What does the following function return?char foo(void){unsigned int a = 6;iht b = -20;char c;(a+b 6) ? (c=1): (c=0);return c;}

What does the following function return?

char foo(void)


unsigned int a = 6;

iht b = -20;

char c;

(a+b > 6) ? (c=1): (c=0);

return c;



设有以下函数void fun(int n,char * s) { …… }则下面对函数指针的定义和赋值均是正确的是A)void (*pf)(); pf=fun;B)viod *pf(); pf=fun;C)void *pf(); *pf=fun;D)void (*pf)(int,char);pf=fun;

设有以下函数: void fun(int n,char*s){…} 则下面对函数指针的定义和赋值均正确的是( )。A.void(*pf)( );pf=fun;B.void*pf( );pf=funC.void*pf( );*pf=fun;D.void(*pf)(int,char);pf=fun;

设有以下函数:void fun(int n,char*$s){……}则下面对函数指针的定义和赋值均正确的是A.void(*pf)( );pf=fun;B.void*Pf( );pf=fun;C.void*pf( ); *pf=fun;D.void(*pf)(int,char);nf=fun;

设有以下函数:voidfun(intn,char}s){……}则下面对函数指针的定义和赋值均正确的是( )。A.void(*pf)(int,char);pf=fun;B.void+pf( );pf=fun;C.void*pf( );*pf=fun;D.void(*pf)(int,char*);pf=fun;

以下程序的输出结果是 int a[3][3]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,},*p; int main(void) { p=(int*)malloc(sizeof(int)); f(p,a); printf("%d n",*p); return 0; } f(int *s, int p[][3]) { *s=p[1][1]; }A.1B.4C.7D.5

针对以下的函数,那个函数调用不正确? def foo(arg1, arg2='test', arg3=100): print arg1, arg2, arg3A.foo('where')B.foo(arg2 = 'what', 10)C.foo(arg1 = 'where', arg2 = 'what')D.foo('where','what')

在C程序中,设一表达式中包含有int,long, unsigned和char类型的变量和数据,则表达式最后的运算结果类型是()。A.longB.intC.charD.unsigned

【单选题】下列程序的运行结果是 void fun(int *a, int *b) { int *k; k=a; a=b; b=k; } int main(void) { int a=3, b=6, *x=a, *y=b; fun(x,y); printf("%d %d", a, b); return 0; }A.6 3B.3 6C.编译出错D.0 0

8位AVR处理器ATmega1281上int型为2字节,char型为1字节,则下述程序运行时态SRAM中DATA区大小为多少个字节? int a = 68, b = 70, c = 79; char k[6] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}; int main (void) { int d; k[2] = 20; d = fun(a, b); return (d+k[2]); }A.12B.24C.6D.9

针对以下的函数,正确的函数调用有哪些? def foo(arg1, arg2='test', arg3=100): print arg1, arg2, arg3A.foo('where','what')B.foo('where')C.foo(arg1 = 'where', arg2 = 'what')D.foo(arg2 = 'what', 10)E.foo(arg = 'where')