AlarmLogBrowerD.Applications-Ericsson-Alarm-ViewAlarms-AlarmListViewer

He tried his best to remedy the terrible situation.A:provide B:protect C:change D:improve

A great deal has been done to remedy the situation.A:maintain B:assess C:protect D:improve

At a basic level, cloud computing is simply a means of delivering IT resources as( ). Almost all IT resources can be delivered as a cloud service: applications, compute power, storage capacity, networking, programming tools, even communication services and collaboration(请作答此空). Cloud computing began as large-scale Internet service providers such as Google, Amazon, and others built out their infrastructure. An architecture emerged: massively scaled,( )distributed system resources, abstracted as virtual IT services and managed as continuously configured, pooled resources. In this architecture, the data is mostly resident on( )"somewhere on the Internet" and the application runs on both the "cloud servers" and the user's browser. Both clouds and grids are built to scale horizontally very efficiently. Both are built to with stand failures of( )elements or nodes. Both are charged on a per-use basis. But while grids typically process batch jobs, with a defined start and end point, cloud services can be continuous. What's more, clouds expand the types of resources available——file storage, databases, and Web services——and extend the applicability to Web and enterprise applications.A.computersB.disksC.machinesD.tools

欲绘制一个共有6个复合单元的元件,当绘制第2单元时,应执行的命令是()A.Tools | Add ComponentB.Tools | New ComponentC.Tools | Next PartD.Tools | New Part