Could you()the appointment()next Monday?A、rearrange,forB、rearrange,atC、rearrange,untilD、rearrange,in

Could you()the appointment()next Monday?

  • A、 rearrange, for
  • B、 rearrange, at
  • C、 rearrange,until
  • D、 rearrange, in


The storm stopped him () coming to our party. A、forB、atC、fromD、with

–()–Sorry. I have another appointment next Monday. A、I'd like to make an appointment with you.B、I'd like to make an appointment for next Monday.C、I'd like to meet with Mr. Smith next Monday.D、Can you see me next Monday?

Could you the _______appointment _____next Monday? A.rearrange, forB.rearrange, atC.rearrange, untilD.rearrange, in

—Excuse me. Do you think I could change my appointment from 2 to 3 o ’clock? —_______A.Sorry, my timetable is full.B.No, you can’t.C.It’s not right to do so.#It’s up to you.

Do you think you could cut it 30%() A、byB、atC、down

The boy ought to have gone to school ( ), but he slept ( ) noon. A、that morning/ untilB、that morning/ atC、in that morning/ untilD、in that morning/ at

I invited them _____ our house the next week.A. to call forB. to call atC. calling onD. calling for

()your request, we gave you an estimate of approximate requirements for next year.A、ForB、AtC、ByD、Under

()this date, your account balance is $900.A、As forB、As atC、As aboutD、As of

Due ()the increase in raw material costs, we must unfortunately raise the cost of our merchandise ()you.A、for,forB、for,atC、to,toD、to,at

Having made a special purchase()electrical typewriters()very favorable terms, we could offer them to you()very competitive prices. A、of⋯with⋯inB、in⋯on⋯atC、of⋯on⋯atD、on⋯in⋯with

We should be pleased to send you our samples for your consideration,()our own expense. A、forB、atC、onD、to

How could you rearrange all the important things without your ___________ (concentrate)?

1.—Do you know the boy _______black?—Yes, he buys the black sweater _________just five ; ;atC.on ;forD.on ;at


When a teacher asks students to rearrange a set of sentences into a logical paragraph, he/ she is trying to draw their attention to__________.A.grammarB.vocabularyC.sentence patternsD.textual coherence

You′d better take these documents with you?you need them for the that

--Hello! International Peace Hotel. CanI help you?--Do you have a room with a single bed__________ for next Monday?A.empty B.occupieD.C.vacant D.available

Could you()the appointment()next Monday?Arearrange,forBrearrange,atCrearrange,untilDrearrange,in

Could you help me with English?()ANo, no wayBNo, I couldn't.CNo, I can't.DSorry I can't. I have an appointment right now.

You must explain()how they succeeded()the experiment.A、of us;forB、at us;atC、to us;inD、for us;to

翻译:I’d like to remind you that we have to withdraw our offer if we don ’ t hear from you by next Monday.

问答题Rearrange the letters given and make one word that uses all of the letters.  A C E L P R

问答题Rearrange the following to form two connected words.  TOUGHDUN FACETIKUR

单选题什么命令可以重新安排已创建特征的次序()A特征重新排序(Reorder Feature)B特征重新安排(Rearrange Feature)C编辑时间戳记(Edit Timestamp)D移动特征(Move Feature)

问答题翻译:I’d like to remind you that we have to withdraw our offer if we don ’ t hear from you by next Monday.

单选题Could you()the appointment()next Monday?Arearrange,forBrearrange,atCrearrange,untilDrearrange,in