()this date, your account balance is $900.A、As forB、As atC、As aboutD、As of

()this date, your account balance is $900.

A、As for

B、As at

C、As about

D、As of


He was an expert ________agriculture,archeology,and medicine. A. inB. atC. aboutD. on

I have come to say goodbye( )you. A.forB.toC.aboutD.at

The teacher informed his students ________ the coming final exam. A.forB.toC.aboutD.of

The thief had left an impression ( ) his foot in the garden. A.onB.atC.aboutD.of

We appreciate your cooperation and trust the shipment will prove ()your entire satisfaction.A、forB、atC、forwardD、to

Some parcels from New York have been sold here()a much lower price. A、forB、atC、onD、in

We produce decorative fabrics()different kinds. A、forB、atC、ofD、with

We should be pleased to send you our samples for your consideration,()our own expense. A、forB、atC、onD、to

David likes fish( )breakfast.A. forB. atC. in

Your free time activities can be a clue ____ your true interests. A. forB. atC. ofD. to