The commodities were all inspected by the bureau before shipment.A:vehicles B:cartonsC:goods D:machines
The commodities were all inspected by the bureau before shipment.
What would happen if women's wages were raised?A. The imput of labor would be increased.B. The unemployment rate would go up.C. Those who have jobs would all become better off.D. Women as a group would earn more than before.
_____ were ironed by my mother yesterday.A. The all sheetsB. All of sheetsC. All the sheetsD. Sheets of all
Because of the recent fire in the factory, all the stocks were destroyed. (), we cannot make shipment as arranged before.A、In the caseB、In this casesC、In this eventD、At this event
Please see to()that the L/C is opened 30 days before the date of shipment. A、themB、the matterC、itD、your way clear
We have accepted your Order No.TR22.Please open the relative L/C,()here four weeks before the date of shipment. A、that should reachB、which should reachC、when it reachesD、which should arrive at
Before welding can be done in a tank that has previously carried petroleum products,a certificate must be obtained from ________ .A.the customsB.the Register Bureau of shippingC.the shipyard fire departmentD.a certified gas chemist
Before welding can be done in a tank that has carried petroleum products,a certificate must be obtained from ______.A.the customsB.the Register Bureau of shippingC.the shipyard fire departmentD.a certified gas chemist
Before being certified by the American Bureau of Shipping,anchor chain must undergo ______.A.USCG inspectionB.a breaking testC.x-ray inspectionD.spectroanalysis
After discharging,the above valves were inspected again and found them in ______ condition.A.detactB.contactC.intactD.contract
All of the machinery must be carefully inspected before production at the plant is allowed to__________ .A.inhibitB.complyC.motivateD.proceed
The commodities were all inspected by the bureau before shipment.A:vehiclesB:cartonsC: goodsD: machines
The ( ) were carefully inspected before we issue the Phytosanitary Certificate.A. animal products B. plant productsC. machines D. electronic toys
Before 1950 the Weather Bureau had no special system for naming hurricanes.A:storm B:blizzardC:snow D:volcano
船舶离港之前,所有的吊杆必须纵向收放好。()A、Before leaving the harbour, all derricks must be stowed.B、After leaving the harbour, all derricks must be stowed fore and aft.C、Before leaving the harbour, all derricks must be stowed fore and aft.D、Before leaving the harbour, all heavy derricks must be stowed fore and aft.
翻译:We are pleased to quote you for 1,500 dozens of men ’ s shirts as for the sample you send before at price 5/piece CIF New York for prompt shipment.
单选题The officer inspected our passports and travel papers and _____ us because our vacation certificates were missing.AcontainedBdetainedCsustainedDretained
问答题翻译:We are pleased to quote you for 1,500 dozens of men ’ s shirts as for the sample you send before at price 5/piece CIF New York for prompt shipment.
单选题Before being certified by the American Bureau of Shipping,anchor chain must undergo().AUSCG inspectionBa breaking testCx-ray inspectionDspectroanalysis
单选题Making water rapidly in all holds,all passengers and crew were ordered on deck()and all boats were lowered to rail.Ain life jacketsBwith life jacketsCwith life jackets onDputting on life jackets
单选题Which document lists all the lifesaving equipment required for a vessel? ()ACertificate of InspectionBAmerican Bureau of Shipping Classification CertificateCInternational Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea CertificateDCertificate of Registry
单选题All inspected vessels on unrestricted ocean routes must have equipment on board for testing an individual’s().AbloodBbreathCurineDAll of the above
单选题Before they left the factory, all the cars were carefully tested for()AdefectsBflawsCfaultsDerrors
单选题A survey of refrigerated cargo,to certify that proper methods of stowage were utilized,can be conducted by the().AABSBOccupational Safety and Health AdministrationCMSADNational Cargo Bureau
单选题According to Ron Yasbin, all the cheating students _____.Ashould be severely punished for their dishonestyBdidn’t have much time to study before the examCcould get the highest grades if they had studied hard enoughDcould be excused because they were not familiar with the new system