Click the Exhibit button.In the configuration shown in the exhibit, you decided to eliminate the junos-ftp application from the match condition of the policy MyTraffic.What will happen to the existing FTP and BGPsessions?()A. The existing FTP and BGP sessions will continue.B. The existing FTP and BGP sessions will be re-evaluated and only FTP sessions will be dropped.C. The existing FTP and BGP sessions will be re-evaluated and all sessions will be dropped.D. The existing FTP sessions will continue and only the existing BGP sessions will be dropped.

Click the Exhibit button.In the configuration shown in the exhibit, you decided to eliminate the junos-ftp application from the match condition of the policy MyTraffic.What will happen to the existing FTP and BGPsessions?()

A. The existing FTP and BGP sessions will continue.

B. The existing FTP and BGP sessions will be re-evaluated and only FTP sessions will be dropped.

C. The existing FTP and BGP sessions will be re-evaluated and all sessions will be dropped.

D. The existing FTP sessions will continue and only the existing BGP sessions will be dropped.


Exhibit,,yougetanerror(Seeexhibit).Whatcouldbethepossiblereasonforgettingsuchanerror?() A.DatabaseisnotopenB.ListenerisnotrunningC.ServicenameisnotcorrectD.WrongportnumberusedinURLE.Usersysdoeshavethemediaprivilege

Exhibit:ViewtheExhibittoseethedataintheemptable.YoucreatedaPRIMARYKEYconstraintontheempnocolumnoftheemptable,andtheconstraintisnotdeferred.Whichtwostatementsaretrueinthisscenario?() A.Noindexwouldbecreatedorusedinthiscase.B.Auniqueindexontheempnocolumnwouldbecreated.C.ACHECKconstraintwouldbeenforcedontheempnocolumn.D.ANOTNULLconstraintwouldbeenforcedontheempnocolumn.E.Abitmapuniqueindexwouldbecreatedontheempnocolumn.



Exhibit,ViewingtheExhibitandexaminetheFlashbackDatabasearchitecture.Identifythemissingcomponent(shownwitha"?`"=intheFlashbackDatabasearchitecture.() A.DBWnB.RVWRC.ARCHD.RECOE.TRWR



Exhibit:Exhibit:YouworkasanetworkengineeratCompany.Youstudytheexhibitcarefully.WhichGLBPdevicehostsreceivetheMACaddressassignment?() A.R1B.R2C.TheAVGD.TheAVFE.Noneoftheotheralternativesapply

Exhibit: Which of the following are true regarding the command output shown in the display (Choose two.)()。 A.There are at least two routers participating in the RIP process.B.A ping to will be successful.C.A ping to will be successful.D.RtrA has three interfaces participating in the RIP process.

A vessel towing astern in an operation which severely restricts the towing vessel and her tow in their ability to change course shall,when making way,exhibit ______.A.the masthead lights for a towing vesselB.the lights for a vessel restricted in its ability to maneuverC.sidelights,stern light and towing lightD.All of the above