My main aim in life()a good husband and father.A、is toB、isC、toD、is to be

My main aim in life()a good husband and father.

  • A、is to
  • B、is
  • C、to
  • D、is to be


–What time is it? –____________________. (A) My watch keeps good time(B) My watch is five minutes fast(C) My watch says three o’clock(D) I say three o’clock

I ___________ to tell my family the good news about my being admitted to Beijing University. A. estimatedB. made upC. thoughtD. hastened

—Dad, I won first place in the speech contest.—______! I’m proud of you, my daughter. A.CongratulationsB.Good luckC.My pleasureD.Good idea

The exciting work was good for me as it got my blood__________ agreeably through my veins.A. circulatingB. floatingC. huntingD. orbiting

I lvoe my country so much that I am prepared to () her.A、devote toB、devote my life toC、devoting my life toD、to devote my life for

The hunter took a good aim ( ) the bear and fired A、towardsB、toC、atD、against

Distance education has changed my life from tragedy to ( ).A、travelingB、triumphC、transportationD、triangle

I have just got an iPod as my birthday gift.()A、 Good luckH、 That’s rightC、 Congratulat I have just got an iPod as my birthday gift.()A、 Good luckB、 That’s rightC、 Congratulations

A: Your handwriting is very good. B: No, my handwriting is bad.()

But an event in my life when I was 17 years old changed my perspective on what it takes to be inspirational.

My eating________ (habit) are pretty good.

I'd very much like to know what your aim in life is.A:thoughtB:ideaC:goalD:plan

二、考题解析【教案】Teaching Aims:Knowledge aim: Students will be able to describe their daily life and acquire some knowledge about listening strategies.题目来源于考生回忆Ability aim: Students can obtain the main idea quickly from the listening material and develop the ability of grasping detail information.Emotional aim: Students can foster the interest and desire of learning English, and be fond of taking part in kinds of practical activities.Teaching Key Points:Students can get the main idea and useful information from the listening material.Teaching Difficult Points:Students can apply these skills in their listening and apply these expression in their daily communication.Teaching Methods:Communicative teaching method, task-based teaching method, audio-lingual teaching method.Teaching Aids:题目来源于考生回忆PPT, Blackboard, recorder and so onTeaching Procedures:Step 1: Warming up1.Greetings2.Sing an English song It' my life, invite the whole students to clap when singing together and lead to the topic.Step 2: Pre-listening1.Free talk: Give students three minutes to talk about their own daily life and invite them to share it.2.Prediction: Let students work in pairs and ask them to predict Lin Fei's daily life.Step 3: While-listening1. Listen to the tape for the first time and ask them when Lin Fei gets up and when he goes to school, then let students to share answers.题目来源于考生回忆2.Listen to the tape for the second time and ask them to fill in the chart, then invite them to share their answers.Step 4: Production1.Retelling: Ask students to retell Lin Fei's daily life with the help of the chat in their own words, and teacher will give them 3 minutes to prepare it and 3 minutes later, invite some students to share their retelling in the front.2.Survey: Let students discuss their own daily life in the group of four and make a report in the form of chart. 8 minutes later teacher invites some groups to share the result of their reports.Step 5: Summary & HomeworkSummary : Invite a little teacher to help teacher make a summary of this class.Homework: Let students introduce their daily life to their parents and make a share in the next class.Blackboard design:

初中英语《Lin Fei's daily life?》一、考题回顾二、考题解析【教案】Teaching Aims:Knowledge aim: Students will be able to describe their daily life and acquire some knowledge about listening strategies.题目来源于考生回忆Ability aim: Students can obtain the main idea quickly from the listening material and develop the ability of grasping detail information.Emotional aim: Students can foster the interest and desire of learning English, and be fond of taking part in kinds of practical activities.Teaching Key Points:Students can get the main idea and useful information from the listening material.Teaching Difficult Points:Students can apply these skills in their listening and apply these expression in their daily communication.Teaching Methods:Communicative teaching method, task-based teaching method, audio-lingual teaching method.Teaching Aids:题目来源于考生回忆PPT, Blackboard, recorder and so onTeaching Procedures:Step 1: Warming up1.Greetings2.Sing an English song It' my life, invite the whole students to clap when singing together and lead to the topic.Step 2: Pre-listening1.Free talk: Give students three minutes to talk about their own daily life and invite them to share it.2.Prediction: Let students work in pairs and ask them to predict Lin Fei's daily life.Step 3: While-listening1. Listen to the tape for the first time and ask them when Lin Fei gets up and when he goes to school, then let students to share answers.题目来源于考生回忆2.Listen to the tape for the second time and ask them to fill in the chart, then invite them to share their answers.Step 4: Production1.Retelling: Ask students to retell Lin Fei's daily life with the help of the chat in their own words, and teacher will give them 3 minutes to prepare it and 3 minutes later, invite some students to share their retelling in the front.2.Survey: Let students discuss their own daily life in the group of four and make a report in the form of chart. 8 minutes later teacher invites some groups to share the result of their reports.Step 5: Summary & HomeworkSummary : Invite a little teacher to help teacher make a summary of this class.Homework: Let students introduce their daily life to their parents and make a share in the next class.Blackboard design:

二、考题解析【教案】Teaching aims:Knowledge aim: Students can master the usage of formal subject.Ability aim: Students can use formal subject to communicate in their daily life.Emotional aim: Students can enhance their interest in learning English.Key and difficult point: Students can use formal subject to communicate in their daily life.Teaching procedure:Step 1: Warming-upThe teacher plays a documentary video about the earthquake in Wenchuan. Then asks students to talk about their feelings after watching. And lead in the topic.Step 2: PresentationThe teacher lets students to read the passage and get the main idea. Then the teacher picks the last sentence out. The teacher will use the sentence as example to explain the structure and usage of formal subject.Step 3: PracticeAfter explaining, the teacher will show some normal sentences. Students should transfer them into formal subject structure.For example: Taking good care of the orphans is very important.→It is very important to take good care of the orphans.Step4: ProductionThe teacher lets students talk with their deskmates. They should come up with some ways to help the orphans. Then invites some students to show their opinions.Step5: Summary and HomeworkThe teacher summarizes what they have learnt today. Then after class, students could say something to these orphans and take a video. The teacher will help them sent it to the orphan.

What is your goal in life?A:plan B:aim C:arrangement D:idea

My main aim in life()a good husband and father.Ais toBisCtoDis to be

She is not only my classmate()also my good friend.AorBbutCandDtoo

She is the best woman()I have ever seen in my life.AwhatBthatCwhoseDwhich

My brother Tim is()sportsA、good forB、good atC、well atD、well in

You have a good voice.()A、Thank youB、Not at allC、Just so soD、My voice isn't good

单选题What is the main theme of the passage?AExpecting things to be different gives us hopeBAccepting can make our life happier and betterCTraditional culture becomes root of unhappinessDJudging good or bad is important for our world

单选题My rudder indicator is()good working order.AinBonCatDfor

单选题The main advantage of improved Simplex tailshaft seal are()Athe good sealing performance and the simple structureBthe good sealing performance and the short life expectancyCthe good sealing performance but the short life expectancyDthe good sealing performance and the lower cost

单选题My main aim in life()a good husband and father.Ais toBisCtoDis to be

单选题I took my daughter to the amusement park last Sunday. ______! We had together there.AWhat good timeBWhat a good timeCHow good timeDHow a good

单选题She is not only my classmate()also my good friend.AorBbutCandDtoo