______ one time, Manchester 怎么选择 ______onetime,Manchesterwasthehomeofthemostproductivecottonmillsintheworld.A)OnB)ByC)AtD)Of

______ one time, Manchester 怎么选择

______ one time, Manchester was the home of the most productive cotton mills in the world.

A) On           B) By           C) At                    D) Of



I believe she can cope () the difficult situation. A、toB、byC、atD、with

I little understood the pressure __________ her. A.onB.inC.atD.against

High school cheating may be ___________ the rise. A. onB. upC. atD. upward

Some pupils fill their spare time ____ computer games. It is really a waste of time. A.withB.byC.toD.into

One should always _____ facts. A、base one's opinion onB、base one's opinion inC、base one opinion onD、base one opinion in

In return____your help, I invite you tospend the weekend with my family. A.forB.byC.atD.in

( ) must have witnessed the robbery. A、One of the passers-byB、One of the passer-byC、One of passer-byD、One of passer-bys

__________ average women live longer than men. A. InB. ByC. AtD. On

As the only direct steamer which calls () our port once a month has just departed, goods can only be shipped next month.A、onB、inC、atD、to

The seller asked for amendment()the L/C. A、onB、withC、atD、to

Please hand () your homework in time . A.onB.outC.in


在SQL*PLUS中,显示执行时长的命令是() A.set time onB.set timing onC.set longD.set timelong onE.set sqlprompt

( )A.onB.ofC.atD.by

Some compliments are passed ___________ by a friend. A. onB. byC. awayD. over

2. When do you go shopping?‘I usually go shopping _________ Sunday mornings .A.onB.inC.atD.by


The ship is now down________head.A.onB.byC.inD.for

I did find a lot of damage ______ respect to the inward cargo.A.onB.byC.forD.with

The damage was caused ______ the stevedores.A.forB.byC.atD.in

Please get everything ready prior ______ shifting.A.onB.toC.atD.for

Contracts whereby the possession and control of a ship vest ______ the Charterer are becoming more common today especially in the oil tanker trade.A.onB.toC.atD.in

It is difficult to distinguish one twin__the other.A.toB.byC.forD.from

I feel very excited?the thought of joining my family in a week.A.OnB.forC.AtD.in

They are looking()a flat. They want one with a garden.A、onB、outC、for

The policeman was attacked()a knife.A、onB、byC、forD、with

在SQL*PLUS中,显示执行时长的命令是()A、set time onB、set timing onC、set longD、set timelong onE、set sqlprompt