




单选题“An identifying figure” (Para. 5) refers to a person______.Awho serves as a model for othersBwho is always successfulCwho can be depended uponDwho has been rewarded for his success

单选题The author proposes that in teaching science history, educators should not neglect contributions made by______.Apeople who applied scientists’ ideas.Bscientists as individuals.Cscientists as a group.D“giants” who stand on one another’s shoulders.

问答题What’s the author’s purpose of giving us the example of Sir Cloudesly Shovel?

单选题What is the premise of “customer satisfaction level”, according to the passage?AGood service and quality.BDifferent treatments to different customer groups.CMaking money.DFull understanding of customer needs.




问答题Some people say that the best preparation for life is learning to be cooperative. Others take the opposite view and say that learning to be competitive is the best preparation. Write a composition of about 400 words on the following topic,expressing your views on cooperation and competition. COOPERATION OR COMPETITION  In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.  Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.

单选题“In rude health” in the first sentence of paragraph 3 probably means______.Ain bad health.Bstrong and healthy.Cprofit-making.Dloss-making.

单选题Which of the following is NOT true about nursing before Nightingale came in this field?AMost nurses were not professionally trained.BPeople only had respect for the nurses from the upper classes.CNurses did not pay enough attention to sanitation.DThere were many donations flooding into the hospitals.


单选题Children tend to imitate their models______.Awho do not criticize themBwho bring them unexpected rewardsCwhom they want to be likeDwhose social status is high

问答题when a human infant is born into any community in any part of theworld it has two things in common with any infant, provided neither of them    1._______have been damaged in any way either before or during birth. Firstly, and most    2._______obviously, new born children are completely helpless. Apart from a powerfulcapacity to pay attention to their helplessness by using sound, there is nothing   3._______the new born child can do to ensure his own survival. Without care from someother human being or beings, be it mother, grandmother, or human group, achild is very unlikely to survive. This helplessness of human infants is in markedcontrast with the capacity of many new born animals to get on their feet within   4._______minutes of birth and run with the herd within a few hours. Although younganimals are certainly in risk, sometimes for weeks or even months after birth,    5._______compared with the human infant they very quickly develop the capacity to fend for them.                                    6._______  It is during this very long period in which the human infant is totallydependent on the others that it reveals the second feature which it shares with all 7._______other undamaged human infants, a capacity to learn language. For this reason,biologists now suggest that language be ‘species specific’ to the human race,   8._______that is to say, they consider the human infant to be genetic programmed in     9._______such way that it can acquire language. This suggestion implies that just      10.______as human beings are designed to see three-dimensionally and in colour, and justas they are designed to stand upright rather than to move on all fours, so theyare designed to learn and use language as part of their normal development aswell-formed human beings.



单选题The statement that children learn by imitation is incomplete because _____.Athey only imitate authorities and expertsBthey are not willing to copy their parentsCthe process of identification has been ignoredDthe nature of their imitation as a form of behavior has been neglected


单选题Which of the following best describes teenagers according to Ms. Fox and Ms. Frankel?AIsolated.BArrogant.CIndependent.DSensitive.

问答题MINI-LECTURE 4  Improving Your Motivation for Learning English  I.The importance of the techniques for improving motivation  A.Necessity for leaning English  B.Necessity for boosting motivation in (1) ______         (1)______  II. Motivation for learning English  A.Talking to (2) ______freely                   (2)______  B.Admired by other people  C.Writing email to people all over the world  III.Ways to improve the motivation for learning English  A.Remember your English is already good but (3) ______      (3)______  —stilla lot of things you don’t know  —stillhaving problems: (4) ______, vocabulary, grammar, etc.   (4)______  B.Use English as much as possible  —Englishis (5) ______                       (5)______  a) findinginformation from English-language websites  b)(6) ______                            (6)______  c) playingadventure games.  d) readinginteresting English books, etc.  —Englishwill be improved when effective methods are adopted  C.Talking to people about English  —peopletalk about things they are interested in  —peoplegradually (7) ______in a boring subject          (7)______  a) tellingothers your suffering when studying a boring subject  b) tellingthem about the things you have learned  D.Spending money on learning English  —thedesire to use and improve English (8) ______         (8)______  because ofthe money you spent  —impulseis given to learn English  E.Learning English requires (9) ______              (9)______  —onesmall practice is more powerful than reading a lot  —youwill enjoy (10) ______only if you change           (10)______  something about your life.

问答题At present, people obtain most of their information from news reporting. However, some people think that we should not believe what journalists report. What is your opinion? What qualities do you think a journalist should have? Write a composition of about 400 words on this topic.  In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.  Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.

单选题Dr. Bruce Charlton would probably prefer to see a more formal relationship _____.Aamong doctorsBamong managersCbetween doctors and managersDbetween doctors and patients


单选题The incoherence in Britain’s science education policy reveals that______.Ascience graduates are oversupplied in job market.Bold universities are producing more graduates than new ones.Cstudents are not interested in pursuing scientific degrees.Dscience graduates are not favorably received by the society.




