可以使用哪个子句来确保成本值大于1.00?()A、CONSTRAINT CHECK成本1.00B、CONSTRAINT 部件成本_ckCHECK(成本1.00)C、CHECK CONSTRAINT 部件成本_ck(成本1.00)D、CONSTRAINT CHECK 部件成本_ck(成本1.00)


  • B、CONSTRAINT 部件成本_ckCHECK(成本>1.00)
  • C、CHECK CONSTRAINT 部件成本_ck(成本>1.00)
  • D、CONSTRAINT CHECK 部件成本_ck(成本>1.00)


在SQL Server 2000中,设有职工表(职工号, 职工名, 电子邮箱),现要限制电子邮箱的最后几位的取值为“@abc.com”,且“@”前至少有一位字符。下列添加约束的语句正确的是A.ALTER TABLE职工表 ADD CONSTRAINT chk_email CHECK(电子邮箱LIKE '_%@abc.com')B.ALTER TABLE职工表 ADD CONSTRAINT chk_email CHECK(电子邮箱 = '_%@abc.com')C.ALTER TABLE职工表 ADD CONSTRAINT chk_email CHECK(电子邮箱LIKE '_@abc.com')D.ALTER TABLE职工表 ADD CONSTRAINT chk_email CHECK(电子邮箱 = '_@abc.com')

在价值工程的ABC分析法中,B类零部件是指() A.件数占零部件总数的80%左右,成本占总成本5%左右的零部件B.件数占零部件总数的60%左右,成本占总成本10%~20%的零部件C.件数占零部件总数的20%~50%、成本占总成本30%~40%的零部件D.件数占零部件总数的10%~20%、成本占总成本50%~60%的零部件

What type of constraint is used to ensure that each row inserted into the EMPLOYEE table with a value in the WORKDEPT column has a row with a corresponding value in the DEPTNO column of the DEPARTMENT table?()A.A check constraint on the EMPLOYEE tableB.A unique constraint on the EMPLOYEE table WORKDEPT columnC.A foreign key reference from the DEPARTMENT tables DEPTNO column to the WORKDEPT column of the EMPLOYEE tableD.A foreign key reference from the EMPLOYEE tables WORKDEPT column to the DEPTNO column of the DEPARTMENT table

Given the following requirements:Create a table to contain employee data, with a unique numeric identifier automatically assigned when a row is added, has an EDLEVEL column that permits only the values ‘C‘, ‘H‘ and ‘N‘, and permits inserts only when a corresponding value for the employee‘s department exists in the DEPARTMENT table.Which of the following CREATE statements will successfully create this table?()A.CREATE TABLE emp ( empno SMALLINT NEXTVAL GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY, firstname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, lastname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, workdept CHAR(3) NOT NULL, edlevel CHAR(1), PRIMARY KEY emp_pk (empno), FOREIGN KEY emp_workdept_fk ON (workdept) REFERENCES department (deptno), CHECK edlevel_ck VALUES (edlevel IN (‘C‘,‘H‘,‘N‘)), );B.CREATE TABLE emp ( empno SMALLINT NOT NULL GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY, firstname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, lastname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, workdept CHAR(3), edlevel CHAR(1), CONSTRAINT emp_pk PRIMARY KEY (empno), CONSTRAINT emp_workdept_fk FOREIGN KEY (workdept) REFERENCES department (deptno), CONSTRAINT edlevel_ck CHECK edlevel VALUES (‘C‘,‘H‘,‘N‘) );C.CREATE TABLE emp ( empno SMALLINT NEXTVAL GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY, firstname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, lastname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, workdept CHAR(3) NOT NULL, edlevel CHAR(1) CHECK IN (‘C‘,‘H‘,‘N‘)), CONSTRAINT emp_pk PRIMARY KEY (empno), CONSTRAINT emp_workdept_fk FOREIGN KEY department (deptno) REFERENCES (workdept) );D.CREATE TABLE emp ( empno SMALLINT NOT NULL GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY, firstname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, lastname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, workdept CHAR(3), edlevel CHAR(1), CONSTRAINT emp_pk PRIMARY KEY (empno), CONSTRAINT emp_workdept_fk FOREIGN KEY (workdept) REFERENCES department (deptno), CONSTRAINT edlevel_ck CHECK (edlevel IN (‘C‘,‘H‘,‘N‘)) );





(2019年)某部件有5个部件组成,产品的某项功能由其中3个部件共同实现,三个部件共有4个功能,关于该功能成本的说法,正确的是( )A.该项功能成本为产品总成本的60%B.该项功能成本占全部功能成本比超过50%C.该项功能成本为3个部件相应成本之和D.该项功能为承担该功能的3个部件成本之和

应用ABC分析法选择价格工程对象是,划分A类、B类、C类零部件的依据是( )。A.零部件数量及成本占产品零部件总数及总成本的比重B.零部件价值及成本占产品价值及总成的比重C.零部件的功能重要性及成本占产品总成本的比D.零部件的材质及成本占产品总成本的比重

下列SQL语句中,对字段创建唯一的聚集索引的约束是()。A学号 char(8) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT un_no UNIQUEB学号 char(8) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT PK_学生表 PRIMARY KEYC性别 char(2) NOT NULL check (性别=‘男’or 性别=‘女’)D学号 char 8) NOT NULL

产品的定额成本不包括()。A、 零件定额成本B、 部件定额成本C、 半成品定额成本D、 产成品定额成本


创建“雇员”表时,可以使用哪个子句来确保薪金值大于或等于1000.00?()A、CONSTRAINT CHECK 薪金1000B、CHECK CONSTRAINT(薪金1000)C、CONSTRAINT 雇员最低薪金 CHECK薪金1000D、CONSTRAINT 雇员最低薪金 CHECK(薪金=1000)E、CHECK CONSTRAINT 雇员最低薪金(薪金1000)

What type of constraint is used to ensure that each row inserted into the EMPLOYEE table with a value in the WORKDEPT column has a row with a corresponding value in the DEPTNO column of the DEPARTMENT table?()A、A check constraint on the EMPLOYEE tableB、A unique constraint on the EMPLOYEE table WORKDEPT columnC、A foreign key reference from the DEPARTMENT tables DEPTNO column to the WORKDEPT column of the EMPLOYEE tableD、A foreign key reference from the EMPLOYEE tables WORKDEPT column to the DEPTNO column of the DEPARTMENT table



Given the following requirements: Create a table to contain employee data, with a unique numeric identifier automatically assigned when a row is added, has an EDLEVEL column that permits only the values 'C', 'H' and 'N', and permits inserts only when a corresponding value for the employee's department exists in the DEPARTMENT table. Which of the following CREATE statements will successfully create this table?()A、CREATE TABLE emp ( empno SMALLINT NEXTVAL GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY, firstname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, lastname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, workdept CHAR(3) NOT NULL, edlevel CHAR(1), PRIMARY KEY emp_pk (empno), FOREIGN KEY emp_workdept_fk ON (workdept) REFERENCES department (deptno), CHECK edlevel_ck VALUES (edlevel IN ('C','H','N')), );B、CREATE TABLE emp ( empno SMALLINT NOT NULL GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY, firstname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, lastname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, workdept CHAR(3), edlevel CHAR(1), CONSTRAINT emp_pk PRIMARY KEY (empno), CONSTRAINT emp_workdept_fk FOREIGN KEY (workdept) REFERENCES department (deptno), CONSTRAINT edlevel_ck CHECK edlevel VALUES ('C','H','N') );C、CREATE TABLE emp ( empno SMALLINT NEXTVAL GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY, firstname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, lastname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, workdept CHAR(3) NOT NULL, edlevel CHAR(1) CHECK IN ('C','H','N')), CONSTRAINT emp_pk PRIMARY KEY (empno), CONSTRAINT emp_workdept_fk FOREIGN KEY department (deptno) REFERENCES (workdept) );D、CREATE TABLE emp ( empno SMALLINT NOT NULL GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY, firstname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, lastname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, workdept CHAR(3), edlevel CHAR(1), CONSTRAINT emp_pk PRIMARY KEY (empno), CONSTRAINT emp_workdept_fk FOREIGN KEY (workdept) REFERENCES department (deptno), CONSTRAINT edlevel_ck CHECK (edlevel IN ('C','H','N')) );

Which statement adds a constraint that ensures the CUSTOMER_NAME column of the CUSTOMERS table holds a value?()A、ALTER TABLE customers ADD CONSTRAINT cust_name_nn CHECK customer_name IS NOT NULL;B、ALTER TABLE customers MODIFY CONSTRAINT cust_name_nn CHECK customer_name IS NOT NULL;C、ALTER TABLE customers MODIFY customer_name CONSTRAINT cust_name_nn NOT NULL;D、ALTER TABLE customers MODIFY customer_name CONSTRAINT cust_name_nn IS NOT NULL;E、ALTER TABLE customers MODIFY name CONSTRAINT cust_name_nn NOT NULL;F、ALTER TABLE customers ADD CONSTRAINT cust_name_nn CHECK customer_name NOT NULL;

You need to design the restrictions on the Bank.Customers table. Which three actions should you perform?()A、Design a trigger that verifies that the first names and surnames are not empty strings.B、Design a check constraint that verifies that the first names and surnames are not empty strings.C、Design a check constraint that uses a CLR user-defined function to verify that either the phone number is a null value or the format of the phone number is valid.D、Design a trigger that uses a CLR user-defined function to verify that either the phone number is a null value or the format of the phone number is valid.E、Design a check constraint that ensures that the phone number cannot be changed from a valid format to a null value or to an invalid format.F、Design a trigger that ensures that the phone number cannot be changed from a valid format to a null value.



单选题产品的定额成本不包括()。A 零件定额成本B 部件定额成本C 半成品定额成本D 产成品定额成本

多选题You need to design the restrictions on the Bank.Customers table. Which three actions should you perform?()ADesign a trigger that verifies that the first names and surnames are not empty strings.BDesign a check constraint that verifies that the first names and surnames are not empty strings.CDesign a check constraint that uses a CLR user-defined function to verify that either the phone number is a null value or the format of the phone number is valid.DDesign a trigger that uses a CLR user-defined function to verify that either the phone number is a null value or the format of the phone number is valid.EDesign a check constraint that ensures that the phone number cannot be changed from a valid format to a null value or to an invalid format.FDesign a trigger that ensures that the phone number cannot be changed from a valid format to a null value.

单选题Given the following requirements: Create a table to contain employee data, with a unique numeric identifier automatically assigned when a row is added, has an EDLEVEL column that permits only the values 'C', 'H' and 'N', and permits inserts only when a corresponding value for the employee's department exists in the DEPARTMENT table. Which of the following CREATE statements will successfully create this table?()ACREATE TABLE emp ( empno SMALLINT NEXTVAL GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY, firstname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, lastname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, workdept CHAR(3) NOT NULL, edlevel CHAR(1), PRIMARY KEY emp_pk (empno), FOREIGN KEY emp_workdept_fk ON (workdept) REFERENCES department (deptno), CHECK edlevel_ck VALUES (edlevel IN ('C','H','N')), );BCREATE TABLE emp ( empno SMALLINT NOT NULL GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY, firstname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, lastname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, workdept CHAR(3), edlevel CHAR(1), CONSTRAINT emp_pk PRIMARY KEY (empno), CONSTRAINT emp_workdept_fk FOREIGN KEY (workdept) REFERENCES department (deptno), CONSTRAINT edlevel_ck CHECK edlevel VALUES ('C','H','N') );CCREATE TABLE emp ( empno SMALLINT NEXTVAL GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY, firstname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, lastname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, workdept CHAR(3) NOT NULL, edlevel CHAR(1) CHECK IN ('C','H','N')), CONSTRAINT emp_pk PRIMARY KEY (empno), CONSTRAINT emp_workdept_fk FOREIGN KEY department (deptno) REFERENCES (workdept) );DCREATE TABLE emp ( empno SMALLINT NOT NULL GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY, firstname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, lastname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, workdept CHAR(3), edlevel CHAR(1), CONSTRAINT emp_pk PRIMARY KEY (empno), CONSTRAINT emp_workdept_fk FOREIGN KEY (workdept) REFERENCES department (deptno), CONSTRAINT edlevel_ck CHECK (edlevel IN ('C','H','N')) );

单选题在成本决策中,零部件自制较外购所增加的成本,属于()。A 机会成本B 差量成本C 无关成本D 变动成本

单选题Which statement adds a constraint that ensures the CUSTOMER_NAME column of the CUSTOMERS table holds a value?()AALTER TABLE customers ADD CONSTRAINT cust_name_nn CHECK customer_name IS NOT NULL;BALTER TABLE customers MODIFY CONSTRAINT cust_name_nn CHECK customer_name IS NOT NULL;CALTER TABLE customers MODIFY customer_name CONSTRAINT cust_name_nn NOT NULL;DALTER TABLE customers MODIFY customer_name CONSTRAINT cust_name_nn IS NOT NULL;EALTER TABLE customers MODIFY name CONSTRAINT cust_name_nn NOT NULL;FALTER TABLE customers ADD CONSTRAINT cust_name_nn CHECK customer_name NOT NULL;