You enable block change tracking. You issue the following command: BACKUP INCREMENTAL LEVEL 0 DATABASE;The next day, you issue the following command:BACKUP INCREMENTAL LEVEL 1 CUMULATIVE DATABASE;Which statement about the use of the change tracking file is true?()A. RMAN reads the block change tracking file only when it performs the incremental level 0 backup.B. RMAN reads the block change tracking file when it performs both incremental backups.C. RMAN reads the block change tracking file only when it performs the incremental level 1 backup.D. RMAN does not read the block change tracking file when it performs either incremental backup.

You enable block change tracking. You issue the following command: BACKUP INCREMENTAL LEVEL 0 DATABASE;The next day, you issue the following command:BACKUP INCREMENTAL LEVEL 1 CUMULATIVE DATABASE;Which statement about the use of the change tracking file is true?()

A. RMAN reads the block change tracking file only when it performs the incremental level 0 backup.

B. RMAN reads the block change tracking file when it performs both incremental backups.

C. RMAN reads the block change tracking file only when it performs the incremental level 1 backup.

D. RMAN does not read the block change tracking file when it performs either incremental backup.


Tom: You are playing guitar well. Can you read music? Charles: No, I don't. I just listen to songs on the radio and then play them until they sound right. Tom: ______ Charles: No, really.A.You're lyingB.You're cheatingC.You are boastingD.You're kidding

You’re going to have a quiz ( )by another two in the ( )month. A. followed,followedB. followed,followingC. following,followedD. following,following

Does modern logistics mean transportation and delivery?()Modern logistics is more about effective and efficient flow of materials and information.A、 Yes, you’re rightB、 No, it’s not the whole storyC、 No, you' re wrong

You’re such a hardworking student, you()the praise. A、reserveB、deserveC、conserveD、preserve

YouareusingtheBlockMediaRecoveryfeaturetorecovertheblocksthataremarkedcorruptsincethelastbackup.Whichviewwillyouquerytodisplayinformationaboutthedatablocksthataremarkedcorruptsincethelastbackup?() A.V$BACKUP_CORRUPTIONB.V$COPY_CORRUPTIONC.V$DATABASE_BLOCK_CORRUPTIOND.RC_BACKUP_CORRUPTION

Whichdynamicviewdisplaysthestatusofblock-changetracking?() A.V$BLOCK_CHANGEB.V$BLOCK_CHANGE_TRACKINGC.V$BLOCKCHANGED.V$BLOCK_TRACKING

WhichRMANbackupcommandisusedtocreatetheblock-changetrackingfile?() A.alterdatabasecreateblockchangetrackingfileB.alterdatabaseenableblockchangefileC.alterdatabaseenableblockchangetrackingusingfile,/ora01/opt/block_change_tracking.filD.altersystemenableblockchangetrackingusingfile’/ora01/opt/block_change_tracking.fil’E.altersystemblockchangetrackingon

– David, you've been losing your temper over nothing lately.– ( ).A. I haven’t been getting much sleep eitherB. You’d better not push yourself too hard, or you’ll get sickC. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have blown up like thatD. You’d better do exercises regularly

窗体中有3个命令按钮,分别命名为Commandl、Command2和Command3。当单击Commandl按钮时,Command2按钮变为可用,Command3按钮变为不可见。下列Corn—mandl的单击事件过程中,正确的是( )。A.private sub Command1 Click( ) Command2.Visible—trueCommand3.Visible—false End SubB.private sub Commandl Click( ) Command2.Enable—trueCommand3.Enable=falseEnd SubC.private sub Command1 Click( ) Command2.Enable—trueCommand3.Visible—falseEnd SubD.private sub Command1 Click( ) Command2.Visible=trueCommand3.Enable—falseEnd Sub

你最好控制一下上网聊天的时间。(汉译英)A.You'd better set a limit for your online chat time.B.You'd better set a limit on your online chat time.C.You'd better set a limit on your online chatting time.D.You'd better set a limit for your online chatting time.