OEE英文全称是什么?()A、Overall Equipment Efficiency全局设备效率B、Opto-Electronic Element光电元器件C、Overall Equipment Environment全局设备环境D、Operating Equipment Effectivity设备可操作性
- A、Overall Equipment Efficiency全局设备效率
- B、Opto-Electronic Element光电元器件
- C、Overall Equipment Environment全局设备环境
- D、Operating Equipment Effectivity设备可操作性
在通信专业中,LTE的英文全称是(91) ,视频压缩英文通常翻译为(92) 。A. Long Time Evolution B. Light Terminal Equipment C. Long Term Evolution D. Light Transmission Equipment A. Video Compressor B. View Compressor C. Image Compression D. Video Compression
X.25协议规定了以【 】工作的用户数据终端设备(Date Terminal Equipment, DTE)与通信子网的数据电路端接设备(Date Circuit-terminal Equipment, DCE)之间的接口标准。
CPE的英文全称是什么() A.Communication Premise EquipmentB.Central Personal EquipmentC.Customer Premise EquipmentD.Central Premise Equipment
CPE的英文全称是什么()A、Communication Premise EquipmentB、Central Personal EquipmentC、Customer Premise EquipmentD、Central Premise Equipment
The control of communications test equipment should be clearly addressed by security policy for which of the following reasons?通信测试设备的控制应该通过安全策略明确的原因是什么?()A、Teste quipment can be used to browse information passing on anetwork.测试设备可以用于浏览在网络上传递的信息B、Test equipment is difficult to replace if lost or stolen.测试设备如果丢失或被盗很难替换C、Test equipment is easily damaged.测试设备很容易被损坏D、Test equipment must always be available for the maintenance personnel.测试设备对于维修人员必须是永远可用的
单选题The control of communications test equipment should be clearly addressed by security policy for which of the following reasons?通信测试设备的控制应该通过安全策略明确的原因是什么?()ATeste quipment can be used to browse information passing on anetwork.测试设备可以用于浏览在网络上传递的信息BTest equipment is difficult to replace if lost or stolen.测试设备如果丢失或被盗很难替换CTest equipment is easily damaged.测试设备很容易被损坏DTest equipment must always be available for the maintenance personnel.测试设备对于维修人员必须是永远可用的