The outbreak of swine flu that was first detected in Mexico was declared a global epidemic on June 11,2009.It is the first worldwide epidemic 1by the World Health Organization in 41 years.The heightened alert_2 an emergency meeting with flu experts in Geneva that convened after a sharp rise in cases in Australia,and rising 3_in Britain,Japan,Chile and elsewhere.But the epidemic is"4"in severity,according to Margaret Chan,the organization's director general,5 the overwhelming majority of patients experiencing only mild symptoms and a full recovery,often in the 6 of any medical treatment.The outbreak came to global__7 in late April 2009,when Mexican authorities noticed an unusually large number of hospitalizations and deaths 8 healthy adults.As much of Mexico City shut down at the height of a panic,cases began to 9 in New York City,the southwestern United States and around the world.In the United States,new cases seemed to fade 10 warmer weather arrived.But in late September 2009,officials reported there was 11 flu activity in almost every state and that virtually all the 12 tested are the new swine flu,also known as(A)H1N1,not seasonal flu.In the U.S.,it has__13 more than one million people,and caused more than 600 deaths and more than 6,000 hospitalizations.Federal health officials__14_Tamiflu for children from the national stockpile and began 15 orders from the states for the new swine flu vaccine.The new vaccine,which is different from the annual flu vaccine,is 16 ahead of expectations.More than three million doses were to be made available in early October 2009,though most of those 17 doses were of the FluMist nasal spray type,which is not 18 for pregnant women,people over 50 or those with breathing difficulties,heart disease or several other 19.But it was still possible to vaccinate people in other high-risk group:health care workers,people20_infants and healthy young people.19选?A.problemsB.issuesC.agoniesD.sufferings

The outbreak of swine flu that was first detected in Mexico was declared a global epidemic on June 11,2009.It is the first worldwide epidemic 1by the World Health Organization in 41 years.The heightened alert_2 an emergency meeting with flu experts in Geneva that convened after a sharp rise in cases in Australia,and rising 3_in Britain,Japan,Chile and elsewhere.But the epidemic is"4"in severity,according to Margaret Chan,the organization's director general,5 the overwhelming majority of patients experiencing only mild symptoms and a full recovery,often in the 6 of any medical treatment.The outbreak came to global__7 in late April 2009,when Mexican authorities noticed an unusually large number of hospitalizations and deaths 8 healthy adults.As much of Mexico City shut down at the height of a panic,cases began to 9 in New York City,the southwestern United States and around the world.In the United States,new cases seemed to fade 10 warmer weather arrived.But in late September 2009,officials reported there was 11 flu activity in almost every state and that virtually all the 12 tested are the new swine flu,also known as(A)H1N1,not seasonal flu.In the U.S.,it has__13 more than one million people,and caused more than 600 deaths and more than 6,000 hospitalizations.Federal health officials__14_Tamiflu for children from the national stockpile and began 15 orders from the states for the new swine flu vaccine.The new vaccine,which is different from the annual flu vaccine,is 16 ahead of expectations.More than three million doses were to be made available in early October 2009,though most of those 17 doses were of the FluMist nasal spray type,which is not 18 for pregnant women,people over 50 or those with breathing difficulties,heart disease or several other 19.But it was still possible to vaccinate people in other high-risk group:health care workers,people20_infants and healthy young people.19选?



解析:词义辨析【直击答案】本空格所在句是people over 50 or those with breathing difficulties,heart disease or several other__19.解答本题时要联系上文信息,上文说该药剂不推荐给一些特殊人群使用,本题空格处前面的or表明所需填入词仍是指特殊人群。所以可推断出答案为A项problems,即还有其他健康问题的人群。【命题思路】本题考查考生对相近含义的名词的辨析能力。【干扰排除】B项issues的含义也是“问题”,但多指有争议的问题;A项problems的含义是“问题”,泛指其他的一些疾病。


In June I went to the US ________. (A) first time(B) the first time(C) for first time(D) for the first time

Passage TwoQuestions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.①The threat of a global outbreak (疾病大爆发) of bird flu makes it urgent for the international community to cooperate effectively. Wealthy countries will have to provide hundreds of millions of dollars for the testing and production of medicines necessary for treating patients suffering from bird flu. Developing countries, particularly in Southeast Asia, where the bird flu virus (病毒) has spread since 1997, must work out special programs so that farmers will not hide signs of possible outbreaks. In addition, the way such farm birds as chickens and ducks are traditionally raised and marketed in the developing world should be changed; there should be more distance between the birds and their keepers. Countries should deal with the disease with joint effort. If one country is inadequately prepared, it will be a threat to every other country.②The potential effects of a national outbreak of bird flu are enormous. Firstly, an outbreak may kill large numbers of people. World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that an outbreak similar to the mild Hong Kong flu of 1968 could kill as many as 7.4 millions people. If it were as dangerous as the 1918 Spanish flu, which killed 50 million, the number would be much higher. Secondly, such an outbreak may cause great financial damage. The latest outbreak of bird flu, which began in December 2003, has cost Southeast Asia more than $10 billion and depressed its GDP(gross domestic product) by 1.5 percent. If a new outbreak of bird flu were to last for a whole year, $800 billion would be lost.③Despite the 124 human cases and 63 deaths from bird flu since December 2003, the virus remains mainly a disease of animals. However, the more animals that die of the disease, the more chances it has of spreading to people. Large numbers of dead or dying birds mean that more people will be exposed to the virus and change into a virus with new characteristics. If the international community works together efficiently, man can surely prevent such a virus and possibly save millions of lives.26. Faced with the threat of a global outbreak of bird flu, the international community should ________.A. establish new marketsB. work together effectivelyC. stop birds from flying to other countriesD. raise fewer chickens and ducks

The second paragraph focuses on ______.A. World Health OrganizationB. flus in Hong Kong and SpainC. the economy of Southeast AsiaD. possible effects of a bird flu outbreak

According to Federal health officials ,the fact that more West Nile cases have been reported indicates that[A] more states are affected.[B] the average age dropped drastically.[C] health officials are more alert to the disease.[D] the epidemic season began a month earlier.

The 2014 Ebola outbreak is the largest in history and the first Ebola outbreak in West Africa. Although the current epidemic does not cause a significant risk to other nations, many countries, including China and the United States of America, have actually been working closely with the Ebola hit states. For example, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is taking precautions at home besides its activities abroad.CDCs team of “virus hunters” is supported by specialized public health teams both in West Africa and at the CDC Atlanta headquarters. Together, they offer continuous support to save lives and protect people. CDC works closely with a number of U.S. government agencies, national and international partners. CDCs experience of working with Ebola is important to the World Health Organizations growing West Africa Ebola response.On Sept. 2, 2014, CDC Director, Tom Frieden called for more international partners to join this effort. “The sooner the world comes together to help West Africa, the safer we all will be. We know how to stop this outbreak. There is a window of opportunity to do so the challenge is to scale up the massive response needed to stop this outbreak.”CDCs response to Ebola is the largest international outbreak response in CDCs history with over 100 disease specialists on the ground in West Africa, supported by hundreds of public health emergency response experts stateside , activated at Level 1, its highest level, because of the significance of this outbreak.The CDC supports affected countries to establish Emergency Operations Centers at national and local levels and helps countries track the epidemic including using real-time data to improve real-time response.Efforts in West Africa to identify those infected and track people who have come into contact with them are improving. The CDC is operating and supporting labs in the region to improve diagnosis and testing samples from people with suspected Ebola from around the world. Local health care systems are strengthened through communication, coordination with partners and training on infection control for health care workers and safe patient treatment.26. How could we describe the 2014 Ebola outbreak?A. The first one in western countries.B. It did not ever threaten West Africa.C. Not the first but the largest one.27. The 2014 Ebola outbreak response was()?A. an American stateside activity.B. an international activity.C. a regional activity.28. What does the underlined word “massive” mean in Paragraph 3?A. huge.B. quick.C. urgent29. How many disease specialists from CDC have gone to West Africa for the Ebola response?A. Less than 100.B. A hundred.C. More than 100.30. What action does CDC take to respond to the large Ebola outbreak?A. Work closely with governmental, national and international partners.B. Call for more partners to join this effort.C. Establish Emergency Operations Centers.

After the outbreak of the First World War, Australia followed Britain's lead and declared war on ________. A.JapanB.TurkeyC.ItalyD.Germany

The World Health Organization gave a warning to the public without any When the virus of H1N1 hit Mexico in April,2009.A. delay B. effort C. schedule D. consideration

共用题干Swine Flu in New YorkThe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC)has confirmed cases of swine(猪)_______(51)in eight students at a New York preparatory(预科的)school, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said on Sunday. The students have had only_________(52) symptoms and none have been hospitalized,he said.Some of thestudents have already recovered.More than 100 students were absent from_______(53)due to flu-like symptoms last week.New Yorkhealth officials tested samples for eight students on Saturday and determined the students were probably________(54)from swine flu,and the CDC confirmed the________(55)on Sunday,Bloombergsaid.The announcement brings the ______(56) of confirmed swine flu eases in the United States to 20.Bloomberg said there is no ________(57)of a citywide outbreak( ~K) of the flu,and no sign of a potentialouthreak of swine fiu at ___________( 58) schools.Some students at the school_________(59) spring break in Mexico,Bloomberg gaid,bur authorities havenot determined _______( 60) any of the students with a confirmed ease of swine flu was in Mexico. Someonewho traveled to Mexico may not have had any flu symptoms but________(61) on the flu to someone else,henoted.Bloomberg called on students who are homesick to________(62) home for 48 hours after theirsymptoms go away.If symptoms are normal for a regular kind offlu , there is________(63) need to go to a hospital,saidBloomberg. If symptoms become severe, as__________(64) any illness,people should go to the hospital,hesaid.St. Francis,which has 2,700 students,announced it will remam closed for two days.________(65)whether the students' illnesses have been minor because they're young and healthy or because it is a minor strain(菌株)of the virus,Bloomberg responded,"We don't know."_________(56)A:numberB:spreadC:sizeD:amount

共用题干Swine Flu in New YorkThe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC)has confirmed cases of swine(猪)_______(51)in eight students at a New York preparatory(预科的)school, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said on Sunday. The students have had only_________(52) symptoms and none have been hospitalized,he said.Some of thestudents have already recovered.More than 100 students were absent from_______(53)due to flu-like symptoms last week.New Yorkhealth officials tested samples for eight students on Saturday and determined the students were probably________(54)from swine flu,and the CDC confirmed the________(55)on Sunday,Bloombergsaid.The announcement brings the ______(56) of confirmed swine flu eases in the United States to 20.Bloomberg said there is no ________(57)of a citywide outbreak( ~K) of the flu,and no sign of a potentialouthreak of swine fiu at ___________( 58) schools.Some students at the school_________(59) spring break in Mexico,Bloomberg gaid,bur authorities havenot determined _______( 60) any of the students with a confirmed ease of swine flu was in Mexico. Someonewho traveled to Mexico may not have had any flu symptoms but________(61) on the flu to someone else,henoted.Bloomberg called on students who are homesick to________(62) home for 48 hours after theirsymptoms go away.If symptoms are normal for a regular kind offlu , there is________(63) need to go to a hospital,saidBloomberg. If symptoms become severe, as__________(64) any illness,people should go to the hospital,hesaid.St. Francis,which has 2,700 students,announced it will remam closed for two days.________(65)whether the students' illnesses have been minor because they're young and healthy or because it is a minor strain(菌株)of the virus,Bloomberg responded,"We don't know."_________(51)A:feverB:coldC:sicknessD:flu

Text 1 The influenza season is just getting started in the United States,and it already promises to be more severe than usual.Hospital emergency rooms are filling up with flu sufferers,and pharmacies have reported medicine shortages.Twelve children had died as of last month.To make matters worse,in Australia,which experienced its flu season four to six months ago,the current vaccine appeared to be only about 10 percent effective against tlus year's dominant strain.Yet as bad as this winter's epidemic is,it won't compare with the flu pandemic that is almost certainly on the horizon if we don't dedicate energy and resources to a universal vaccine.The 1918 Spanish flu epidemic killed 50 million t0 100 million around the globe.Given the century of medical progress since then,one might conclude that we are far better prepared today to deal with such a worldwide catastrophe.Unfortunately,the opposite is true.The world has about four times the number of inhabitants it did in 1918,including hundreds of millions of people,poultry and pigs living close together.This provides a potent biologic mixing bowl and natural influenza virus mutation factory.When a pandemic does strike,we'll be in trouble in part because American hospitals and pharruacies keep in stock no more than a few days supply of most lifesaving drugs,almost all of which are made in Asia.Worldwide manufacturing and shipping are highly susceptible to disruption,which could mean shortages in many areas.A 1918-type influenza pandemic could cause ruin on the order of what the Black Death did t0 14th-century Europe,but on a global scale.Our current vaccines are based on 1940s research.Limited global manufacturing capacity combined with the five to six months it takes to make these vaccines mean many people would never even have a chance to be vaccinated.Little is being done to aggressively change this unacceptable situation.We will have worldwide flu pandemics.Only their severity is unknown.The only real solution is a universal vaccine that effectively attacks all influenza A strains,with reliable protection lasting for years,like other modem vaccines.Although the National Institutes of Health has publicly declared developing a vaccine a priority,it has only about$32 million this year specifically for such research.The Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority,the other federal agency responsible for developing and making available new vaccines for emergency response,has in fiscal year 2017 0nly a single project for$43 million supporting game-changing infiuenza vaccines.By contrast,the search for an H.I,V.vaccine-still a scientific long shot-receives Sl billion annually.We estimate that intemational govemments,vaccine manufacturers and the philanthropic community must make a similar commitment to influenza vaccine research if the kind of vaccine we need is to developed in the next 10 years.But there is no apparent effort to make these vaccines a priority in the current administration 23.Which ofthe following is not mentioned as factors delaying treatment?A.Storage.B.Efficacy.C.Transportation.D.Manufacture

共用题干The Spanish Flu EpidemicIf you're worried about the possibility of a coming bird flu epidemic,you can take comfort in the fact that humanity has survived a similar influenza epidemic in the past.Starting its rounds at the end of World War!,the 1918 flu killed an estimated 50 million people.Popularly known as the Spanish Flu,this type of influenza was far worse than your common cold.Normally,influenza only kills those who are more vulnerable to disease,such as newborns,the old or the sick.However,the Spanish Flu was prone to kill the young and healthy.Often it would disable its victims in hours;within a day,they would be dead,typically from extreme cases of pneumonia(肺炎).The Spanish Flu was quite nasty-fast-spreading and deadly. It managed to spread across the globe,devastating the world.Then suddenly,after two years ravaging(蹂躏) the Earth,it disappeared as quickly as it had arisen.Despite its nickname,the Spanish Flu did not originate in Spain.Its true origins are unknown.Some believe it started in US forts and then spread to Europe as America joinedthe war;others think that it populated the trenches of the English and the French and eventually broke out in 1918.Regardless of where it started,eventually a fifth of the world population suffered the disease,with a global mortality rate(死亡率)estimated at 2. 5% of the population.Modernity was partly to blame for the quick spread of the disease.It passed throughout the world on trade routes and shipping lines.It hit Northern America,Europe,Asia,Africaand the South Pacific.The war did not help at all一the movement of supplies and troops aided the spread of the Spanish Flu,as well as the trench warfare:!magine the speed at which a virus can spread in a crowded ditch.The fast emergence of the virus in the trenches caused some soldiers to believe that the Spanish Flu was a new form of biological warfare.Luckily,the Spanish Flu simply vanished by 1920.It is believed the flu simply ran out of fuel to spread.The Spanish Flu posed a greater threat to the old and the sick.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

共用题干The Spanish Flu EpidemicIf you're worried about the possibility of a coming bird flu epidemic,you can take comfort in the fact that humanity has survived a similar influenza epidemic in the past.Starting its rounds at the end of World War!,the 1918 flu killed an estimated 50 million people.Popularly known as the Spanish Flu,this type of influenza was far worse than your common cold.Normally,influenza only kills those who are more vulnerable to disease,such as newborns,the old or the sick.However,the Spanish Flu was prone to kill the young and healthy.Often it would disable its victims in hours;within a day,they would be dead,typically from extreme cases of pneumonia(肺炎).The Spanish Flu was quite nasty-fast-spreading and deadly. It managed to spread across the globe,devastating the world.Then suddenly,after two years ravaging(蹂躏) the Earth,it disappeared as quickly as it had arisen.Despite its nickname,the Spanish Flu did not originate in Spain.Its true origins are unknown.Some believe it started in US forts and then spread to Europe as America joinedthe war;others think that it populated the trenches of the English and the French and eventually broke out in 1918.Regardless of where it started,eventually a fifth of the world population suffered the disease,with a global mortality rate(死亡率)estimated at 2. 5% of the population.Modernity was partly to blame for the quick spread of the disease.It passed throughout the world on trade routes and shipping lines.It hit Northern America,Europe,Asia,Africaand the South Pacific.The war did not help at all一the movement of supplies and troops aided the spread of the Spanish Flu,as well as the trench warfare:!magine the speed at which a virus can spread in a crowded ditch.The fast emergence of the virus in the trenches caused some soldiers to believe that the Spanish Flu was a new form of biological warfare.Luckily,the Spanish Flu simply vanished by 1920.It is believed the flu simply ran out of fuel to spread.The Spanish Flu started during World War I.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

共用题干The Spanish Flu EpidemicIf you're worried about the possibility of a coming bird flu epidemic,you can take comfort in the fact that humanity has survived a similar influenza epidemic in the past.Starting its rounds at the end of World War!,the 1918 flu killed an estimated 50 million people.Popularly known as the Spanish Flu,this type of influenza was far worse than your common cold.Normally,influenza only kills those who are more vulnerable to disease,such as newborns,the old or the sick.However,the Spanish Flu was prone to kill the young and healthy.Often it would disable its victims in hours;within a day,they would be dead,typically from extreme cases of pneumonia(肺炎).The Spanish Flu was quite nasty-fast-spreading and deadly. It managed to spread across the globe,devastating the world.Then suddenly,after two years ravaging(蹂躏) the Earth,it disappeared as quickly as it had arisen.Despite its nickname,the Spanish Flu did not originate in Spain.Its true origins are unknown.Some believe it started in US forts and then spread to Europe as America joinedthe war;others think that it populated the trenches of the English and the French and eventually broke out in 1918.Regardless of where it started,eventually a fifth of the world population suffered the disease,with a global mortality rate(死亡率)estimated at 2. 5% of the population.Modernity was partly to blame for the quick spread of the disease.It passed throughout the world on trade routes and shipping lines.It hit Northern America,Europe,Asia,Africaand the South Pacific.The war did not help at all一the movement of supplies and troops aided the spread of the Spanish Flu,as well as the trench warfare:!magine the speed at which a virus can spread in a crowded ditch.The fast emergence of the virus in the trenches caused some soldiers to believe that the Spanish Flu was a new form of biological warfare.Luckily,the Spanish Flu simply vanished by 1920.It is believed the flu simply ran out of fuel to spread.Biological warfare originated in the 20th century.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

The outbreak of swine flu that was first detected in Mexico was declared a global epidemic on June 11,2009.It is the first worldwide epidemic 1by the World Health Organization in 41 years.The heightened alert_2 an emergency meeting with flu experts in Geneva that convened after a sharp rise in cases in Australia,and rising 3_in Britain,Japan,Chile and elsewhere.But the epidemic is"4"in severity,according to Margaret Chan,the organization's director general,5 the overwhelming majority of patients experiencing only mild symptoms and a full recovery,often in the 6 of any medical treatment.The outbreak came to global__7 in late April 2009,when Mexican authorities noticed an unusually large number of hospitalizations and deaths 8 healthy adults.As much of Mexico City shut down at the height of a panic,cases began to 9 in New York City,the southwestern United States and around the world.In the United States,new cases seemed to fade 10 warmer weather arrived.But in late September 2009,officials reported there was 11 flu activity in almost every state and that virtually all the 12 tested are the new swine flu,also known as(A)H1N1,not seasonal flu.In the U.S.,it has__13 more than one million people,and caused more than 600 deaths and more than 6,000 hospitalizations.Federal health officials__14_Tamiflu for children from the national stockpile and began 15 orders from the states for the new swine flu vaccine.The new vaccine,which is different from the annual flu vaccine,is 16 ahead of expectations.More than three million doses were to be made available in early October 2009,though most of those 17 doses were of the FluMist nasal spray type,which is not 18 for pregnant women,people over 50 or those with breathing difficulties,heart disease or several other 19.But it was still possible to vaccinate people in other high-risk group:health care workers,people20_infants and healthy young people.11选?A.excessiveB.enormousC.significantD.magnificent

US Signs Global Tobacco Treaty【美国签订了全球烟草协议】  The United States has taken the first step toward approving a global tobacco treaty that promises to help control the deadly effects of tobacco use throughout the world. Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson signed the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) this week at the United Nations. ____(46)  The FCTC was developed by the World Health Organization and approved by members of the World Health Assembly,including the United States,last year. ______(47)  For instance, cigarettes sold in those countries would have to have health warnings on at least 30% of the front and back of every pack. _____(48) It also requires bans on tobacco advertising, though there are some exceptions for countries like the United States, where the Constitution prohibits such an outright ban.  ______(49)The World Health Organization estimates that tobacco use kills nearly 5 million people worldwide every year. In the US alone, about 440,000 people die each year from tobacco-related illnesses; about one-third of all cancers in the US are caused by tobacco use. If current trends continue, WHO estimates, by 2025 tobacco will kill 10 million people each year.  The treaty must be ratified by at least 40 countries before it can take effect. ______(50)文章(41~45)A.Tobacco stocks also perked up as investors discounted fears of litigation(诉讼) from the USB. So far,109 countries have signed it, and 12 have ratified it.C. The impact of the treaty could be huge.D. Countries that ratify(批准) it would be required to enact strict tobacco control policies.E.The treaty calls for higher tobacco taxes, restrictions on smoking in public places, and more promotion of tobacco prevention and cessation programs.F. The Senate must still approve the treaty before the US can implement its provisions.

共用题干U.S.Signs Global Tobacco Treaty 1 The United States has taken the first step toward approving a global tobacco treaty that promises to help control the deadly effects of tobacco use throughout the world.Health and Human Services Secretary, Tommy Thompson, signed the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control(FCTC)this week at the United Nations.The Senate must still approve the treaty before the U.S.can implement its provisions. 2 The FCTC was developed by the World Health Organization and approved by members of the World Health Assembly,including the United States,last year.Countries that ratify it would be required to enact strict tobacco control policies. 3 For instance,cigarettes sold in those countries would have to have health warnings on at least 30% of the front and back of every pack.The treaty calls for higher tobacco taxes,restrictions on smoking in public places,and more promotion of tobacco prevention and cessation programs.It also requires bans on tobacco advertising,though there are some exceptions for countries like the United States,where the Constitution prohibits such an outright ban. 4 The impact of the treaty could be huge.The World Health Organization estimates that tobacco use kills nearly 5 million people worldwide every year.In the U.S.alone,about 440,000 people die each year from tobacco-related illnesses;about one-third of all cancers in the U.S.are caused by tobacco use.If current trends continue,WHO estimates,by 2025 tobacco will kill 10 million people each year. 5 The treaty must be ratified by at least 40 countries before it can take effect.So far,109 countries have signed it,and 1 2 have ratified it.Signing the FCTC is only the first step toward______.A:have ratified itB:approving itC:implement its provisionsD:restrict smoking in public placesE:caused by tobacco useF:including higher tobacco taxes

US Signs Global Tobacco Treaty【美国签订了全球烟草协议】  The United States has taken the first step toward approving a global tobacco treaty that promises to help control the deadly effects of tobacco use throughout the world. Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson signed the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) this week at the United Nations. ____(46)  The FCTC was developed by the World Health Organization and approved by members of the World Health Assembly,including the United States,last year. ______(47)  For instance, cigarettes sold in those countries would have to have health warnings on at least 30% of the front and back of every pack. _____(48) It also requires bans on tobacco advertising, though there are some exceptions for countries like the United States, where the Constitution prohibits such an outright ban.  ______(49)The World Health Organization estimates that tobacco use kills nearly 5 million people worldwide every year. In the US alone, about 440,000 people die each year from tobacco-related illnesses; about one-third of all cancers in the US are caused by tobacco use. If current trends continue, WHO estimates, by 2025 tobacco will kill 10 million people each year.  The treaty must be ratified by at least 40 countries before it can take effect. ______(50)文章(6~10)A.Tobacco stocks also perked up as investors discounted fears of litigation(诉讼) from the USB. So far,109 countries have signed it, and 12 have ratified it.C. The impact of the treaty could be huge.D. Countries that ratify(批准) it would be required to enact strict tobacco control policies.E.The treaty calls for higher tobacco taxes, restrictions on smoking in public places, and more promotion of tobacco prevention and cessation programs.F. The Senate must still approve the treaty before the US can implement its provisions.

The spark of the First World War was struck at Sarajevo on June 28,(),when the Austrian Crown Prince Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by a Serbian nationalist.A1913B1914C1915D1916



单选题AHer great-grandfather died during a major epidemic.BHer great-grandfather worked in the field of public health.CHer great-grandfather was affected by the 1918 epidemic.DHer great-grandfather was a soldier in World War l.

问答题Practice 5  One by one, economies around the world are stumbling. By cutting interest rates again this week-for the seventh time this year-the Federal Reserve hopes it can keep America out of recession. But in an increasing number of economies, from Japan to Taiwan to Mexico and Brazil. GDP is already shrinking. Global industrial production fell at an annual rate of 6 percent in the first half of 2001. Early estimates suggest that gross world product, as a whole, may have contracted in the second quarter, for possibly the first time in two decades. Welcome to the first global recession of the 21st century.

单选题When MiShel gave birth to her first girl, the new sperm-separation technique _____.Ahad already been well-developedBhad not been declared successfulCwas available to those who wanted itDhad been widely accepted in the medical world

单选题The idea for Buy Nothing Day first started in _____.ACaliforniaBAlbuquerqueCBritish ColumbiaDNew Mexico

单选题Which of the following statements does NOT refer to smallpox?APrevious projects had failed.BPeople are no longer vaccinated for it.CThe World Health Organization mounted a worldwide campaign to eradicate the disease.DIt was a serious threat.

单选题The spark of the First World War was struck at Sarajevo on June 28,(),when the Austrian Crown Prince Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by a Serbian nationalist.A1913B1914C1915D1916

单选题AStatistics about major diseases.BSymptoms of influenza infection.CA. major epidemic of influenza.DDifferent strains of the flu virus.