Of all Barry H.Landau's anecdotes about his friendships with presidential dogs,perhaps the best is the one about the time the Clinton White House called to postpone his play-date with Buddy.Yes,Landau is both human and an adult,a 60-year-old author,presidential historian,former White House protocol officer and memorabilia collector.But so enamored is he of dogs,and so well connected to a succession of presidents,that he had an appointment for a South Lawn romp one day with Buddy,Bill Clinton's Labrador retriever(拉布拉多犬).Logistics got in the way,though,and hence Clinton secretary Betty Currie's apologetic voice mail left at the Smithsonian Institution,where Landau was doing research:"I'm sorry,but we'll have to reschedule Mr.Landau's play-date with Buddy."Not surprisingly,this is a happy week for Landau,with the new Obama family dog,Bo,joining a White House tradition that dates to George Washington.It's one that Landau feels is invaluable to a presidency."Having a dog just humanizes a president,"he says."It completes the picture.It's something people can relate to."And Landau has related to the best of them.He's known about 25 White House dogs since the Eisenhower administration.Among the presidential-pooch memorabilia in his Manhattan apartment are matching orange inaugural dog coats worn by LBJ's twin beagles(小猎犬),Him and Her,and a photo of Landau kissing Clipper,JFK's German shepherd.Where does Landau live?A.Washington,DCB.Manhattan,New York CityC.Baltimore,MarylandD.White House

Of all Barry H.Landau's anecdotes about his friendships with presidential dogs,perhaps the best is the one about the time the Clinton White House called to postpone his play-date with Buddy.
Yes,Landau is both human and an adult,a 60-year-old author,presidential historian,former White House protocol officer and memorabilia collector.But so enamored is he of dogs,and so well connected to a succession of presidents,that he had an appointment for a South Lawn romp one day with Buddy,Bill Clinton's Labrador retriever(拉布拉多犬).
Logistics got in the way,though,and hence Clinton secretary Betty Currie's apologetic voice mail left at the Smithsonian Institution,where Landau was doing research:"I'm sorry,but we'll have to reschedule Mr.Landau's play-date with Buddy."
Not surprisingly,this is a happy week for Landau,with the new Obama family dog,Bo,joining a White House tradition that dates to George Washington.It's one that Landau feels is invaluable to a presidency.
"Having a dog just humanizes a president,"he says."It completes the picture.It's something people can relate to."
And Landau has related to the best of them.He's known about 25 White House dogs since the Eisenhower administration.Among the presidential-pooch memorabilia in his Manhattan apartment are matching orange inaugural dog coats worn by LBJ's twin beagles(小猎犬),Him and Her,and a photo of Landau kissing Clipper,JFK's German shepherd.

Where does Landau live?

B.Manhattan,New York City
D.White House


解析:最后一段。the presidential—pooch memorabilia总统家的小狗纪念品。在Landau的纽约曼哈顿的家里有很多总统狗的纪念品。


Look at that little boy wandering about--perhaps he__________his mother.A. will loseB. is losingC. had lostD. has lost

The interesting thing about Jack is his sixth () for finding lost dogs. A、senseB、emotionC、feelingD、sensibility

A young man was getting ready to gradually from college, for many months he bad 36 a beautiful sports car in a dealer’s showroom, and 37 his father could well 38 it, he told him that was all he wanted.On the morning of his gradation day his father called him into his own study and told him how 39 he was to have such a fine son. He handed his son a beautiful gift box. 40 but slightly disappointed, the young man 41 the box and found a lovely book, 42, he raised his voice at his father and said. ” 43 all your money you give me a book?” And rushed out of the house 44 the book in the studyHe did not contact(联系)his father for a whole year 45 one day he saw in the strict an old man who looked like his father. He 46 he bad to go back home and see his father.When he arrived at his father’s house, he was told that his father had been in hospital for a week. The moment he was about to 47 the hospital. he saw on the desk the 48 new book ,just as he had left it one 49 ago. he opened it and began to 50 the pages. suddenly, a car key 51 from an envelope taped behind the book ,it bad a lag(标签)with dealer’s name, the 52 dealer who had the sports car he bad 53 on the tag was the 54 of his graduation. and the 55 PAID IN FULL36. A. expected. B. enjoyed. C. admired. D. owned

One often finds a writer’s books more ________ if one knows about his life and the time when he was alive. A.comprehensibleB.comprehensiveC.comprehendedD.comprehension

Mark Twain was at his best when he wrote about children.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

The Eskimo is perhaps one of the most trusting and considerate of all Indians but seems to be the _______ welfare of his animals.A critical about B indignant at C indifferent to D subject to

1 Oliver Hoppe has been working at Hoopers and Henderson accountancy practice for eighteen months. He feels thathe fits in well, especially with his colleagues and has learnt a lot from them. However, he feels that the rules andregulations governing everyday activities and time keeping are not clear.Oliver does not get on well with his line manager, David Morgan. There appears to be a clash of personalities andreluctance on David Morgan’s part to deal with the icy atmosphere between them after David was asked by one ofthe accounting partners to give Oliver a job. For the past three months Oliver has gone to lunch with his fellow workersand always returned to work with them or before them. In fact they all have returned to work about ten minutes lateon several previous occasions. After the third time, Oliver was called into David Morgan’s office and given an oralwarning about his time keeping.Oliver was not permitted to argue his case and none of the other staff who returned late were disciplined in this way.On the next occasion the group was late returning from lunch, David Morgan presented Oliver with a written warningabout his time keeping.Yesterday, Oliver was five minutes late returning to work. His colleagues returned after him. David Morgan gave Olivernotice and told him to work until the end of the week and then collect his salary, the necessary paperwork and toleave the practice.There is a partner responsible for human resources. Oliver has come to see the partner to discuss the grievanceprocedures against David Morgan for his treatment and about what Oliver regards as unfair dismissal.Required:(a) Describe the six stages of a formal disciplinary procedure that an organisation such as Hoopers andHenderson should have in place. (12 marks)

BWhen people hear a president speak, they seldom think about others helping to shape the presentation(报告). Today, however, presidents depend on writers such as J. Terry Edmonds to help them communicate(交流)effectively. Edmonds is the first African American ever to work as a full-time speechwriter for a U.S. president; he is also the first African American to serve as director of speechwriting for the White House. His is an all-American story of success.Edmonds grew up in Baltimore, Maryland; his father drove a truck, and his mother worked as a waitress. A great reader, Edmonds showed a gift for writing at his high School, Baltimore City College. After graduating in 1967, Edmonds went on to Morgan State University.Edmonds began his career in business, with jobs in public relations and communications, He joined the world of politics as news secretary for his congressman (国会议员) from Baltimore, During Bill Clinton’s presidency, he worked speeches for Health and Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala and worked in a number of jobs in the White House and in governmental departments. President Clinton then appointed (任命) him to the office of director of speechwriting, Following the 2000 elections, Edmonds returned to Morgan State University as the school’s special assistant to the president for 2001-2002.45. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?A. Edmonds proved himself to be good at writing at high school.B. Edmonds graduated from Morgan State University in 1967.C. Edmonds was the first full-time speechwriter.D. Edmonds served the White House after 2000.

阅读理解Betty and Harold have been married for years.But one thing still puzzles old Harold.How is it that he can leave Betty and her friend Joan sitting on the sofa, talking, go out to a ballgame, come back three and a half hours later, and they’re still sitting on the sofa, talking?What in the world, Harold wonders, do they have to talk about?Betty shrugs.Talk? We’re friends.Researching this matter called friendship, psychologist Lillian Rubin spent two years interviewing more than two hundred women and men.No matter what their age, their job, their sex, the results were completely clear.Women have more friendships than men, and the difference in the content and the quality of those friendships is “marked and unmistakable”.More than two-thirds of the single men Rubin interviewed could not name a best friend.Those who could were likely to name a woman.Yet three-quarters of the single women had no problem naming a best friend, and almost always it was a woman.More married men than women named their wife/husband as a best friend, most trusted person, or the one they would turn to in time of emotional distress(情感危机).“Most women,” says Rubin, “identified at least one, usually more, trusted friends to whom they could turn in a troubled moment, and they spoke openly about the importance of these relationships in their lives”.“In general,” writes Rubin in her new book, “women’s friendships with each other rest on shared emotions and support, but men’s relationships are marked by shared activities.” For the most part, Rubin says , interactions (交往) between men are emotionally controlled—a good fit with the social requirements of “manly behavior”.“Even when a man is said to be a best friend,” Rubin writes, “the two share little about their innermost feelings.Whereas a woman’s closest female friend might be the first to tell her to leave a failing marriage, it wasn’t unusual to hear a man say he didn’t know his friend’s marriage was in serious trouble until he appeared one night asking if he could sleep on the sofa.”6.What old Harold cannot understand or explain is the fact that() .A.he is treated as an outsider rather than a husbandB.women have so much to shareC.women show little interest in ballgamesD.his wife is difficult to talk to7.Rubin’s study shows that for emotional support a married woman is more likely to turn to ().A.a male friendB.a female friendC.her parentsD.her husband8.According to the text, which type of behavior. is NOT expected of a man by society?()A.Ending his marriage without good reason.B.Spending too much time with his friends.C.Complaining about his marriage trouble.D.Going out to ballgames too often.9.Which of the following statements is best supported by the last paragraph?()A.Men keep their innermost feeling to themselves.B.Women are more serious than men about marriage.C.Men often take sudden action to end their marriage.D.Women depend on others in making decisions.10.The research done by psychologist Rubin centers on() .A.happy and successful marriageB.friendships of men and womenC.emotional problems in marriageD.interactions between men and women

There's nothing shameful about being wrong.()can be right all the time. A.nobodyB.no one

Does his absence()to your work?A. make a differenceB. take all the creditC. bring about

His best movie, which won several awards, was about the life of Gandhi.()

When I got out of the car and walked about among them, ____one old man who shook his head disapprovingly, they all began to cheer.A.see that B.except thatC.provided thatD.except for

共用题干The Mind-Body ConnectionsNorman Cousins was a famous American magazine editor. In 1964,he returned from an overseas trip and then became very ill.In the hospital,he had a terrible pain and couldn't move his body.Doctors told him he had a serious disease called ankylosing spondylitis(强直性脊柱炎)and said he had only 1 chance in 500 of surviving. They gave him powerful drugs,but his condition only got worse.Cousins had read about a theory that negative emotions can harm your health.He believed that positive emotions were good for one's health,and he decided to try an experiment.He would fill his days with good feelings and laughter and see if that might improve his condition.He left the hospital and moved into a hotel room.There,he got a large supply of funny TV programs and copies of old Marx Brothers movies and cartoons.He also hired a nurse to read funny stories to him.His plan was to spend the whole day laughing and thinking about happy things.On his first night in the hotel,Cousins found that laughing at the movies helped his body produce chemicals that reduced pain.For the first time in weeks,he could sleep comfortably for a few hours.Every time the pain came back,he watched anotherfunny movie and laughed until he felt better.Over time,Cousins was able to measure changes in his body with blood tests.He found that the harmful chemicals in his body decreased at least 5 percent every time he watched a funny movie.After a short time, he was able to stop taking all of his medications.Finally his condition improved so much that he could go back to work.Cousins later wrote a book about how laughter and happiness helped him to survive a deadly illness. Many people didn't believe his story and said that his doctors were wrong about his disease.But since then, research has found that emotions do have a strong effect on physical health,and experiments found that laughter can help to reduce pain.Scientists today are working to understand the ways that our minds affect our bodies.Cousins spent a lot of time laughing every day.A:RightB:WrongC:Not mentioned

共用题干The Mind-Body ConnectionsNorman Cousins was a famous American magazine editor. In 1964,he returned from an overseas trip and then became very ill.In the hospital,he had a terrible pain and couldn't move his body.Doctors told him he had a serious disease called ankylosing spondylitis(强直性脊柱炎)and said he had only 1 chance in 500 of surviving. They gave him powerful drugs,but his condition only got worse.Cousins had read about a theory that negative emotions can harm your health.He believed that positive emotions were good for one's health,and he decided to try an experiment.He would fill his days with good feelings and laughter and see if that might improve his condition.He left the hospital and moved into a hotel room.There,he got a large supply of funny TV programs and copies of old Marx Brothers movies and cartoons.He also hired a nurse to read funny stories to him.His plan was to spend the whole day laughing and thinking about happy things.On his first night in the hotel,Cousins found that laughing at the movies helped his body produce chemicals that reduced pain.For the first time in weeks,he could sleep comfortably for a few hours.Every time the pain came back,he watched anotherfunny movie and laughed until he felt better.Over time,Cousins was able to measure changes in his body with blood tests.He found that the harmful chemicals in his body decreased at least 5 percent every time he watched a funny movie.After a short time, he was able to stop taking all of his medications.Finally his condition improved so much that he could go back to work.Cousins later wrote a book about how laughter and happiness helped him to survive a deadly illness. Many people didn't believe his story and said that his doctors were wrong about his disease.But since then, research has found that emotions do have a strong effect on physical health,and experiments found that laughter can help to reduce pain.Scientists today are working to understand the ways that our minds affect our bodies.Drugs helped to stop the pain of Cousins'disease.A:RightB:WrongC:Not mentioned

共用题干The Mind-Body ConnectionsNorman Cousins was a famous American magazine editor. In 1964,he returned from an overseas trip and then became very ill.In the hospital,he had a terrible pain and couldn't move his body.Doctors told him he had a serious disease called ankylosing spondylitis(强直性脊柱炎)and said he had only 1 chance in 500 of surviving. They gave him powerful drugs,but his condition only got worse.Cousins had read about a theory that negative emotions can harm your health.He believed that positive emotions were good for one's health,and he decided to try an experiment.He would fill his days with good feelings and laughter and see if that might improve his condition.He left the hospital and moved into a hotel room.There,he got a large supply of funny TV programs and copies of old Marx Brothers movies and cartoons.He also hired a nurse to read funny stories to him.His plan was to spend the whole day laughing and thinking about happy things.On his first night in the hotel,Cousins found that laughing at the movies helped his body produce chemicals that reduced pain.For the first time in weeks,he could sleep comfortably for a few hours.Every time the pain came back,he watched anotherfunny movie and laughed until he felt better.Over time,Cousins was able to measure changes in his body with blood tests.He found that the harmful chemicals in his body decreased at least 5 percent every time he watched a funny movie.After a short time, he was able to stop taking all of his medications.Finally his condition improved so much that he could go back to work.Cousins later wrote a book about how laughter and happiness helped him to survive a deadly illness. Many people didn't believe his story and said that his doctors were wrong about his disease.But since then, research has found that emotions do have a strong effect on physical health,and experiments found that laughter can help to reduce pain.Scientists today are working to understand the ways that our minds affect our bodies.Doctors told Cousins that he would probably die from his disease.A:RightB:WrongC:Not mentioned

Of all Barry H.Landau's anecdotes about his friendships with presidential dogs,perhaps the best is the one about the time the Clinton White House called to postpone his play-date with Buddy.Yes,Landau is both human and an adult,a 60-year-old author,presidential historian,former White House protocol officer and memorabilia collector.But so enamored is he of dogs,and so well connected to a succession of presidents,that he had an appointment for a South Lawn romp one day with Buddy,Bill Clinton's Labrador retriever(拉布拉多犬).Logistics got in the way,though,and hence Clinton secretary Betty Currie's apologetic voice mail left at the Smithsonian Institution,where Landau was doing research:"I'm sorry,but we'll have to reschedule Mr.Landau's play-date with Buddy."Not surprisingly,this is a happy week for Landau,with the new Obama family dog,Bo,joining a White House tradition that dates to George Washington.It's one that Landau feels is invaluable to a presidency."Having a dog just humanizes a president,"he says."It completes the picture.It's something people can relate to."And Landau has related to the best of them.He's known about 25 White House dogs since the Eisenhower administration.Among the presidential-pooch memorabilia in his Manhattan apartment are matching orange inaugural dog coats worn by LBJ's twin beagles(小猎犬),Him and Her,and a photo of Landau kissing Clipper,JFK's German shepherd.According to Landau,why is it important for a president to have a dog?A.It increases his chances of being reelecteB.It humanizes the president,making him easier to relate tC.It shows that the president can care for an animaD.It is the tradition of White House as a presiden

Tom had once worked in a city office in London,but now he is out of work.He had a large family?to support,so he often found himself in difficulty.He often visited Mr.White on Sundays,told him about?his troubles,and asked for two or three pounds.Mr.White,a man with a kind heart,found it difficult to refuse the money,though he himself?was poor.Tom had already received more than thirty pounds from Mr.White,but he always seemed?to be in need of some more.One day,after telling Mr.White a long story of his troubles,Tom asked for five pounds.Mr.White had heard this sort of thing before,but he listened patiently to the end.Then he?said,"I understand your difficulties,Tom.I′d like to help you.But I′m not going to give you five?pounds this time.I′11 lend you the money,and you can pay me off next time you see me."Tom took the money,but he never appeared again.Mr.White decided to lend,not to give Tom five pounds in order to__《》()A.encourage him to come againB.get all his money backC.get rid of himD.thank him for his stories

Of all Barry H.Landau's anecdotes about his friendships with presidential dogs,perhaps the best is the one about the time the Clinton White House called to postpone his play-date with Buddy.Yes,Landau is both human and an adult,a 60-year-old author,presidential historian,former White House protocol officer and memorabilia collector.But so enamored is he of dogs,and so well connected to a succession of presidents,that he had an appointment for a South Lawn romp one day with Buddy,Bill Clinton's Labrador retriever(拉布拉多犬).Logistics got in the way,though,and hence Clinton secretary Betty Currie's apologetic voice mail left at the Smithsonian Institution,where Landau was doing research:"I'm sorry,but we'll have to reschedule Mr.Landau's play-date with Buddy."Not surprisingly,this is a happy week for Landau,with the new Obama family dog,Bo,joining a White House tradition that dates to George Washington.It's one that Landau feels is invaluable to a presidency."Having a dog just humanizes a president,"he says."It completes the picture.It's something people can relate to."And Landau has related to the best of them.He's known about 25 White House dogs since the Eisenhower administration.Among the presidential-pooch memorabilia in his Manhattan apartment are matching orange inaugural dog coats worn by LBJ's twin beagles(小猎犬),Him and Her,and a photo of Landau kissing Clipper,JFK's German shepherd.Who's"Buddy"?A.Barry Landau's friendB.Betty Currie's cousinC.Bill Clinton's dogD.George Washington's play-dat

单选题The selection is mainly about .Ahow the narrator’s father diedBthe inner feelings of the narrator as he visits his dying fatherCthe narrator’s childhood memories of his fatherDthe narrator’s relationship with his aunt

单选题What is mentioned as a reason for visiting Mr. Fraser's blog?ATo give him feedback on his ideasBTo contribute to his political campaignCTo find out about his policiesDTo learn more about his political party

单选题In one sense _____ wrote all his life about one theme, which is neatly summed up in the famous phrase, “grace under pressure,” and created one hero who acts that theme out.AWalt WhitmanBEmily DickinsonCHenry JamesDErnest Hemingway

单选题If one gets the meaning of the true sense of happiness, he will _____.Astop playing games and joking with othersBmake the best use of his time increasing happinessCgive a free hand to moneyDkeep himself with his family

单选题Perhaps the last word is best left to his father. Bill Hayes:“When Mike first told me about his ______ , I just laughed and said that I thought it was foolish—Which shows you that he’s smarter than I am.”AdreamBideaCproblemDstudy

单选题Hawley won the contest because ______.Ahe put all his mind to his performanceBhe cared much about the judges’ feelingsChe tried his best to avoid making mistakesDhe paid close attention to the people around

单选题We learn that Bill Clinton’s father ______ .Adied before Bill Clinton was bornBdied when Bill Clinton was a few months oldCleft his wife after Bill Clinton was bornDwas his mother’s second husband

单选题The professor’ s homework was to ask his students _____.Ato write about kindnessBto be kind to strangersCto spend time helping othersDto go out to raise money