in britain,the process of state-building has been one of evolution rather than revolution contrast to france and the us. ()

in britain,the process of state-building has been one of evolution rather than revolution contrast to france and the us. ()


How long() you() a member of the club? A.have,,joinedB.have,,beenC.has,,joinedD.has,,been

I think the hatch covers ________ all fixed up by youA.wasB.wereC.beD.been

Why()the old block of flats()demolished next month? A、are…beingB、is…beingC、has…beenD、have…been

At last we got the letter we had long () expecting.A. areB. wereC. beD. been

She ___here a minute ago. A.isB. wasC.beD. been

I hope to be ______ your teacher ______ your good friend.A、not; butB、not only; butC、if; notD、rather; than

Whichfouraretrue?() A.Has-arelationshipsshouldneverbeencapsulated.B.Has-arelationshipsshouldbeimplementedusinginheritance.C.Has-arelationshipscanbeimplementedusinginstancevariables.D.Is-arelationshipscanbeimplementedusingtheextendskeyword.E.Is-arelationshipscanbeimplementedusingtheimplementskeyword.F.Anarrayoracollectioncanbeusedtoimplementaone-to-manyhas-arelationship.G.TherelationshipbetweenMovieandActressisanexampleofanis-arelationship.

He is talking so much about America as if he ____ there.A、had beenB、has beenC、wasD、been

Quality management ensures that an organization , It has foor main components; quality planning,quality assurance. Quality control and quality ( )A.improvementB.changeC.spiralD.evolution
