以下( )不是Object类的方法A)clone()B)finalize()C)toString()D)hasNext()

以下( )不是Object类的方法






在Java中,下列方法()是一个String对象所具有的。 A.equals(Object)B.trim()C.round()D.toString()

阅读下列Java程序和程序说明,将应填入(n)处的字句写在对应栏内。【说明】下面的程序先构造Point类,再顺序构造Ball类。由于在类Ball中不能直接存取类Point中的xCoordinate及yCoordinate属性值,Ball中的toString方法调用Point类中的toString方法输出中心点的值。在MovingBall类的toString方法中,super.toString调用父类Ball的toString方法输出类Ball中声明的属性值。public class Point{private double xCoordinate;private double yCoordinate;public Point 0 }public Point(ouble x, double y){xCoordinate = x;yCoordinate = y;}public String toString(){return "( + Double.toString(Coordinate)+ ","+ Double.toString(Coordinate) + ");}//other methods}public class Ball{(1); //中心点private double radius; //半径private String colour; ///颜色public Ball() { }public Ball(double xValue, double yValue, double r)// 具有中心点及半径的构造方法{center=(2);//调用类Point 中的构造方法radius = r;}public Ball(double xValue, double yValue, double r, String c)// 具有中心点、半径及颜色的构造方法{(3);//调用3个参数的构造方法colour = c;}public String toString(){return "A ball with center" + center, toString() + ", radius"+ Double.toString(radius) + ", colour" + colour;}//other methods}public class MovingBall. (4){private double speed;public MovingBall() { }public MovingBall(double xValue, double yValue, double r, String e, double s){(5);// 调用父类Ball中具有4个参数的构造方法speed = s;}public String toString( ){ return super, toString( ) + ", speed "+ Double.toString(speed); }//other methods}public class Tester{public static void main(String args[]){MovingBall mb = new MovingBall(10,20,40,"green",25);System.out.println(mb);}}

Which two are true?() A.A finalizer may NOT be invoked explicitly.B.The finalize method declared in class Object takes no action.C.super.finalize()is called implicitly by any over riding finalize method.D.The finalize method for a given objec twill be called no more than once by the garbage collector.E.The order in which finalize will be called on two objects is based on the order in which the two objects became finalizable.

阅读以下函数说明和Java代码,将应填入(n)处的字句写在对应栏内。【说明】下面的程序先构造Point类,再顺序构造Ball类。由于在类Ball中不能直接存取类Point中的xCoordinate及yCoordinate属性值,Ball中的toString方法调用Point类中的toStrinS方法输出中心点的值。在MovingBsll类的toString方法中,super.toString调用父类Ball的toString方法输出类Ball中声明的属性值。【Java代码】//Point.java文件public class Point{private double xCoordinate;private double yCoordinate;public Point(){}public Point(double x,double y){xCoordinate=x;yCoordinate=y;}public String toStrthg(){return"("+Double.toString(xCoordinate)+","+Double.toString(yCoordinate)+")";}//other methods}//Ball.java文件public class Ball{private (1);//中心点private double radius;//半径private String color;//颜色public Ball(){}public Ball(double xValue, double yValue, double r){//具有中心点及其半径的构造方法center=(2);//调用类Point中的构造方法radius=r;}public Ball(double xValue, double yValue, double r, String c){//具有中心点、半径和颜色的构造方法(3);//调用3个参数的构造方法color=c;}public String toString(){return "A ball with center"+center.toString()+",radius "+Double.toString(radius)+",color"+color;}//other methods}class MovingBall (4) {private double speed;public MovingBall(){}public MoyingBall(double xValue, double yValue, double r, String c, double s){(5);//调用父类Ball中具有4个参数的构造方法speed=s;}public String toString(){return super.toString()+",speed"+Double.toString(speed);}//other methods}public class test{public static void main(String args[]){MovingBall mb=new MovingBall(10,20,40,"green",25);System.out.println(mb);}}

在Spring中,下面的代码定义了一个前置通知类,则下列选项中,说法错误的是( )。public class LogAdvice implements MethodBeforeAdvice{public void before(Method m,Object[]arges,Object target) throws Throwable{System.out.println(m.getName()+"(" + Arrays.toString(args) +")";});()A. 方法before是MethodBeforeAdvice接口中定义的方法B. 参数m是被通知的目标方法C. 参数args是调用方法的参数D. 参数target是代理类

在JAVA中,Object类是所有类的父亲,用户自定义类默认扩展自Object类,下列选项中的( )方法不属于Object类的方法。A、equals(Objectobj)B、getClass()C、toString()D、trim()


What allows the programmer to destroy an object x?()  A、 x.delete()B、 x.finalize()C、 Runtime.getRuntime().gc()D、 Explicitly setting the object’s reference to null.E、 Ensuring there are no references to the object.F、 Only the garbage collection system can destroy an object.

现有:      - list是一个合法的集合引用      - getCollection()返回一个合法集合的引用      哪两个是合法的?()    A、 for(Object o  ;  list)B、 for(Object o  :  getCollection()C、 for(Object o  :  list.iterator()D、 for(lterator i ;  list.iterator()  ;  i.hasNext  ()  )E、 for(lterator i=list.iterator(); i.hasNext  ();  )


在JAVA中,Object类是所有类的父亲,用户自定义类默认扩展自Object类,下列选项中的()方法不属于Object类的方法。A、equals(Object obj)B、getClass()C、toString()D、trim()


Object类的finalize()方法是如何声明的()。A、public void finalize()B、protected int finalize()C、C.protected void finalize(intD、protected void finalize()throws Throwable

以下哪些方法在Object类中定义()。A、toString()B、equals(Objecto)C、public static void main(String[]args)D、System.out.println()E、wait()

如果你设计了一个类,并且覆盖了equals( )方法,哪些方法你还会考虑覆盖()A、clone()B、toString()C、wait()D、finalize()E、hashCode()

Which statements describe guaranteed behavior of the garbage collection and finalization mechanisms?()  A、Objects are deleted when they can no longer be accessed through any reference.B、The finalize() method will eventually be called on every object.C、The finalize() method will never be called more than once on an object.D、An object will not be garbage collected as long as it is possible for an active part of the program to access it through a reference.E、The garbage collector will use a mark and sweep algorithm.




下列代码正确的是哪项?() A、 public class Session implements Runnable, Clonable{   public void run ();public Object clone () ; }B、 public class Session extends Runnable, Cloneable {  public void run() {/*dosomething*/}       public Object clone() {/*make a copy*/} }C、 public abstract class Session implements Runnable, Clonable {       public void run() {/*do something*/}       public Object clone() {/*make a copy*/}        }D、 public class Session implements Runnable, implements Clonable {       public void run() {/*do something*/}       public Object clone() {/*make a copy*/}       }

Which statement is true?()A、A class’s finalize() method CANNOT be invoked explicitly.B、super.finalize() is called implicitly by any overriding finalize() method.C、The finalize() method for a given object is called no more than once by the garbage collector.D、The order in which finalize() is called on two objects is based on the order in which the two objects became finalizable.

多选题现有:      - list是一个合法的集合引用      - getCollection()返回一个合法集合的引用      哪两个是合法的?()Afor(Object o  ;  list)Bfor(Object o  :  getCollection()Cfor(Object o  :  list.iterator()Dfor(lterator i ;  list.iterator()  ;  i.hasNext  ()  )Efor(lterator i=list.iterator(); i.hasNext  ();  )

多选题Which two are true?()AA finalizer may NOT be invoked explicitly.BThe finalize method declared in class Object takes no action.Csuper.finalize()is called implicitly by any over riding finalize method.DThe finalize method for a given objec twill be called no more than once by the garbage collector.EThe order in which finalize will be called on two objects is based on the order in which the two objects became finalizable.

单选题下列代码正确的是哪项?()A public class Session implements Runnable, Clonable{   public void run ();public Object clone () ; }B public class Session extends Runnable, Cloneable {  public void run() {/*dosomething*/}       public Object clone() {/*make a copy*/} }C public abstract class Session implements Runnable, Clonable {       public void run() {/*do something*/}       public Object clone() {/*make a copy*/}        }D public class Session implements Runnable, implements Clonable {       public void run() {/*do something*/}       public Object clone() {/*make a copy*/}       }

单选题Which statement is true?()AA class’s finalize() method CANNOT be invoked explicitly.Bsuper.finalize() is called implicitly by any overriding finalize() method.CThe finalize() method for a given object is called no more than once by the garbage collector.DThe order in which finalize() is called on two objects is based on the order in which the two objects became finalizable.

单选题What allows the programmer to destroy an object x?()A x.delete()B x.finalize()C Runtime.getRuntime().gc()D Explicitly setting the object’s reference to null.E Ensuring there are no references to the object.F Only the garbage collection system can destroy an object.

单选题Object类的finalize()方法是如何声明的()。Apublic void finalize()Bprotected int finalize()CC.protected void finalize(intDprotected void finalize()throws Throwable