The room is dim and quiet.A:tiny B:pleasant C:dark D:agreeable

The room is dim and quiet.





( 31 )下列数组声明语句中,正确的是A ) dim A[3,4] As integerB ) dim A(3,4) As integerC ) dim A[3;4] As integerD ) dim A(3;4) As integer

________, its very tidy. A.As her room is smallB.Small as her room isC.As small her room isD.Small as her room

下面的数组声明中,正确的是( )。A.Dim pict[3,4] As IntegerB.Dim pict(3,4) As IntegerC.Dim pict[3.4] As IntegerD.Dim pict(3:4) As Integer.

下面数组说明语句错误的是______。A.Dim b(-10)As DoubleB.Dim c(8, 3)As ByteC.Dim d(-10 To-1)As BooleanD.Dim e(-99 To-5, -3 To 0)

下列数组声明语句中,正确的是( )。A.Dim A[3,4] As IntegerB.Dim A(3,4) As IntegerC.Dim A[3;4] As IntegerD.Dim A(3;4) As Integer

下面的数组声明语句中( )是正确的。A.Dim A[3,4]As IntegerB.Dim A(3,4)As IntegerC.Dim A[3;4]As IntegerD.Dim A[3;4]As Integer

The ( )of the school is quiet. A、wholeB、entireC、completeD、all

Teachers declare that girls should act like ladies and keep quiet.(Sexism in School) () 此题为判断题(对,错)。

下列数组定义语句错误的是A.k%=10 Dim Arr(k)B.Const k%=10 Dim Arr(k)C.Dim Arrl(10) As Integer Dim Arr2(10)D.Dim Arrl(1 To 10) Dim Arr2(1 To 10,2 To 11)

下列数组声明语句中,正确的是( )。 A.Dim A[3,4]As IntegerB.Dim A(3,4)As IntegerS 下列数组声明语句中,正确的是( )。A.Dim A[3,4]As IntegerB.Dim A(3,4)As IntegerC.Dim A[3;4]As IntegerD.Dim A(3;4)As Integer

以下关于变量类型说明符的使用正确的是 ( )A.Dim a%: a=90B.Dim a:a=2000%C.Dim a#:a="OK",D.Dim a:a=True

变量定义语句Dim Index与下面的______等价。 ( )A.Dim Index As LongB.Dim Index As IntegerC.Dim Index As SingleD.Dim Index As Double

What would you say to the hotel receptionist to get a double room?__________A.Rent us a double room.B.Book us a double room.C.We'd like to have a double room.D.Let's have a double room.

引水员的房间在驾驶台隔壁。()A、The pilot room is next to the chart room.B、The pilot room is next to the wheelhouse .C、The pilot room is next to the captain’s cabin.

A:Where shall we have the meeting? B:()A、The first conference room is spaciousB、The first conference room isn't goodC、In the first conference room

下列对变量的定义中,不能定义A为变体变量的是().A、DIM A AS DOUBLEB、DIM A AS VARIANTC、DIM;AD、A=24

VB中,定义a为实型变量的语句是()。A、Dim a As IntegerB、Dim a As SingleC、Dim a As DateD、Dim a As Byte

引航员的房间在驾驶台隔壁。()A、The pilot room is next to the chart room.B、The pilot room is next to the wheelhouse .C、The pilot room next to the captain’s cabin.D、The pilot room next to the wheelhouse .


下列语句定义一个变体数据的是()。A、Dim bB、dim cC、Dim a%D、Dim d$

下面的数组定义语句正确的是()。A、Dim a[3]B、Dim a[3 to 4]C、Dim a(10 4)D、Dim a(3 to 6)

定义定长字符串的方法是()。A、Dim str As stringB、Dim str As string*10C、Dim str$=10D、Dim str$

如下数组声明语句,正确的是()。A、Dim a[3,4] as IntegerB、Dim a(3,4)as IntegerC、Dim a(n,n)as IntegerD、Dim a[3][4]as Integer

单选题引航员的房间在驾驶台隔壁。()AThe pilot room is next to the chart room.BThe pilot room is next to the wheelhouse .CThe pilot room next to the captain’s cabin.DThe pilot room next to the wheelhouse .

单选题What would you say to the hotel receptionist to get a double room?ARent us a double room.BBook us a double room.CWe'd like to have a double room.DLet 's have a double room.

单选题下面是VB中有效的注释语句是()A//Dim a As StringB/Dim a As StringC‘Dim a As StringD“Dim a As String

单选题The reading room ______ very quiet. I enjoy reading books there.AamBisCareDBe