阅读下列Java程序和程序说明,将应填入(n)处的字句写在对应栏内。【说明】下面的程序先构造Point类,再顺序构造Ball类。由于在类Ball中不能直接存取类Point中的xCoordinate及yCoordinate属性值,Ball中的toString方法调用Point类中的toString方法输出中心点的值。在MovingBall类的toString方法中,super.toString调用父类Ball的toString方法输出类Ball中声明的属性值。public class Point{private double xCoordinate;private double yCoordinate;public Point 0 }public Point(ouble x, double y){xCoordinate = x;yCoordinate = y;}public String toString(){return "( + Double.toString(Coordinate)+ ","+ Double.toString(Coordinate) + ");}//other methods}public class Ball{(1); //中心点private double radius; //半径private String colour; ///颜色public Ball() { }public Ball(double xValue, double yValue, double r)// 具有中心点及半径的构造方法{center=(2);//调用类Point 中的构造方法radius = r;}public Ball(double xValue, double yValue, double r, String c)// 具有中心点、半径及颜色的构造方法{(3);//调用3个参数的构造方法colour = c;}public String toString(){return "A ball with center" + center, toString() + ", radius"+ Double.toString(radius) + ", colour" + colour;}//other methods}public class MovingBall. (4){private double speed;public MovingBall() { }public MovingBall(double xValue, double yValue, double r, String e, double s){(5);// 调用父类Ball中具有4个参数的构造方法speed = s;}public String toString( ){ return super, toString( ) + ", speed "+ Double.toString(speed); }//other methods}public class Tester{public static void main(String args[]){MovingBall mb = new MovingBall(10,20,40,"green",25);System.out.println(mb);}}



public class Point


private double xCoordinate;

private double yCoordinate;

public Point 0 }

public Point(ouble x, double y)


xCoordinate = x;

yCoordinate = y;


public String toString()


return "( + Double.toString(Coordinate)+ ","

+ Double.toString(Coordinate) + ");


//other methods


public class Ball


(1); //中心点

private double radius; //半径

private String colour; ///颜色

public Ball() { }

public Ball(double xValue, double yValue, double r)// 具有中心点及半径的构造方法


center=(2);//调用类Point 中的构造方法

radius = r;


public Ball(double xValue, double yValue, double r, String c)

// 具有中心点、半径及颜色的构造方法



colour = c;


public String toString()


return "A ball with center" + center, toString() + ", radius"

+ Double.toString(radius) + ", colour" + colour;


//other methods


public class MovingBall. (4)


private double speed;

public MovingBall() { }

public MovingBall(double xValue, double yValue, double r, String e, double s)


(5);// 调用父类Ball中具有4个参数的构造方法

speed = s;


public String toString( )

{ return super, toString( ) + ", speed "+ Double.toString(speed); }

//other methods


public class Tester{

public static void main(String args[]){

MovingBall mb = new MovingBall(10,20,40,"green",25);





阅读下列Java程序和程序说明,将应填入(n)处的字句写在对应栏内。【说明】StringEditor类的功能是:已知一个字符串,返回将字符串中的非字母字符都删除后的字符串。public (1) {public static String removeNonLetters( (2) ){StringBuffer aBuffer=(3);char aCharacter;for(int i=0; i<original.length();i++){aCharacter=(4);if(Character.isLetter(aCharacter))aBuffer.append( (5) );}return new String(aBuffer);}}public class StringEditorTester{public static void main(String args[]){String riginal="Hi!, My Name is Mark, 234I think you are my classmate?!!";System.out.println(StringEditor.removeNonLetters(original));}}


阅读以下说明和Java程序,将应填入(n)处的字句写在对应栏内。[说明]下面程序实现十进制向其它进制的转换。[Java程序]ClasS Node{int data;Node next;}class Transform{private Node top;public void print(){Node p;while(top!=null){P=top;if(P.data>9)System.out.print((char)(P.data+55));elseSystem.out.print(p.data);top=p.next;}}public void Trans(int d,int i){//d为数字;i为进制int m;(1) n=false;Node p;while(d>0){(2);d=d/i;p=new Node();if( (3) ){p.data=m;(4);top=P;n=true;}else{p.data=m;(5);top=P;}}}}

阅读下列程序说明和C++程序,把应填入其中(n)处的字句,写在对应栏内。【说明】阅读下面几段C++程序回答相应问题。比较下面两段程序的优缺点。①for (i=0; i<N; i++ ){if (condition)//DoSomething…else//DoOtherthing…}②if (condition) {for (i =0; i<N; i++ )//DoSomething}else {for (i=0; i <N; i++ )//DoOtherthing…}

阅读以下说明和JAVA 2代码,将应填入(n)处的字句写在对应栏内。[说明]以下程序为类类型的变量应用实例,通过异常处理检验了类CCircle的变量的合法性,即参数半径应为非负值。仔细阅读代码和相关注释,将程序补充完整。[JAVA代码]//定义自己的异常类class CCircleException extends Exception{}// 定义类 CCircleclass CCircle{private double radius;public void setRadius ( double r ) (1){if ( r<0 ) {(2)}else(3)}Public void show ( ) {System. out. println ( "area="+3.14*radius*radius );}}public class ciusample{public static void main ( String args[] ){CCircle cir=new CCircle( );(4) {cir. setRadius ( -2.0 )}(5){System. out. println ( e+" throwed" ) ;}cir. show( ) ;}}

●试题二阅读下列函数说明和C代码,将应填入(n)处的字句写在答题纸的对应栏内。【说明】该程序运行后,输出下面的数字金字塔【程序】includestdio.hmain (){char max,next;int i;for(max=′1′;max=′9′;max++){for(i=1;i=20- (1) ;++i)printf(" ");for(next= (2) ;next= (3) ;next++)printf("%c",next);for(next= (4) ;next= (5) ;next--)printf("%c",next);printf("\n");}}

试题三(共 15 分)阅读以下说明和 C 程序,将应填入 (n) 处的字句写在答题纸的对应栏内。

阅读下列说明和Java代码,将应填入(n)处的字句写在答题纸的对应栏内。【说明】 某文件管理系统中定义了类OfficeDoc和DocExplorer,当类OfficeDoc发生变化时,类DocExplorer的所有对象都要更新其自身的状态,现采用观察者(Observer)设计模式来实现该需求,所设计的类图如图6-1所示。
