The 2014 Ebola outbreak is the largest in history and the first Ebola outbreak in West Africa. Although the current epidemic does not cause a significant risk to other nations, many countries, including China and the United States of America, have actually been working closely with the Ebola hit states. For example, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is taking precautions at home besides its activities abroad.CDCs team of “virus hunters” is supported by specialized public health teams both in West Africa and at the CDC Atlanta headquarters. Together, they offer continuous support to save lives and protect people. CDC works closely with a number of U.S. government agencies, national and international partners. CDCs experience of working with Ebola is important to the World Health Organizations growing West Africa Ebola response.On Sept. 2, 2014, CDC Director, Tom Frieden called for more international partners to join this effort. “The sooner the world comes together to help West Africa, the safer we all will be. We know how to stop this outbreak. There is a window of opportunity to do so the challenge is to scale up the massive response needed to stop this outbreak.”CDCs response to Ebola is the largest international outbreak response in CDCs history with over 100 disease specialists on the ground in West Africa, supported by hundreds of public health emergency response experts stateside , activated at Level 1, its highest level, because of the significance of this outbreak.The CDC supports affected countries to establish Emergency Operations Centers at national and local levels and helps countries track the epidemic including using real-time data to improve real-time response.Efforts in West Africa to identify those infected and track people who have come into contact with them are improving. The CDC is operating and supporting labs in the region to improve diagnosis and testing samples from people with suspected Ebola from around the world. Local health care systems are strengthened through communication, coordination with partners and training on infection control for health care workers and safe patient treatment.26. How could we describe the 2014 Ebola outbreak?A. The first one in western countries.B. It did not ever threaten West Africa.C. Not the first but the largest one.27. The 2014 Ebola outbreak response was()?A. an American stateside activity.B. an international activity.C. a regional activity.28. What does the underlined word “massive” mean in Paragraph 3?A. huge.B. quick.C. urgent29. How many disease specialists from CDC have gone to West Africa for the Ebola response?A. Less than 100.B. A hundred.C. More than 100.30. What action does CDC take to respond to the large Ebola outbreak?A. Work closely with governmental, national and international partners.B. Call for more partners to join this effort.C. Establish Emergency Operations Centers.

The 2014 Ebola outbreak is the largest in history and the first Ebola outbreak in West Africa. Although the current epidemic does not cause a significant risk to other nations, many countries, including China and the United States of America, have actually been working closely with the Ebola hit states. For example, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is taking precautions at home besides its activities abroad.

CDC's team of “virus hunters” is supported by specialized public health teams both in West Africa and at the CDC Atlanta headquarters. Together, they offer continuous support to save lives and protect people. CDC works closely with a number of U.S. government agencies, national and international partners. CDC's experience of working with Ebola is important to the World Health Organization's growing West Africa Ebola response.

On Sept. 2, 2014, CDC Director, Tom Frieden called for more international partners to join this effort. “The sooner the world comes together to help West Africa, the safer we all will be. We know how to stop this outbreak. There is a window of opportunity to do so the challenge is to scale up the massive response needed to stop this outbreak.”

CDC's response to Ebola is the largest international outbreak response in CDC's history with over 100 disease specialists on the ground in West Africa, supported by hundreds of public health emergency response experts stateside , activated at Level 1, its highest level, because of the significance of this outbreak.

The CDC supports affected countries to establish Emergency Operations Centers at national and local levels and helps countries track the epidemic including using real-time data to improve real-time response.

Efforts in West Africa to identify those infected and track people who have come into contact with them are improving. The CDC is operating and supporting labs in the region to improve diagnosis and testing samples from people with suspected Ebola from around the world. Local health care systems are strengthened through communication, coordination with partners and training on infection control for health care workers and safe patient treatment.

26. How could we describe the 2014 Ebola outbreak?

A. The first one in western countries.

B. It did not ever threaten West Africa.

C. Not the first but the largest one.

27. The 2014 Ebola outbreak response was()?

A. an American stateside activity.

B. an international activity.

C. a regional activity.

28. What does the underlined word “massive” mean in Paragraph 3?

A. huge.

B. quick.

C. urgent

29. How many disease specialists from CDC have gone to West Africa for the Ebola response?

A. Less than 100.

B. A hundred.

C. More than 100.

30. What action does CDC take to respond to the large Ebola outbreak?

A. Work closely with governmental, national and international partners.

B. Call for more partners to join this effort.

C. Establish Emergency Operations Centers.


●试题三阅读下列函数说明和C代码,将应填入(n)处的字句写在答题纸的对应栏内。【说明】设有一个带表头结点的双向循环链表L,每个结点有4个数据成员:指向前驱结点的指针prior、指向后继结点的指针next、存放数据的成员data和访问频度freq。所有结点的freq初始时都为0。每当在链表上进行一次L.Locate(x)操作时,令元素值x的结点的访问频度freq加1,并将该结点前移,链接到现它的访问频度相等的结点后面,使得链表中所有结点保持按访问频度递减的顺序排列,以使频繁访问的结点总是靠近表头。【函数】void Locate(int &x){结点类型说明*p=first-next;while(p!=frist && (1) )P=P-next;if (p!=first)/*链表中存在x*/{ (2) ;结点类型说明*current=p;/*从链表中摘下这个结点*/Current-prior-next=current-next;Current-next-prior=current-prior;P=current-prior;/*寻找重新插入的位置*/While(p!=first && (3) )p=p-prior;Current-next= (4) ;/*插入在P之后*?Current-prior=P;P-next-prior=current;P-next= (5) ;}else printf("Sorry.Not find!\n");/*没找到*/}

_____it was raining hard ,_____the farmers were still working. A.Although, butB.But, althoughC.Although, yetD.Although, while

1940年4月,某地80人出席了在教堂举行的晚餐,第二天有46人出现了恶心、呕吐、腹泻和腹痛,体温正常,被诊断为胃肠炎。这个事件可以称为() A、epidemicB、sporadicC、rapidfluctuationD、outbreak


阅读下列函数说明和C代码,将应填入(n)处的字句写在对应栏内。【说明】设有一个带表头结点的双向循环链表L,每个结点有4个数据成员:指向前驱结点的指针prior、指向后继结点的指针next、存放数据的成员data和访问频度freq。所有结点的freq初始时都为0。每当在链表上进行一次L.Locate(x)操作时,令元素值x的结点的访问频度 freq加1,并将该结点前移,链接到现它的访问频度相等的结点后面,使得链表中所有结点保持按访问频度递减的顺序排列,以使频繁访问的结点总是靠近表头。【函数】void Locate( int x){ <结点类型说明>* p =first -> next;while(p!=frist(1))P=P->next;if(p! =first) /*链表中存在x*/{(2);<结点类型说明>* current = P; /*从链表中摘下这个结点*/Current -> prior -> next = current -> next;Current -> next -> prior = current -> prior;P = current -> prior; /*寻找重新插入的位置*/While(p! =first (3))p=p->prior;Current-> next =(4); /*插入在P之后*?Current -> prior = P;P -> next -> prior = current;P->next=(5);}else printf("Sorry. Not find! \n"); /*没找到*/}

________ your mother ________ some cleaning on Sundays? A.Does…doesB.Do…doesC.Does…do

You need to calculate the total of all salaries in the accounting department. Which group function should you use? () A. MAXB. MINC. SUMD. COUNTE. TOTALF. LARGEST

任何疾病的爆发对人类来说都是灾难。 (outbreak)

4.—_________ Mike________ his homework in the evening?—No,he doesn't.A. Do;doesB. Does;doC. Do;doD. Does;does

Which of the following may illustrate the difference between "competence" and__________ "performance"?A.What a person "knows" and what he/she "does".B.What a person "can do" and what he/she "does".C.What a person "does" and what he/she "knows".D.What a person "does" and what he/she "can do".