To compile an exhaustive dictionary is an exhausting task.A:long and boring B:superficialC:unconvincing D:extremely thorough

To compile an exhaustive dictionary is an exhausting task.

A:long and boring
D:extremely thorough


解析:本句意思是:要编辑一本详尽的字典是非常累人的。句中exhaustive意去“彻底的、详尽的”.例如:He has made an exhaustive study of the problem.他对这个问题进行了彻底的研究。四个选项中:long and boring意为“冗长的”。superficial意为“表面的”,例如: Superficial scratches can be easily removed.表面的划痕很容易擦掉。unconvincing意为“无法说服人的”,例如:Your words is unconvincing.你的话说服不了人。extremely thorough意为“非常彻底的”。只有选项D同句中画线词含义接近。


The manager is always in a bad () on Mondays which signal the beginning of another exhausting week. A.moodB.humorC.modeD.voice

[A] consist [B] compose [C] compile [D] consume

The writing of a dictionary is a task of recording _______.

George got information about Richard from ______.A. a dictionary collector in Australia B. the latter’s rivals DylansC. a rare first edition of a dictionary D. the wrapping paper of a book

The discussion was so prolonged and exhausting that ________ the speakers stopped for refreshments.A. at large B. at intervals C. at ease D. at random

Her treatment of the subject is exhaustive.A: very boringB: very thoroughC: very interesting D: very touching

An exhaustive investigation of the facts proves the contrary.A:exhausted B:tiredC:thorough D:careful

This is a()dictionary.Aone lingualBsingle lingualCmonolingualDsololigual

问题树是MECE(Mutually Exclusive Collectively Exhaustive)方法的一个重要应用。


How is VFS (Virtual File System) support enabled in Samba?()A、 Samba does not support VFS.B、 Compile and load vfs.ko kernel module.C、 Compile and load vfs.ko and its dependent smbfs kernel modules.D、 Compile and load pvfs.ko kernel module.E、 Compile Samba with VFS module support.

The CHKDSK /R command allows a technician to:()A、perform an exhaustive disk check, locate bad sectors, and recover readable information.B、set a disk as read-only, perform an exhaustive disk check and repair bad sectors.C、scan and verify the versions of all protected system files using the tools default operation.D、consolidate fragmented files and folders on the computers hard disk.

public class Plant {  private String name;  public Plant(String name) { = name; }  public String getName() { return name; }  }  public class Tree extends Plant {  public void growFruit() { }  public void dropLeaves() { }  }  Which is true?() A、 The code will compile without changes.B、 The code will compile if public Tree() { Plant(); } is added to the Tree class.C、 The code will compile if public Plant() { Tree(); } is added to the Plant class.D、 The code will compile if public Plant() { this(”fern”); } is added to the Plant class.E、 The code will compile if public Plant() { Plant(”fern”); } is added to the Plant class.

单选题Black smoke exhausting from a diesel engine indicates()Aproper fuel injectionBwater in the fuelCincomplete combustionDburning of lube oil

问答题Directions:  Please write an essay in about 150 words entitled “On Electronic Dictionary” based on the following outline  (1)Advantages of electronic dictionary.   (2)Disadvantages of using electronic dictionary.   (3)Your opinion.

多选题35.String #name="Jane Doe";$age=24;37.Double_height=123.5;38.double~temp=37.5;Which two are true?()ALine 35 will not compile.BLine 36 will not compile.CLine 37 will not compile.DLine 38 will not compile.


单选题public class Plant {  private String name;  public Plant(String name) { = name; }  public String getName() { return name; }  }  public class Tree extends Plant {  public void growFruit() { }  public void dropLeaves() { }  }  Which is true?()A The code will compile without changes.B The code will compile if public Tree() { Plant(); } is added to the Tree class.C The code will compile if public Plant() { Tree(); } is added to the Plant class.D The code will compile if public Plant() { this(”fern”); } is added to the Plant class.E The code will compile if public Plant() { Plant(”fern”); } is added to the Plant class.

多选题35. String #name = “Jane Doe”;  36. int$age=24;  37. Double_height = 123.5;  38. double~temp = 37.5;  Which two are true?()ALine 35 will not compile.BLine 36 will not compile.CLine 37 will not compile.DLine 38 will not compile.

单选题How is VFS (Virtual File System) support enabled in Samba?()A Samba does not support VFS.B Compile and load vfs.ko kernel module.C Compile and load vfs.ko and its dependent smbfs kernel modules.D Compile and load pvfs.ko kernel module.E Compile Samba with VFS module support.

判断题问题树是MECE(Mutually Exclusive Collectively Exhaustive)方法的一个重要应用。A对B错

单选题The purpose of compressing the air within the cylinder of a diesel engine is to ()Aproduce the heat for ignitionBdecrease injection lagCincrease ignition delayDaid in exhausting burnt gases

单选题You are identifying dictionary objects in the Oracle database. Which of the following is a view in the data dictionary?()AV$DATABASE BDBA_TABLES CSYSAUD$ DEMP

单选题After a whole day’s heavy work, the old worker returned home, ______.Abeing hungry and exhausting Bhungry and exhaustedCbeing hungry and exhaustedDhungry and exhausting

单选题What does the Metadata Application Programming Interface (API) allow you to do?()ARepair damaged data dictionary entries.BDelete data dictionary information about database objects you no longer need.CExtract data definition commands from the data dictionary in a variety of formats.DPrepare pseudocode modules for conversion to Java or PL/SQL programs with a Metadata code generator

单选题Consider the following class:     class Test(int i) {     void test(int i) {  System.out.println(“I am an int.”); }    void test(String s) {   System.out.println(“I am a string.”);     }          public static void main(String args) {    Test t=new Test();     char ch=“y”;    t.test(ch);     }      }     Which of the statements below is true?()A Line 5 will not compile, because void methods cannot be overridden.B Line 12 will not compile, because there is no version of test() that rakes a charargument.C The code will compile but will throw an exception at line 12.D The code will compile and produce the following output: I am an int.E The code will compile and produce the following output: I am a String.

单选题To study a foreign language,()Aa good dictionary should be boughtBbuying a good dictionary is necessaryCyou should buy a good dictionaryDit is necessary that you will buy a good dictionary