The workers finally called off the strikes.A: put offB: endedC: cancelledD: participated in

The workers finally called off the strikes.

A: put off
B: ended
C: cancelled
D: participated in


解析:句意:工人们最终取消了罢工。句中的call off意为“放弃,取消”。四个选项中,C.cancel意为“取消”,与call off意思相近;A. put off意为“推迟” ;B. end意为“结束”;D.participate in意为“参与”。


Icebergs are parts of glaciers that break off, () into water, float about awhile, and finally melt. A、mobileB、driftC、shiftD、rotate

With the booming internet subscribers, ( ) in the information technology finally paid off. A. investB. investigationC. investmentD. debt

Our workers have been checking the heating system since you called us. I()you it will perform. well soon.A.argueB. affectC. assure

The laid-off workers are provided with necessities of life for a period of time by the companies they have worked with. (英译汉)

If an exception is thrown inside a catch block, will the finally block be still be called?(如果catch块捕获了一个异常,那么finally块还会被调用吗)

Because of the bad weather, the sports meet had to be __.A. shutdownB. done awayC. taken offD. called off

The airborne concentrations of substances(such as H2S)under which nearly all workers may be repeatedly exposed without adverse effects are called ______.A.Exposure limitsB.Concentration limitsC.Threshold limit valuesD.Substance limit values

In 1924 America's National Research Council sent two engineers to supervise a series of industrial experiments at a large telephone-parts factory called the Hawthorne Plant near Chicago.It hoped they would learn how stop-floor lighting 1 workers'productivity.Instead,the studies ended 2 giving their name to the"Hawthorne effect",the extremely influential idea that the very 3 to being experimented upon changed subjects'behavior.The idea arose because of the 4 behavior of the women in the Hawthorne plant.According to 5 of the experiments,their hourly output rose when lighting was increased,but also when it was dimmed.It did not 6 what was done in the experiment;7 something was changed,productivity rose.A(n)8 that they were being experimented upon seemed to be 9 to alter workers'behavior 10 itself.After several decades,the same data were 11 to econometric the analysis.Hawthorne experiments has another surprise store 12the descriptions on record,no systematic 13 was found that levels of productivity were related to changes in lighting.It turns out that peculiar way of conducting the experiments may be have let to 14 interpretation of what happed.15,lighting was always changed on a Sunday.When work started again on Monday,output 16 rose compared with the previous Saturday and 17 to rise for the next couple of days.18,a comparison with data for weeks when there was no experimentation showed that output always went up on Monday,workers 19 to be diligent for the first few days of the week in any case,before 20 a plateau and then slackening off.This suggests that the alleged"Hawthorne effect"is hard to pin down.2选?

The workers finally called offthe strikes.A:put offB: endedC:cancelledD:participated in

All things ______,the planned trip will have to be called consideredC.consideringD.having considered

共用题干The Worker 's Role in ManagementTraditionally,it has been the workers'role to work and management's role to manage.Managers have planned and directed the firm's operations with little thought of consulting the labor force.Managers have rarely felt compelled(被迫的)to obtain the workers ' opinions or to explain their decisions to their employees.At most,companies have provided"suggestion boxes"in which workers could place ideas for improving procedures.In recent years,however,many management specialists have been arguing that workers are more than sellers of labor-they have a vital stake in the company and may be able to make significant contributions to its management.Furthermore,major company decisions profoundly affect workers and their dependents.This isparticularly true of plant closings,which may put thousands on the unemployment lines.Should workers, then,play a stronger role in management?Workers should have a role in management.At the very least,the labor force should be informed of major policy decisions(A common complaint among rank-and-file workers is the lack of information about company policies and actions).Between 1980 and 1985 about five million workers were the victims of plant closings and permanent layoffs(失业),often with no warning.At least 90 days'notice ought to be given in such instances so that workers have time to adjust.Management should consult workers before closing a plant,because the workers might be able to suggest ways of improving productivity and reducing costs and might be willing to make concessions that will help keep the plant operating.It should become a general practice to include workers in some managerial decision making.There ought to be representatives of the workers on the firm's board of directors or other major policymaking groups.If rank-and-file workers are given a voice in the planning and management of the work flow,they will help to make improvements,their morale will rise,and their productivity will increase.As a further incentive,they must be given a share in the company's profits.This can be done through employee stock-ownership plans,bonuses,or rewards for efficiency and productivity.Finally,when a plant can no longer operate at a profit,the workers should be given the opportunity to purchase the plant and run it themselves.According to the passage,what happened between 1980 and 1985?A:Managers consulted workers before closing a plant.B:Workers did not make necessary concessions.C:About five million workers were laid off without advance notice.D:Many companies were closed because of strikes.

共用题干The Worker 's Role in ManagementTraditionally,it has been the workers'role to work and management's role to manage.Managers have planned and directed the firm's operations with little thought of consulting the labor force.Managers have rarely felt compelled(被迫的)to obtain the workers ' opinions or to explain their decisions to their employees.At most,companies have provided"suggestion boxes"in which workers could place ideas for improving procedures.In recent years,however,many management specialists have been arguing that workers are more than sellers of labor-they have a vital stake in the company and may be able to make significant contributions to its management.Furthermore,major company decisions profoundly affect workers and their dependents.This isparticularly true of plant closings,which may put thousands on the unemployment lines.Should workers, then,play a stronger role in management?Workers should have a role in management.At the very least,the labor force should be informed of major policy decisions(A common complaint among rank-and-file workers is the lack of information about company policies and actions).Between 1980 and 1985 about five million workers were the victims of plant closings and permanent layoffs(失业),often with no warning.At least 90 days'notice ought to be given in such instances so that workers have time to adjust.Management should consult workers before closing a plant,because the workers might be able to suggest ways of improving productivity and reducing costs and might be willing to make concessions that will help keep the plant operating.It should become a general practice to include workers in some managerial decision making.There ought to be representatives of the workers on the firm's board of directors or other major policymaking groups.If rank-and-file workers are given a voice in the planning and management of the work flow,they will help to make improvements,their morale will rise,and their productivity will increase.As a further incentive,they must be given a share in the company's profits.This can be done through employee stock-ownership plans,bonuses,or rewards for efficiency and productivity.Finally,when a plant can no longer operate at a profit,the workers should be given the opportunity to purchase the plant and run it themselves.It can be inferred from Paragraph 1 that managers______.A:seldom obtained workers'opinionsB:were not qualifiedC:disliked"suggestion boxes"D:never consulted the labor force

共用题干The Worker 's Role in ManagementTraditionally,it has been the workers'role to work and management's role to manage.Managers have planned and directed the firm's operations with little thought of consulting the labor force.Managers have rarely felt compelled(被迫的)to obtain the workers ' opinions or to explain their decisions to their employees.At most,companies have provided"suggestion boxes"in which workers could place ideas for improving procedures.In recent years,however,many management specialists have been arguing that workers are more than sellers of labor-they have a vital stake in the company and may be able to make significant contributions to its management.Furthermore,major company decisions profoundly affect workers and their dependents.This isparticularly true of plant closings,which may put thousands on the unemployment lines.Should workers, then,play a stronger role in management?Workers should have a role in management.At the very least,the labor force should be informed of major policy decisions(A common complaint among rank-and-file workers is the lack of information about company policies and actions).Between 1980 and 1985 about five million workers were the victims of plant closings and permanent layoffs(失业),often with no warning.At least 90 days'notice ought to be given in such instances so that workers have time to adjust.Management should consult workers before closing a plant,because the workers might be able to suggest ways of improving productivity and reducing costs and might be willing to make concessions that will help keep the plant operating.It should become a general practice to include workers in some managerial decision making.There ought to be representatives of the workers on the firm's board of directors or other major policymaking groups.If rank-and-file workers are given a voice in the planning and management of the work flow,they will help to make improvements,their morale will rise,and their productivity will increase.As a further incentive,they must be given a share in the company's profits.This can be done through employee stock-ownership plans,bonuses,or rewards for efficiency and productivity.Finally,when a plant can no longer operate at a profit,the workers should be given the opportunity to purchase the plant and run it themselves.The word"rank-and-file" in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to______.A:seniorB:ordinaryC:intelligentD:capable

The workers finally called off the strike.A:putoff B:endedC:cancelled D:participate in

All things ______, the planned trip willhave to be called off.A.considered consideredC.considering D.having considered

People usually dress up and show off their fashionable clothes and elaborate hats for the social event called()

The system hangs at boot time after starting NFS services.What is the most likely cause?()A、The action parameter of rcnfs in /etc/inittab is 'off' and the script called is not exiting.B、The action parameter of rcnfs in /etc/inittab is 'wait' and the script called is not exiting.C、The action parameter of rcnfs in /etc/inittab is 'once' and the script called is not exiting.D、The action parameter of rcnfs in /etc/inittab is 'respawn' and the script called is not exiting.

The system hangs at boot time after starting NFS services. What is the most likely cause?() A、The action parameter of rcnfs in /etc/inittab is ’off’ and the script called is not exiting.B、The action parameter of rcnfs in /etc/inittab is ’wait’ and the script called is not exiting.C、The action parameter of rcnfs in /etc/inittab is ’once’ and the script called is not exiting.D、The action parameter of rcnfs in /etc/inittab is ’respawn’ and the script called is not exiting

单选题How did Bob save the girl in the river?AHe called out and jumped into the river.BHe jumped into the river and pulled her out.CHe jumped into the river and hardly swam.DHe took off his clothes and called out.

单选题All things____,the planned trip will have to be called off.AconsideredBbe consideredCconsideringDhaving considered

单选题Your radar displays your ship off center.As you proceed on your course, your ship’s marker moves on the PPI scope while echoes from land masses remain stationary.What is this display called().AOff centerBTrue motionCStabilizedDHead up

单选题The system hangs at boot time after starting NFS services.What is the most likely cause?()AThe action parameter of rcnfs in /etc/inittab is 'off' and the script called is not exiting.BThe action parameter of rcnfs in /etc/inittab is 'wait' and the script called is not exiting.CThe action parameter of rcnfs in /etc/inittab is 'once' and the script called is not exiting.DThe action parameter of rcnfs in /etc/inittab is 'respawn' and the script called is not exiting.

单选题It began to rain so they called off the match and didn't announce when it would be held.Acounted on Bestimated Cexplained aboutDcanceled

单选题The airborne concentrations of substances (such as H2S) under which nearly all workers may be repeatedly exposed without adverse effects are called().Aexposure limitsBconcentration limitsCthreshold limit valuesDsubstance limit values

填空题People usually dress up and show off their fashionable clothes and elaborate hats for the social event called()

单选题How do the militants justify their kidnapping of oil workers?AThey argue that oil resources in the Niger Delta region are exhausting.BThey are not satisfied with the generous Pay of the oil workers.CThey claim that the Niger Delta region is off limit to foreign oil companies.DThey see their action as protest against the uneven distribution of the oil wealth.

单选题The lowest temperature at which a liquid gives off enough vapor to ignite in the presence of an ignition source is called its ().Aboiling pointBflash pointCviscosity pointDtoxic point