A notably short man,he plays basketball with his staff several times a week.A:practically B:considerably C:remarkably D:completely

A notably short man,he plays basketball with his staff several times a week.





AJuan Gomez wakes up at six o'clock every morning. He gets up, takes a 21 , gets dressed, and eats breakfast. After breakfast he 22 the newspaper until 7:15, then he leaves for work. He gets on the bus at the bus stop, rides it to University Avenue, 23 , and walks to his office. He works 24 five o'clock. He usually goes and plays basketball with friends after work. Then he goes home. Juan 25 a very boring life.21. A. lesson B. breath C. shower D. break

A young man was getting ready to gradually from college, for many months he bad 36 a beautiful sports car in a dealer’s showroom, and 37 his father could well 38 it, he told him that was all he wanted.On the morning of his gradation day his father called him into his own study and told him how 39 he was to have such a fine son. He handed his son a beautiful gift box. 40 but slightly disappointed, the young man 41 the box and found a lovely book, 42, he raised his voice at his father and said. ” 43 all your money you give me a book?” And rushed out of the house 44 the book in the studyHe did not contact(联系)his father for a whole year 45 one day he saw in the strict an old man who looked like his father. He 46 he bad to go back home and see his father.When he arrived at his father’s house, he was told that his father had been in hospital for a week. The moment he was about to 47 the hospital. he saw on the desk the 48 new book ,just as he had left it one 49 ago. he opened it and began to 50 the pages. suddenly, a car key 51 from an envelope taped behind the book ,it bad a lag(标签)with dealer’s name, the 52 dealer who had the sports car he bad 53 on the tag was the 54 of his graduation. and the 55 PAID IN FULL36. A. expected. B. enjoyed. C. admired. D. owned

He was a philosopher who wrote plays and poems and essays () his doctrine. A、expoundingB、forgoC、explosiveD、presided

I knocked several times __________ an old man answered the door. A.asB.whenC.whileD.before

He is very good at sports; but he is ___________ in basketball. A. at the bestB. at his bestC. in his bestD. made the best of

He is an honest man and he will keep his _________. A.appointmentB.dateC.promiseD.engagement

The old man is a teacher.He likes playing basketball after supper.()

PPHC and Gooseneck are two organizations that do similar community work. Each has hired a new staff member to make contact with and provide services to new parents.Elaine has accepted a job with PPHC. She has a degree in psychology but has never done this type of work before. On her first day, after showing her to her desk and introducing her to colleagues, the director gives her a town map and a list of the names of the families she will be responsible for, and wishes her luck. After lunch, Elaine sets out to contact the families, worried about what shell do or say when she meets them.Mark has a degree similar to Elaines, and has just been hired by Gooseneck. On his first day, he learns that his job will consist of training for the next week. Mark spends two days going on family visits with experienced staff members, and discusses with them what they did and why. He role-plays some situations with other staff members, and gets some direct instruction from them. By the following week, when hes on his own, he feels he has a pretty good idea of what he needs to do, and how to go about it. And he knows that his training will continue.Which situation would you rather be in, being thrown into the thick of things with no training or being trained to prepare for the work youre going to do?21. What are PPHC and Gooseneck?A. They are two companies that do similar business.B. They are two organizations that do different community work.C. They are two organizations that do similar community work.22. Which degree does Elaine have?A. Psychology degree.B. Physiology degree.C. Sociology degree.23. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?A. Elaine has done this type of community work so her organization doesnt provide staff training.B. Mark has a clear idea of his job after the training.C. Mark knows his training comes to an end.24. How is Mark trained to be prepared for his work?A. Mark spends two days on family visits with experienced staff members and discuss with them.B. Mark role-plays some situations with other staff members and gets some direct instruction from them.C.Both A and B.25. What is the main idea of the passage?A. The importance of training.B. Different training ways.C. Elaines and Marks work experience.

He was _________ for the Nobel Prize for literature several times and finally won it. A、shortlistedB、combatedC、struggledD、enlisted

he is extremely shy and withdrawn, though it may be that _______. A、still waters run very deepB、a wise plays a foolC、a wise man plays footballD、deep waters run no wave

He usually plays basketball on Friday afternoon.(对划线部分提问)________ ________he usually ________on Friday afternoon?

The author bought coffee for the old man becauseA. he thought the old man was poorB. he wanted to start a conversationC. he intended to show his politenessD. he would like to thank the old man

A young man was getting ready to graduate from college, for many months he had admired a beautiful sports car in a dealer's showroom, and 21 his father could well afford it, he told him that was all he wanted.On the morning of his graduation day, his father called him into his own study and told him how 22 he was to have such a fine son. He handed his son a beautiful gift box. Curious but slightly disappointed, the young man 23 the box and found a lovely book. Angrily, he raised his voice at his father and said." 24 all your money you give me a book? " And rushed out of the house leaving the book in the study.He did not contact his father for a whole year 25 one day he saw in the street an old man who looked like his father. He realized he had to go back home and see his father.When he arrived at his father's house, he was told that his father had been in hospital for a week. The moment he was about to 26 the hospital. He saw on the desk the still new book, just as he had left it one 27ago. He opened it and began to turn the pages. Suddenly, a car key 28 from an envelope taped behind the book, it had a tag with dealer's name, the same dealer who had the sports car he had 29 on the tag was the date of his graduation, and the 30 :PAID IN FULL.____21___A.findingB.provingC.decidingD.knowing

He soon received promotion,for his superiors realized that he was a man of considerable( ).A.futureB.possibilityC.abilityD.opportunity

根据下面资料,回答题 In New York, Ma Yun witnessed the Alibaba Group opening on the New York stock exchange with the largest initial public offering (IPO, 新股发行) in American history. "Alibaba, the world′s largest Internet commerce company makes China equal to the US in the rapidly increasing global competition for technological innovation and economic transformation" commented the South China Morning Post. It has also made Ma China′s richest man with a fortune of around $25 billion (153 billion yuan), reported Reuters. It′ s reported that Ma′ s rags-to-riches journey is just as spectacular as his Internet Empire. Ma failed the national college entrance exams twice before he was finally in Hangzhou Normal University on his third attempt and failed in finding a suitable job several times. Also, Mr. Ma is a big believer in perseverance, which was proved in his English study experience. However, it was his vision and goals that launched his career. During a short trip to the US as an interpreter in 1995, Ma first experienced the Internet. He believed in the Internet’s business potential when few other Chinese people did. He started Alibaba in his Hangzhou apartment, with 17 friends and $60,000 of funds. At the time, when e-commerce was unheard of in China, "I called myself a blind man riding on the back of blind tigers," he once said, according to The Guardian. His unusual ideas earned him the nickname "Crazy Jack Ma". Indeed, Ma is different. Although he is very thin and about 160cm tall, "Ma is yet animated and forceful," said The Guardian. "He is funny, creative, and a compelling speaker." Ma told Time magazine that he was "old for the Internet".He started to slow down and looked around. According to The Wall Street Journal, Ma "plans to open a tai chi club with the actor Jet Li, build an entrepreneur university in Hangzhou and continue to work on several environmental projects." What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 mean 查看材料A.Ma is a blind man riding on a blind tiger.B.Ma had no confidence in his business future.C.Ma knew little about e-commerce.D.Ma had not enough money at that time.

根据下面资料,回答题 In New York, Ma Yun witnessed the Alibaba Group opening on the New York stock exchange with the largest initial public offering (IPO, 新股发行) in American history. "Alibaba, the world′s largest Internet commerce company makes China equal to the US in the rapidly increasing global competition for technological innovation and economic transformation" commented the South China Morning Post. It has also made Ma China′s richest man with a fortune of around $25 billion (153 billion yuan), reported Reuters. It′ s reported that Ma′ s rags-to-riches journey is just as spectacular as his Internet Empire. Ma failed the national college entrance exams twice before he was finally in Hangzhou Normal University on his third attempt and failed in finding a suitable job several times. Also, Mr. Ma is a big believer in perseverance, which was proved in his English study experience. However, it was his vision and goals that launched his career. During a short trip to the US as an interpreter in 1995, Ma first experienced the Internet. He believed in the Internet’s business potential when few other Chinese people did. He started Alibaba in his Hangzhou apartment, with 17 friends and $60,000 of funds. At the time, when e-commerce was unheard of in China, "I called myself a blind man riding on the back of blind tigers," he once said, according to The Guardian. His unusual ideas earned him the nickname "Crazy Jack Ma". Indeed, Ma is different. Although he is very thin and about 160cm tall, "Ma is yet animated and forceful," said The Guardian. "He is funny, creative, and a compelling speaker." Ma told Time magazine that he was "old for the Internet".He started to slow down and looked around. According to The Wall Street Journal, Ma "plans to open a tai chi club with the actor Jet Li, build an entrepreneur university in Hangzhou and continue to work on several environmental projects." What made him into e-commerce industry 查看材料A.His English learning experience.B.His foresight and ambitions.C.His belief in perseverance.D.His 17 friends and $60,000 funds.

He is a very tall young man.-He is the second__man in his company.A.tallB.tallerC.tallestD.most tall

A notably short man,he plays basketball with his staff several times a week.A:practically B:considerably C:remarkably D:completely

Henry James was most famous for( ) A.his poems B.his plays C.his novels D.his short stories

Which of the following is TRUE about Socrates’s life?( ) A.The legend of his wife is well-grounded. B.He never thought he was the wisest man in Greece. C.His intellectual powers come from various doctrines. D.He was titled the wisest man due to his awareness of ignorance.

How is he getting along with his work? Oh, he is on the()to becoming the most highly paid man in the companyAwayBroadCpathDroute

For some years after his graduation, he()some of his classmates, but as times went by, he dropped them one by oneAcaught up withBkept in touch withCkept upDmade up with

问答题When David is twice as old as he is now he will be four times as old as his daughter Jane will be in five years time. If in 1990, four years ago, he was four times as old as his daughter, in what year was she born?

问答题Practice 7  There have been differences among most presidents’ advisers ever since. Thomas Jefferson was accused of relying on an “invisible, inscrutable” group of associates that engaged In backstairs influence.  Franklin Roosevelt managed to be a pretty good resident, though even his idolatrous supporters concede that he took his advice from inside and outside the White House and even took a mischievous delight in playing one staff or cabinet member against another.  Ike followed the military staff system. He did not spend hours listening to the disputes of his principal aides, but gave Sherman Adams and later General Bedell Smith authority and responsibility for settling differences. When his chief of staff could not settle differences, he insisted on a one-page memorandum defining the problem, no matter how complicated, and then made his decision.  Harry Truman did not believe in the single chief of staff. He had six principal advisers with whom he met every morning. At the end of the day, he would have a little bourbon and branch-water with one of them in the Oval Office, then would take a bundle of papers upstairs, put on his green eyeshade and read reports until late in the night.  John F. Kennedy followed much the same system with his brother Robert, Larry O’Brlen, Kenny O’Donnell and Ted Sorensen at his side, though their assignments were not limited as rigidly as those of the Truman advisers. Lyndon Johnson did not invite criticism or differences which his staff or cabinet, but bullied his advisers into compliance, which helps explain his troubles in Vietnam.  Richard Nixon ran his staff by stealth. He did his homework and mastered the details of policy, but he delegated vast powers to Bob Haldeman and John Ehrlichman in an atmosphere of Byzantine secrecy and intrigue.  Jimmy Carter had his troubles between his White House staff and his cabinet, particularly over the conduct of foreign policy. But his White House staff was drawn from a group of Georgia friends who got along with one another comparatively well. He met with the principal members every morning, held a foreign policy meeting often for hours every Friday morning, invited, and listened to disputes, sometimes over the most intricate details of policy.  Mr. Reagan’s way is a reflection of his character and his personality. He is more interested in, presenting policy than forming it. He does not have a controlling chief of staff; he does not limit his principal advisers to a special field of concentration like Mr. Truman, but lets the Big Four—Mr. Baker, Mr. Clark, Michael Deaver and Edwin Meese play the field and run across one another; he does not dominate or intimidate his staff, like Mr. Johnson; and he does not read and work like Mr. Carter.

单选题He tried several times to pass the exam. ______ the end, he succeeded.AOnBInCAtDBy

单选题When the young man walked into the office to see the headmaster, he had ______.Abutterflies in his heartBbutterflies in his mindCbutterflies in his stomachDbutterflies in his spirit

单选题One of the most spectacular qualities of man is notably his _____ to any kind of natural environment.AattachmentBcompensationCavailabilityDadaptability