The teacher told the class to__________their books.A.put awayB.put upC.put onD.put by

The teacher told the class to__________their books.

A.put away
B.put up
C.put on
D.put by




The teacher told us an( )story the other day. A. interestingB. interestedC. being interestedD. having interested

Jim told me that the book the teacher recommended was worth _________. be read

The teacher praised the girl in class ____ her hard work. A、forB、byC、toD、with

She() me the teacher wanted to() with me the next day. A. said, tellB. told, talkC. spoke, sayD. talked,speak

The teacher is glad that everyone in her class---------(渴望的)to learn.

Our teacher told us the sun ____ in the east .A. riseB. roseC. risingD. rises

The teacher didn't say anything in the class.(改为同义句)The teacher________ , ________in the class.

能将程序补充完整的选项是( )。class Person{ private int a; public int change(int m){ return m; }}public class Teacher extends Person{ public int b; public static void main(String arg[]) { Person p = new Person(); Teacher t = new Teacher(); int i; ______ }} B.A.i=mB.i=bC. i=p.aD.i=p. change(50)

已建立一个名为teacher的类,保存该类的类库名称是mylib,则删除该类正确的命令是( )。A)REMOVE CLASS mylib OF teacherB)REMOVE CLASS teacher OF mylibC)DELETE CLASS mylib OF teacherD)DELETE CLASS teacher OF rnylib

The teacher is glad that everyone in her class is ________ (渴望的)to learn.

There were so many students in the class that the teacher couldn’t talk to them all.翻译

which expression is wrong about learning students' names? () A. It shows students that the teacher is interested in them.B. The teacher could ask individual students to assist with demonstrations.C. The teacher could ask individual students to assist with equipment in the class.D. It shows the teacher is responsible.

Villegas told her students to describe a fire-breathing dragon of a high school English teacher along thematic lines.(The Teacher as Dragon) () 此题为判断题(对,错)。

The teacher told the student that light()faster.A.travelsB.traveledC.would travel

创建一个名为myteacher的新类,保存新类的类库名称是mylib,新类的父类是Teacher,正确的命令是 ( )。A. CREATE CLASS mylib OF myteacher AS TeacherB. CREATE CLASS myteacher OF Teacher AS mylibC. CREATE CLASS myteacher OF mylib AS TeacherD. CREATE CLASS Teacher OF mylib AS myteacher

Our teacher told us that the earth__________ (be) round.

During class,the teacher draws a flow chart on the blackboard to show the structure and its inner connection of a passage.What class do you think is it most possible be?A.Word class.B.Reading and speaking class.C.Grammar class.D.Phonetics class.

In an English class,the teacher,firstly,plays the radio and asks students to listen to the tape and understand the dialogue.Then,the teacher asks students to read after the tape to imitate the pronunciation.Next,the teacher asks students to repeat the dialogue in pairs...What teaching method does the teacher use in this class?A.Communicative Approach.B.Task-Based Teaching Approach.C.The Audio-Lingual Approach.D.The Audio-Visual Approach.

What instruction does the teacher give in class Choose from the options what the teacher wants to do. Quiet now, please.A.get the class to stop the student to correct the mistakes.C.change roles in pair work.D.tell the pupils to get into pairs for pair work.

The teacher can help the students to read a text by reading it aloud while they follow in their books.()A对B错

The teacher can help the students to read a text by reading it aloud while they follow in their books.()

单选题During class, the teacher draws a flow chart on the blackboard to show the structure and its inner connection of a passage.What class do you think is it most possible be?AWord class.BReading and speaking class.CGrammar class.DPhonetics class.

单选题The teacher asks students to do a group-work task . Before the task, the teacher assigns roles clearly around the class, pointing to each student in turn . "You are A . . . you are B . . ., etc ."Here the teacher plays the role of ______ .AcontrollerBprompterCfacilitatorDorganizer

判断题The teacher can help the students to read a text by reading it aloud while they follow in their books.()A对B错

单选题Our Chinese teacher told us ______ interesting story and ______ story was about Thomas Edison.Aan; aBthe; theCa; theDan; the

单选题The teacher told the children there ______ four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter.AisBwasCareDwere

单选题The teacher told the children that the Chinese culture _____ one of the oldest cultures in the world.AisBwasChad beenDhas been