You are adatabase developer.You develop ataskmanagementapplication that connect stoa SQLServer2008databasenamed TaskDB.Users logon to the application by using a SQLServer login. The application containsamodulenamed Taskthatassignstaskstousers.Informationaboutthe setasksisstoredinthe Taskstableofthe TaskDB data base.The Taskstablecontainsmultiplecolumns.These include the Close Dateand Estimated Timecolumns.Theapplication mustmeetthefollowingsecurityrequirements:Usersassigned toad atabase role named User 1 canupd ate all taskinformation columnsexceptthe Close Dateandthe Estimated TimecolumnsintheTaskstable.Administrative usersassigned toad atabase rolenamed Task_Admincanupd ateall taskinformation intheTaskstable.Youneedtodesignastrategy tomeetthesecurityrequirements.Whichtwoactionsshouldyouperform?()

You are adatabase developer.You develop ataskmanagementapplication that connect stoa SQLServer2008databasenamed TaskDB.Users logon to the application by using a SQLServer login. The application containsamodulenamed Taskthatassignstaskstousers.Informationaboutthe setasksisstoredinthe Taskstableofthe TaskDB data base.The Taskstablecontainsmultiplecolumns.These include the Close Dateand Estimated Timecolumns.Theapplication mustmeetthefollowingsecurityrequirements:Usersassigned toad atabase role named User 1 canupd ate all taskinformation columnsexceptthe Close Dateandthe Estimated TimecolumnsintheTaskstable.Administrative usersassigned toad atabase rolenamed Task_Admincanupd ateall taskinformation intheTaskstable.Youneedtodesignastrategy tomeetthesecurityrequirements.



Why you want to study abroad? Maybe you want to be __(1)__ exploring foreign lands, meeting new people, traveling __(2)__ the beaten path. Maybe you want to dig into history and really live it, not just read about it. Perhaps you want to discover yourself—gaining the __(3)__and confidence that comes with self-knowledge.__(4)__ it or not, all these experiences and skills you develop abroad will help you mature personally and academically __(5)__ enhance your future career opportunities.As an individual, you will develop independence and self-reliance. When culture __(6)__challenges you, you will uncover strengths you may not __(7)__ you had.You will also grow academically. You will be able to learn about lots of subjects not offered here in your school. By __(8)__ politics with foreign students, involving yourself in local issues or taking American history classes from a foreign professor, you will gain a new, international __(9)__on yourself and your society. Even ordinary, daily living experiences will be a learning adventure!Shopping at the local market, doing the laundry with your host mom, and going out with your new friends will be an education __(10)__ itself.(1)A、an adventurerB、a travelerC、a scholarD、an inventor(2)A、onB、toC、offD、in(3)A、independenceB、independentC、dependenceD、dependent(4)A、ThinkB、JudgeC、SupposeD、Believe(5)A、andB、butC、as well asD、or(6)A、differenceB、shockC、upsetD、distinction(7)A、have knownB、knowC、knownD、has known(8)A、discussedB、discussingC、discussD、discusses(9)A、persuasiveB、prospectiveC、perspectiveD、prosperous(10)A、ofB、toC、forD、in

You develop a serializable class for persisting objects as files.Every time an object is serialized, you have to update the database with the name of the object and location of that file.You elect to employ the OnSerialized attribute to achieve this objective.You now need to apply the OnSerialized attribute to a certain method.What should you do?()A.B.C.D.

You develop a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service. It is used exclusively as an intranet application and is currently unsecured. You need to ensure that the service meets the following requirements: The service now must be exposed as an Internet application. The service must be secured at the transport level. Impersonation and delegation cannot be enabled.What should you use? ()A. basicHttpBinding and HTTPB. basicHttpBinding and KerberosC. wsHttpBinding and KerberosD. wsHttpBinding and HTTPS

You develop a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service. You name the service MovieService in the Movie namespace. The service is hosted in Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS). You copy the assembly containing the service to the bin folder in the virtual directory path.You need to set up the URI that is mapped to the service.What should you do?()A.B.C.D.

You develop a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service. You enable all performance counters and run multiple calls to the service.The service must isolate session data to each user. You need to monitor the instancing behaviour used in the service.Which performance counter should you monitor?()A. ServiceModeService\CallsB. ServiceModeService\InstancesC. ASP.Net StateService \ Server Sessions ActiveD. ASP.Net StateService \ Server Sessions Total

Q:What leadership qualities did you develop as an administrative personnel?(作为行政人员,你有什么样的领导才能?)

Youare adatabase developer.Youplantodesigna&ensp Youare adatabase developer.YouplantodesignadatabasesolutionbyusingSQLServer2008.You are creating adataba seto supportthe office manager.Your database modelhasthe following structure.Thedatabasedesignhasthefollowing businessrequirements:Anemployeecanbeassignedmorethanone task.Uponcompletion,thetaskisdeleted.Whenataskisdeleted,theassociatedassignmentisdeleted.When an employee isnolonger availabletocomple tea task,theemployee linkto the assignmentisreplacedwithaNULLvalue.Youneed toimplementthebusinessrequirementstomaintaindataintegrity.Whatshouldyoudo?()

You are adatabase solutionsarchitect.Your company plansto develop asolution by using a SQLServer2008instance.The solutionhasthefollowingbusinessrequirements:ImportdatafromvariousdatasourcessuchasMicrosoftOfficeExcel,Microsoft SQL Server2000,MicrosoftSQLServer2005,andCSVfiles.Profilethesourcedatabeforeitisimported.Providecollaborationandofflinecapabilitiestomobileusers.Allowmobileuserstouseheterogeneousdatastores.YouneedtoconfiguretheappropriateSQLServercomponentstoaccomplishthebusinessrequirements.Youwanttoachievethisgoalbyusingtheminimum amountofadministrativeeffort.Whichtwo SQL Server componentsshould you use?()

Certkiller .com has asked you to develop an application that displays the properties for all‘s network drives.The information generated by this application will be utilized by Certkiller .com‘s network administrators to verify client setups.You need to ensure that these requirements are fully satisfied.What should you do?()A.B.C.D.

In order to()your goals, you must work hard.A、makeB、achieveC、requireD、develop

You work as an application developer at Certkiller .com. Certkiller .com has asked you to develop an application that monitors and controls the activities of a Windows service.You need to use the appropriate class to meet Certkiller .com’s requirements. What should you do?()A、 Use the ServiceBase class.B、 Use the ServiceInstaller class.C、 Use the ServiceManager class.D、 Use the ServiceController class.

You are working in a data center environment and are assigned the address range areasked to develop an IP addressing plan to allow the maximum number of subnets with as many as 30 hostseach.Which IP address range meets these requirements?()A、、、、、

You are adatabase developer. You develop atask management application that connect stoa SQLServer 2008 database named TaskDB.Users logon to the application by using a SQLServer login. The application contains amodule named Task that assigns tasks tousers. Information about the setasks is stored in the Tasks table of the TaskDB data base. The Tasks table contains multiple columns. These include the Close Dateand Estimated Timecolumns. The application must meet the following security requirements: Users assigned toad atabase role named User 1 canupd ate all task information columns except the Close Date and the Estimated Time columns in the Tasks table. Administrative users assigned toad atabase role named Task_Admin canupd ateall task information in the Tasks table.You needto design a strategy to meet the security requirements. Which two actions should you perform?()A、Add the Task_Admin role to thedb_accessadmin fixed database role.B、Grant Update permissions on the Tasks table to the Task_Admin role.C、Grant Update permissions on the Tasks table to the User 1 role foreach column except the Close Dateand Estimated Time columns.D、Createan INSTEAD OF trigger on the Tasks Table. Use theIs_Member function toprevent the User 1 role from updating the Close Date and Estimated Time columns.

单选题Which ARPA data should you use in order to determine if a close quarters situation will develop with a target vessel? ()ASet and drift of the currentBRelative track informationCPredicted time of CPADInitial range of acquisition

单选题You work as a database administrator for You have been asked to use a centralized administrative tool to administer your database servers and application servers. In order to achieve the objective, which component would you configure on each database server?()ADatabase ControlBManagement ServerCManagement RepositoryDApplication Server ControlEOracle Management Agent

单选题You are using RMAN to backup your ARCHIVELOG mode database. You have enabled control-file autobackups. Which files are not backed up during the RMAN backup?()ADatabase Datafiles BDatabase Control Files COnline redo logsDArchived redo logs EThe database SPFILE FNone of the above, all these files are backed up.

多选题You have been asked to develop an application that uses only connection-oriented protocols. Which two protocols can you use?()APPPBUDPCTCPDICMP

单选题If you were operating a centrifugal water service pump with worn wearing rings, the ().Apump would be very noisyBpump would vibrate excessivelyCpump would develop insufficient flowDstuffing box would leak excessively

单选题You develop a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service that interacts with Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ). The service requires sessions. You need to create a custom binding that enables messages sent to the queue to be viewed when you are using a listener tool. Which binding elements should you use?()AtextMessageEncoding and msmqTransport in this order.BtextMessageEncoding and msmqIntegrationTransport in this order.CmsmqTransport and textMessageEncoding in this order.DmsmqIntegrationTransport and textMessageEncoding in this order.

单选题Mike: You know, I'm a little uncomfortable with speaking English to foreigners.  Jane: Why? How're you ever going to become fluent if you don't try to use the language?  Mike: ______  Jane: Don't worry. You can become good at English if you learn to be a little more active.ABut I always feel that people are watching me!BYou must develop a feeling of being more comfortable.CI will try to practice pronunciation more.DI want to visit my English teacher.

单选题Your database supports an online transaction processing (OLTP) application. The application is undergoing some major schema changes, such as addition of new indexes and materialized views. You want to check the impact of these changes on workload performance. What should you use to achieve this?()ADatabase replayBSQL Tuning AdvisorCSQL Access AdvisorDSQL Performance AnalyzerEAutomatic Workload Repository compare reports

单选题The accounting manager wants you to create a form that when queried will display a calculated total of year-to-date actual expenditures for the found code entered. The values needed to generate this summary data are stored in multiple tables. Which data source type can you assign to the data block for this form without having the DBA create a database object?()Adatabase table Btransactional trigger Cstored procedure DFROM clause query Eclient-side procedure

多选题Which files will you need to perform a full recovery of a database backed up in NOARCHIVELOG mode?()ADatabase datafilesBControl filesCArchived redo logsDOnline redo logsEFlashback logs

单选题If a bilge pump is able to develop vacuum, but is unable to sufficiently pump out the bilges, you would check for all of the following EXCEPT ().Athe circuit breakerBfor leaks in the suction pipingCrelief valve is not properly seatedDthe suction strainer

单选题You develop a Web application that contains two master pages. You need to dynamically set the master page when a user views pages in the application. What should you do?()ASetPage.MasterPageFile in the Page’sPage_Initevent.BSetPage.MasterPageFile in the Page’sOnInit event.CSetPage.MasterPageFile in the Page’sPage_Loadevent.DSetPage.MasterPageFile in the Page’sPage_PreInitevent.

多选题You are adatabase solutions architect.Your company plans to develop asolution by using a SQLServer 2008 instance. The solutionhas the following business requirements: Import datafromvarious datasources suchas MicrosoftOffice Excel, Microsoft SQL Server2000, Microsoft SQL Server 2005, and CSV files. Profile the source data before it is imported. Provide collaboration andoffline capabilities to mobile users. Allowmobile users to use heterogeneous data stores. You need to configure the appropriate SQL Server components to accomplish the business requirements. You want to achieve this goal by using the minimum amount of administrative effort. Which two SQL Server components should you use?()AAnalysis ServicesBReporting ServicesCIntegration ServicesDNotification ServicesEMicrosoft Sync Framework

单选题You are creating a Windows Forms application by using the .NET Framework 3.5.You plan to develop a new control for the application. You need to ensure that the control extends the DataGridView control by allowing the cells to contain multicolored text. What should you do?()AOverride the OnPaint method.BWrite a code segment to handle the CellPainting event.CWrite a code segment to handle the CellParsing event.DWrite a code segment to handle the RowPostPaint event.