Which of the following security threats are MOST likely prevented through user training?() A. Network IntrusionB. Adware PopupsC. Social EngineeringD. Spam Messages

Which of the following security threats are MOST likely prevented through user training?()

A. Network Intrusion

B. Adware Popups

C. Social Engineering

D. Spam Messages


You’re going to have a quiz ( )by another two in the ( )month. A. followed,followedB. followed,followingC. following,followedD. following,following

Giventutorial.jsp:2.ELTutorial3.Example14.5.Dear${my:nickname(user)}6.Which,whenaddedtothewebapplicationdeploymentdescriptor,ensuresthatline5isincludedverbatimintheJSPoutput?() A.B.C.D.


You are required to configure a SCREEN option that enables IP source route option detection.Which twoconfigurations meet this requirement?() (Choose two.) A. [edit security screen] user@host# show ids-option protectFromFlood { ip { loose-source-route-option; strict-source-route-option; } }B. [edit security screen] user@host# show ids-option protectFromFlood { ip { source-route-option; } }C. [edit security screen] user@host# show ids-option protectFromFlood { ip { record-route-option; security-option; } }D. [edit security screen] user@host# show ids-option protectFromFlood { ip { strict-source-route-option; record-route-option; } }

Whichofthefollowinglocalfilesisusedtorunthedatecommandontheremotemachine"Earth"usingthefollowingrexeccommandwithoutrequestforapassword?rexecEarthdate()。 A.~/.rhostsB.$HOME/.netrcC./etc/hosts.equivD./etc/security/user

An administrator created a .env file in a user‘s home directory to configure a number of custom environment variables for a local application. However, after the user logs out and then logs back into the system, the custom variables are not being set.What is the most likely reason that the custom .env file is being ignored?()A.A shell other than ksh is being used by the user.B.The line ‘export ENV=$HOME/.env‘ is missing from /etc/profile.C.The line ‘export ENV=$HOME/.env‘ is missing from the user‘s .profile.D.The env_profile attribute is not defined for the user within /etc/security/user.

ASystempadministratorneedstosetthedefaultpasswordlengthforalluserstosixcharacters.Whichofthefollowingfilesneedstobeeditedtoaccomplishthis() A./etc/security/limitsB./etc/security/mkuser.sysC./etc/security/privD./etc/security/user


The smoke obscured the moon.A:darkened B:held C:blackened D:prevented

He ventured that plants draw part of their nourishment from the air.A:dared B:endangeredC:agreed D:prevented