请教:2009年6月大学英语三级考试A级真题第2大题第1小题如何解答?【题目描述】Directions: This part is to test your ability to construct grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections.Section ADirections: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.16. By the end of this year Mr. Smith ________in our company for exactly three years.A) is workingB) has workedC) will workD) will have worked



Directions: This part is to test your ability to construct grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections.

Section A

Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

16. By the end of this year Mr. Smith ________in our company for exactly three years.

A) is working

B) has worked

C) will work

D) will have worked




请教:2010年成人高考专升本大学语文模拟试题(3)第1大题第13小题如何解答?作者是谁【题目描述】第 13 题《选择与安排》选自( ) 。

请教:2010年单证基础理论与知识模拟试题(4)第1大题第4小题如何解答?【题目描述】第 4 题贸易单据的签发日期应科学合理,符合相关规定和国际惯例,通常( )日期是确定各单据日期的关键。A.信用证B.报关单C.提单D.发票


请教:2011年教师资格证考试《小学教育学》标准预测试卷(2)第1大题第9小题如何解答?【题目描述】第 9 题前苏联教育家苏霍姆林斯基说:课外校外活动使青少年迈上了科学思维的道路,这告诉我们课外校外教育(  )

请教:2010年单证基础理论与知识模拟试题(2)第3大题第3小题如何解答?【题目描述】第 38 题联运提单的签发人对运输全程负责。( )

请教:2012年青海省公务员考试《行测》模拟试卷(4)第2大题第9小题如何解答?【题目描述】第 39 题有大、中、小三个正方形水池,内边长分别为4米、3米、2米,将两堆碎石分别放到中、小水池里,结果水面分别上升4厘米和11厘米,现在如果把两堆碎石同时放到大水池里,请问大水池会上升多少厘米?

请教:2011年9月计算机二级考试VF笔试试题第1大题第1小题如何解答?【题目描述】第 1 题

请教:2012年3月全国计算机等级《二级VF》冲刺试卷(1)第1大题第2小题如何解答?【题目描述】如果要创建一个3级分组报表,第一级分组是部门(字符型),第二级分组是性别(字符型),第三级分组是基本工资(数值型),当前索引的索引表达式应当是(  )。A)部门 性别 基本工资B)性别 部门 STR(基本工资)c)STR(基本工资) 性别 部门D)部门 性别 STR(基本工资)

请教:2012年教师资格《幼儿教育学》全真模拟试卷(8)第2大题第1小题如何解答?【题目描述】第 26 题 综合性原则