You perform a backup using the following BACKUP command:RMAN BACKUP AS COMPRESSED BACKUPSET DATABASE;Which statement is true of this command?() A. A different procedure is required to restore a database from compressed backupsB. The AS COMPRESSED clause of the BACKUP command provided by RMAN is used to create compressed backup sets and image copies.C. Using this command to create backups minimizes the bandwidth consumedD. Using this command to create backups improves the performance of the backup process
You perform a backup using the following BACKUP command:RMAN> BACKUP AS COMPRESSED BACKUPSET DATABASE;Which statement is true of this command?()
A. A different procedure is required to restore a database from compressed backups
B. The AS COMPRESSED clause of the BACKUP command provided by RMAN is used to create compressed backup sets and image copies.
C. Using this command to create backups minimizes the bandwidth consumed
D. Using this command to create backups improves the performance of the backup process
Examine the following command used to perform incremental level 0 backup:RMAN BACKUP INCREMENTAL LEVEL 0 DATABASE;To enable the block change tracking, after the incremental level 0 backup you issued the following command:SQL ALTER DATABASE ENABLE BLOCK CHANGE TRACKING USINGFILE ‘/mydir/rman_change_track.f‘;To perform incremental level 1 cumulative backup, you issued the following command:RMAN BACKUP INCREMENTAL LEVEL 1 CUMULATIVE DATABASE;Which two statements are true in the above situation?()A. The block change tracking data will be used only from the next incremental 0 backup.B. The incremental backup will use change tracking data for accomplishing the backup.C. The incremental backup will not use change tracking data for accomplishing the backup.D. The block track file will scan all the blocks and create bitmap for all the blocks backed up in the level 0 backup.
You enable block change tracking. You issue the following command: BACKUP INCREMENTAL LEVEL 0 DATABASE;The next day, you issue the following command:BACKUP INCREMENTAL LEVEL 1 CUMULATIVE DATABASE;Which statement about the use of the change tracking file is true?()A. RMAN reads the block change tracking file only when it performs the incremental level 0 backup.B. RMAN reads the block change tracking file when it performs both incremental backups.C. RMAN reads the block change tracking file only when it performs the incremental level 1 backup.D. RMAN does not read the block change tracking file when it performs either incremental backup.
Whichviewprovidesinformationonthebackupstatusofthedatafilesinthedatabase?() A.V$BACKUPB.V$BACKUP_STATUSC.V$BACKUP_DATAFILED.V$DATAFILE_BACKUPE.V$TABLESPCE_BACKUP
Youperformdifferentialincrementallevel1backupsofyourdatabaseoneachworkingdayandlevel0backuponSundays,totape.Whichtwostatementsaretrueaboutdifferentialincrementalbackups() A.ThebackupperformedonSundayscontainsalltheblocksthathaveeverbeenusedinthedatabase.B.ThebackupperformedonSundayscontainsalltheblocksthathavechangedsincethelastlevel1backup.C.Thebackupperformedoneachworkingdaycontainsalltheblocksthathavechangedsincethelastlevel0 backup.D.ThebackupperformedonMondaycontainsalltheblocksthathavechangedsincethelevel0backup,and everyotherworkingdaycontainsalltheblocksthathavechangedsincethelevel1backup
Youexecutedthefollowingcode:BACKUPVALIDATEDATABASE;BLOCKRECOVERCORRUPTIONLIST;Whatwillbetheresultofexecutingtheabovecode?() A.ThecodewillrunabackupvalidationtopopulatetheV$BACKUP_CORRUPTIONviewandrepaircorruptblocks,ifany,recordedintheview.B.ThecodewillrunabackupvalidatetopopulatetheV$COPY_CORRUPTIONviewandthenrepairanycorruptblocksrecordedintheview.C.ThecodewillrunsabackupvalidatetopopulatetheV$DATABASE_BLOCK_CORRUPTIONviewandthenrepaircorruptblocks,ifany,recordedintheview.D.ThecodewillrunabackupvalidatetopopulatetheRC_BACKUP_CORRUPTIONviewandthenrepaircorruptblocks,ifany,recordedintheview.
YouareusingtheBlockMediaRecoveryfeaturetorecovertheblocksthataremarkedcorruptsincethelastbackup.Whichviewwillyouquerytodisplayinformationaboutthedatablocksthataremarkedcorruptsincethelastbackup?() A.V$BACKUP_CORRUPTIONB.V$COPY_CORRUPTIONC.V$DATABASE_BLOCK_CORRUPTIOND.RC_BACKUP_CORRUPTION
WherecanyouobtaininformationaboutfulldatabasebackupsetcreatedusingRMAN,ifthecontrolfilewasusedastherepository?() A.V$BACKUPSETB.RC_DATABASEC.V$BACKUP_SETD.RC_BACKUP_SET
An administrator wants to restore the /etc/resolv.conf file from a mksysb backup onto server1. After the mksysb is mounted in /mnt/backup/ from the local nim server.Which command should be run to restore the file?()A.tar -xvf /mnt/backup/server1.mksysb ./etc/resolv.confB.restore -Tvf /mnt/backup/server1.mksysb ./etc/resolv.confC.listvgbackup -f /mnt/backup/server1.mksysb -r ./etc/resolv.confD.restorevgfiles -xrm /mnt/backup/server1.mksysb ./etc/resolv.conf