Youare adatabase developer.Youplantodesigna&ensp Youare adatabase developer.YouplantodesignadatabasesolutionbyusingSQLServer2008.You are creating adataba seto supportthe office manager.Your database modelhasthe following structure.Thedatabasedesignhasthefollowing businessrequirements:Anemployeecanbeassignedmorethanone task.Uponcompletion,thetaskisdeleted.Whenataskisdeleted,theassociatedassignmentisdeleted.When an employee isnolonger availabletocomple tea task,theemployee linkto the assignmentisreplacedwithaNULLvalue.Youneed toimplementthebusinessrequirementstomaintaindataintegrity.Whatshouldyoudo?()

Youare adatabase developer.Youplantodesigna&ensp

Youare adatabase developer.YouplantodesignadatabasesolutionbyusingSQLServer2008.You are creating adataba seto supportthe office manager.Your database modelhasthe following structure.

Thedatabasedesignhasthefollowing businessrequirements:Anemployeecanbeassignedmorethanone task.Uponcompletion,thetaskisdeleted.Whenataskisdeleted,theassociatedassignmentisdeleted.When an employee isnolonger availabletocomple tea task,theemployee linkto the assignmentisreplacedwithaNULLvalue.Youneed toimplementthebusinessrequirementstomaintaindataintegrity.



Youare to write in no less than 100 words on the topic A good book is a light to thesoul. You could base your composition on the Chinese outline givenbelow:你最近读过的一本好书是什么?它的主要内容是……你从中有何受益?



You are adatabase developer.You develop ataskmanagementapplication that connect stoa SQLServer2008databasenamed TaskDB.Users logon to the application by using a SQLServer login. The application containsamodulenamed Taskthatassignstaskstousers.Informationaboutthe setasksisstoredinthe Taskstableofthe TaskDB data base.The Taskstablecontainsmultiplecolumns.These include the Close Dateand Estimated Timecolumns.Theapplication mustmeetthefollowingsecurityrequirements:Usersassigned toad atabase role named User 1 canupd ate all taskinformation columnsexceptthe Close Dateandthe Estimated TimecolumnsintheTaskstable.Administrative usersassigned toad atabase rolenamed Task_Admincanupd ateall taskinformation intheTaskstable.Youneedtodesignastrategy tomeetthesecurityrequirements.Whichtwoactionsshouldyouperform?()

You are adatabase solutionsarchitect.Your company plansto develop asolution by using a SQLServer2008instance.The solutionhasthefollowingbusinessrequirements:ImportdatafromvariousdatasourcessuchasMicrosoftOfficeExcel,Microsoft SQL Server2000,MicrosoftSQLServer2005,andCSVfiles.Profilethesourcedatabeforeitisimported.Providecollaborationandofflinecapabilitiestomobileusers.Allowmobileuserstouseheterogeneousdatastores.YouneedtoconfiguretheappropriateSQLServercomponentstoaccomplishthebusinessrequirements.Youwanttoachievethisgoalbyusingtheminimum amountofadministrativeeffort.Whichtwo SQL Server componentsshould you use?(),youandotherteammembersprovidenetworksupportforover150businessesinyourcity.Yourcompanyisabouttoimplementabusinessprocessinwhichconsultantsmustconnecttoan applicationserverontheContoso.comnetworkwhileworkingatcustomerpremises.Whenconnectedtotheapplicationserver,consultantsprovidecriticalinformationabouteachassignmentinthefield.ToconnecttotheContoso.comapplicationserver,consultantsareexpectedtouseRemoteDesktopConnectiononcustomercomputersrunningWindowsXPorWindowsVista.Youhavebeenaskedtodeterminewhetheryourcompanyneedstopurchaseclientaccesslicenses(CALs)forTerminalServices.Whichofthefollowingoptionsbestsuitstheneedsofyourorganization?()

YouareusingADUandareauthenticatedandassociatedtoanaccesspoint.However,youare unabletoobtainanIPaddress.Whichofthesehascausedthisproblem?() A.invalidSSIDB.invalid802.1XauthenticationtypeC.invalidencryptiontypeD.invalidWEPkey


多选题In a two-tier configuration, it is recommended to put which of the following components on different nodes?()ADatabase client and database serverBWebSphere Application Server and Database ServerCWebSphere Commerce Server and WebSphere Application ServerDWeb server and WebSphere Application Server

单选题SQL语句的编译和执行是在SGA的哪一部分中进行的()ADatabase Buffer CacheBRedo Log BufferCShared PoolDLarge PoolEJava Pool

单选题ou are in the middle of a transaction updating a very important table. The machine on which adatabase was running reboots because of power outage. This caused a database instance failure.  Which statement is true in this situation()AThe online redo log files and archived redo log files are required to accomplish the recovery.BThe uncommitted transaction will be committed at the next startup of the database instance.CThe uncommitted transaction is rolled back automatically at the next opening of the database.DThe DBA has to perform the recovery on the database to recover the uncommitted transaction.


多选题Which two are the prerequisites to enable Flashback Data Archive?()ADatabase must be running in archivelog mode.BAutomatic undo management must be enabled.CUndo retention guarantee must be enabled.DThe tablespace on which the Flashback Data Archive is created must be managed with Automatic Segment Space Management (ASSM).

单选题You are using RMAN to backup your ARCHIVELOG mode database. You have enabled control-file autobackups. Which files are not backed up during the RMAN backup?()ADatabase Datafiles BDatabase Control Files COnline redo logsDArchived redo logs EThe database SPFILE FNone of the above, all these files are backed up.


单选题In your production database, data manipulation language (DML) operations are executed on theSALES table. You have noticed some dubious values in the SALES table during the last few days. Youare able to track users, actions taken, and the time of the action for this particular period but the changesin data are not tracked. You decide to keep track of both the old data and new data in the table along withthe user information.  What action would you take to achieve this task()AApply fine-grained auditing.BImplement value-based auditing.CImpose standard database auditing to auditobject privileges.DImpose standard databaseauditing to audit SQL statements.

单选题FusionSphere OpenStack控制节点中,不会包含以下哪个角色?()Adatabase_keystoneBmeasureCvcenter-prowyDCeilometer

多选题Which three features are supported in a license for Cisco Unified Contact Center Express Enhanced? ()Adatabase integrationBprompt and collectCVoiceXMLDopening and parsing HTTP and XML documentsEPQFE-mail Queuing

多选题Which four service offerings are included in Oracle Public Cloud?()ADatabase ServiceBData ServiceCJava ServiceDSecurity ServiceE.NET ServiceFSOA Service

多选题Which of the following files cannot be backed up by RMAN?()ADatabase datafilesBControl filesCOnline redo logsDDatabase pfilesEArchived redo logs

单选题如果一个SQLServer数据库维护人员,需要具有建立测试性的数据库的权限,那么应该指派给他哪个权限()?ADatabase CreatorsBSystem AdministratorsCServer AdministratorsDSecurity Adiministrators

多选题Which two are the prerequisites to enable Flashback Data Archive?() (Choose two.)ADatabase must be running in archivelog mode.BAutomatic undo management must be enabled.CUndo retention guarantee must be enabled.DThe tablespace on which the Flashback Data Archive is created must be managed with Automatic Segment Space Management (ASSM).

多选题Examine the commands executed to monitor database operations: $ conn sys oracle/oracle@prod as sysdba SQL VAR eid NUMBER SQL EXEC: eid := DBMS_SQL_MONITOR.BEGIN_OPERATION (‘batch_job’ , FORCED_TRACKING = ‘Y’); Which two statements are true?()ADatabase operations will be monitored only when they consume a significant amount of resource.BDatabase operations for all sessions will be monitored.CDatabase operations will be monitored only if the STATISTICS_LEVEL parameter is set to TYPICAL and CONTROL_MANAGEMENT_PACK_ACCESS is set DIAGNISTIC + tuning.DOnly DML and DDL statements will be monitored for the session.EAll subsequent statements in the session will be treated as one database operation and will be monitored.

单选题Your database supports an online transaction processing (OLTP) application. The application is undergoing some major schema changes, such as addition of new indexes and materialized views. You want to check the impact of these changes on workload performance. What should you use to achieve this?()ADatabase replayBSQL Tuning AdvisorCSQL Access AdvisorDSQL Performance AnalyzerEAutomatic Workload Repository compare reports

单选题The accounting manager wants you to create a form that when queried will display a calculated total of year-to-date actual expenditures for the found code entered. The values needed to generate this summary data are stored in multiple tables. Which data source type can you assign to the data block for this form without having the DBA create a database object?()Adatabase table Btransactional trigger Cstored procedure DFROM clause query Eclient-side procedure

多选题Which files will you need to perform a full recovery of a database backed up in NOARCHIVELOG mode?()ADatabase datafilesBControl filesCArchived redo logsDOnline redo logsEFlashback logs

多选题Which of the following files cannot be backed up by RMAN? ()(Choose all that apply.)ADatabase datafilesBControl filesCOnline redo logsDDatabase pfilesEArchived redo logs