The Empire State Building was conceived on a grander scale than previous skyscrapers.A:executedB:designedC:financedD:applauded

The Empire State Building was conceived on a grander scale than previous skyscrapers.



解析:本句意思:帝国大厦的构思设计要比先前的摩天大楼规模更大。execute的意思为“执 行,实行”;design的意思为“设计,设置”;finance的意思为“为……提供资金”;applaud的意思 为“赞成,赞同”。conceive的意思为“构思”,和design的意思接近。


President Ronald Reagan, denouncing the Soviet state as an "evil empire", escalated the Cold War and promoted rollback in Nicaragua and Afghanistan.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

This room( )in the building. A. is biggest than any other oneB. is bigger than any other oneC. is more bigger than any other oneD. is bigger than any one

_____from the top of the building, the school looks more beautiful than before. A.SeeingB.SeeC.SeenD.To see

It took building supplies to construct these energy-saving houses. It took brains, too.A other than B morethanC rather than D less than

Inside, this large plane looks more like a high building than a plane.翻译

in britain,the process of state-building has been one of evolution rather than revolution contrast to france and the us. ()

在map窗口显示比例尺的步骤是() A.鼠标左键-previous viewB.鼠标右键-scale barC.鼠标左键-scale barD.鼠标右键-previous view

The heating system of this building is much more cost-effective than that of the previous system _______ we used last where B.where which D.which

共用题干On May 1,2006,New York's Empire State Building celebrated its 75th birthday.When it was built in 1931 it was over 61 m taller than its nearest rival,the Chrysler Building,and at 381m remained the tallest in the world for 41 years,until the World Trade Center was completed in 1972- 1973.The story of the Empire State Building begins with two men's race to build the highest man-made structure in the world.In 1889 the central feature of the World's Fair in Pairs was Gustav Eiffel's massive tower,constructed with wrought iron,and standing 300m high.Architects in the United States viewed this as something of a challenge,and by the early 20th century the race was on to erect taller buildings than ever before.Soon skyscrapers were springing up along the New York sky-line.In 1928 the founder of the Chrysler Corporation,Walter Chrysler,announced the building of a huge new skyscraper,taller than anything so far constructed in New York.It soon became clear that the new building was part of Chrysler's aim to challenge the motoring giant General Motors.So John Jakob Raskob,of General Motors,decided to race Chrysler to the top.The final height of Chrysler's building was kept secret until it was completed,so Raskob instructed his architects to construct the highest tower they could.Their architectural plans had to be modified as the Chrysler Building grew ever higher,but when it topped 77 stories the Empire State Building team knew that they could beat it.No building project has yet exceeded the Empire State Building's record for speed of construclion.From the beginning of construction in March 1930 it took 410 days and approximately 7 million man-hours to build.It rose at an astonishing speed of 4.5 stories per week,thanks to careful planning and quality of work.The building was officially opened on May 1,1931,by President Hoover. The Architects in the United States viewed the Eiffel towel as something of a challenge,and decided to build something taller.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

共用题干On May 1,2006,New York's Empire State Building celebrated its 75th birthday.When it was built in 1931 it was over 61 m taller than its nearest rival,the Chrysler Building,and at 381m remained the tallest in the world for 41 years,until the World Trade Center was completed in 1972- 1973.The story of the Empire State Building begins with two men's race to build the highest man-made structure in the world.In 1889 the central feature of the World's Fair in Pairs was Gustav Eiffel's massive tower,constructed with wrought iron,and standing 300m high.Architects in the United States viewed this as something of a challenge,and by the early 20th century the race was on to erect taller buildings than ever before.Soon skyscrapers were springing up along the New York sky-line.In 1928 the founder of the Chrysler Corporation,Walter Chrysler,announced the building of a huge new skyscraper,taller than anything so far constructed in New York.It soon became clear that the new building was part of Chrysler's aim to challenge the motoring giant General Motors.So John Jakob Raskob,of General Motors,decided to race Chrysler to the top.The final height of Chrysler's building was kept secret until it was completed,so Raskob instructed his architects to construct the highest tower they could.Their architectural plans had to be modified as the Chrysler Building grew ever higher,but when it topped 77 stories the Empire State Building team knew that they could beat it.No building project has yet exceeded the Empire State Building's record for speed of construclion.From the beginning of construction in March 1930 it took 410 days and approximately 7 million man-hours to build.It rose at an astonishing speed of 4.5 stories per week,thanks to careful planning and quality of work.The building was officially opened on May 1,1931,by President Hoover. Even the World Trade Center can not compete with the New York's Empire State Building with its height.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

The Empire State Building was conceived on a grander scale than previous skyscrapers.A:executed B:designedC:financed D:applauded

共用题干On May 1,2006,New York's Empire State Building celebrated its 75th birthday.When it was built in 1931 it was over 61 m taller than its nearest rival,the Chrysler Building,and at 381m remained the tallest in the world for 41 years,until the World Trade Center was completed in 1972- 1973.The story of the Empire State Building begins with two men's race to build the highest man-made structure in the world.In 1889 the central feature of the World's Fair in Pairs was Gustav Eiffel's massive tower,constructed with wrought iron,and standing 300m high.Architects in the United States viewed this as something of a challenge,and by the early 20th century the race was on to erect taller buildings than ever before.Soon skyscrapers were springing up along the New York sky-line.In 1928 the founder of the Chrysler Corporation,Walter Chrysler,announced the building of a huge new skyscraper,taller than anything so far constructed in New York.It soon became clear that the new building was part of Chrysler's aim to challenge the motoring giant General Motors.So John Jakob Raskob,of General Motors,decided to race Chrysler to the top.The final height of Chrysler's building was kept secret until it was completed,so Raskob instructed his architects to construct the highest tower they could.Their architectural plans had to be modified as the Chrysler Building grew ever higher,but when it topped 77 stories the Empire State Building team knew that they could beat it.No building project has yet exceeded the Empire State Building's record for speed of construclion.From the beginning of construction in March 1930 it took 410 days and approximately 7 million man-hours to build.It rose at an astonishing speed of 4.5 stories per week,thanks to careful planning and quality of work.The building was officially opened on May 1,1931,by President Hoover. The Chrysler Building was 320m high.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

The Thames Tunnel project was more difficult than any previous projects undertaken in Britain.A.RightB.WrongC.Not mentioned

The construction of the existing Treasury Building results from( ) A.the precaution against the continuation of the fre B.the need to build the north wing of the Treasury Building C.the first executive offices were teeming with people D.the demolition of the State Department building

When configuring system state conditions with the Cisco SecurityAgent, what is the resulting action when configuring more than one system state condition? ()A、Any matching state condition will result with the state being triggeredB、 Once a state condition ismet, the system ceases searching further conditions and will cause the state condition to triggerC、 All specified state conditions are used as part of the requirements tobe met to for the state to triggerD、 Once the state conditions are met, they become persistent and can only be removed using the Reset feature

Which of the following is a disadvantage of using the EIGRP protocol?()A、It does not scale wellB、It converges slower than OSPFC、It is a proprietary protocolD、It is a distance vector protocol

在map窗口显示比例尺的步骤是() A、鼠标左键-previous viewB、鼠标右键-scale barC、鼠标左键-scale barD、鼠标右键-previous view

单选题Which of the following is not in New York City?AWall StreetBThe Empire State BuildingCThe Black Quarter of HarlemDNiagara Falls

单选题More than two hundred years ago the United States _____ from the British Empire and became an independent country.Agot offBpulled downCbroke awayDdropped off

单选题The_______edition of the dictionary is far better than the previous ones.AlateBlatelyClatestDlasting

单选题That the scale of any part of a chart to be larger than the scale of the survey is().Avery rareBcommonCoftenDreasonable

多选题Select three true statements regarding Coherence()ACoherence provides stronger data management than an Application ServerBCoherence provides better scale-out performance than a Application ServerCCoherence provides better scale-out performance than a Database ServerDCoherence provides better througput than a JMS messaging server Coherence provides stronger configuration management than Grid Control

单选题在map窗口显示比例尺的步骤是()A鼠标左键-previous viewB鼠标右键-scale barC鼠标左键-scale barD鼠标右键-previous view

单选题Located in Manhattan, many sightseers like to visit the Empire State building, a massive skyscraper constructed during the Great Depression.Amany sightseers like to visit the Empire State building, a massive skyscraper constructed during the Great DepressionBthe Empire state building, a massive skyscraper constructed during the Great Depression many sightseers like to visitCand constructed during the Great Depression, many tourists like. to visit the Empire State BuildingDthe Empire State Building is a massive skyscraper, constructed during the Great Depression, that many sightseers like to visitEa massive skyscraper constructed during the Great Depression, the Empire state Building, is a place that sightseers like to visit

单选题Essentially, a theory is an abstract, symbolic representation of ______ reality.Awhat it is conceived Bthat is conceivedCwhat is conceived to beDthat is being conceived of

单选题The Empire Building is a(n) imposing structure in New York.AexcitingBoutstandingCupsettingDsurprising

单选题The author employs the phrase no longer fussed over society (line 27) to imply that the women had previously ______.Apassed judgment on those of lower social classesBgiven consideration to impressing and pleasing othersCtaken great pains to find a husband for RachelDdressed extravagantly so as to announce their superiorityEtried to appear to grander than their actual finances allowed