is a device which enables digital microcomputers to communicate across analog telephone lines.A.The switchB.The modemC.The hubD.The repeater

is a device which enables digital microcomputers to communicate across analog telephone lines.

A.The switch

B.The modem

C.The hub

D.The repeater



The precision of ADC ( analog-to-digital conversion ) is determined by _____. A、its speedB、its gainC、the accuracy of the reference voltageD、the number of binary bits

He learned how to use sign language to ________ with deaf customers. A.contactB.talkC.connectD.communicate

She tried to ______ her fears to her mother. A.understandB.giveC.quoteD.communicate

Microcomputers () with the invention of microchips.A、appearedB、turned upC、came into beingD、were realized

Speech is the fastest method of ________ between people. A. contactB. connectC. communicationD. communicate

()systems can identify individuals with a high degree of certainty. A.EncryptionB.BiometricC.Password AuthenticationD.Digital

下列程序的输出结果是______。 include int CalcDigital(char*str) { if(str= =NULL) 下列程序的输出结果是______。include<iostream.h>int CalcDigital(char*str){if(str= =NULL)return 0;int num_of_digital=0;for(int i=0;str{i]!=0x0;i++)if(str[i]<='9' str[i]>='0')num_of_digital++;return num_of_digital;}void main( ){char a[]="Beijing20080lympic";cout<<CalcDigital(a)<<endl;}


模拟数字转换器, 英文简称ADC, 英文全称为:A.Ambulance to Digital ConverterB.Analog-to- Destination ConverterC.Ambulance to Destination ConverterD.Analog-to-Digital Converter