单选题We want such materials ______ can bear high temperature and pressure.AthatBasCwhat Dwhich

We want such materials ______ can bear high temperature and pressure.











Which of the following is Not True?A. Advertisement makes contribution to our pockets and we may know everything.B. We can buy what we want.C. Products of good quality don't need to be advertised.D. Advertisement makes our life colorful.

________ has been mentioned before, nearly all materials expand with the increase of temperature. A.ThatB.WhichC.ItD.As

The true value of life is not in_________, but in_________.() A.which we get, which we giveB.what we get, what we giveC.which do we get, which do we giveD.how we get, how we give

These are common materials ( ) which we are all familiar. A、withB、toC、ofD、about

( ) the manager has arrived, we can begin.A、So thatB、Such thatC、Now thatD、As that

We can act()the interview.A. onB. asC. out

You can meet people()can possibly help you find a paid job later on.A. thatB. whoC. which

All children want to have pocket money. Why do their parents just give them a certain amountOne main purpose is to let kids learn _____their own money. First of all, children are expected to _____a choice between spending and saving. Then parents should make the children understand what is expected to pay for with the money. Pocket money can give children a chance to experience the three things _____they can do with the money. They can spend it by giving it to a good cause. They can spend it _____buying things they want.They can save it for future use.Saving helps children _____that costly goals require sacrifice. Saving can also open the door to future saving and investing for children.1.A. when to manageB. how to manageC. which2.A. takeB. giveC. make3.A. thatB. whoC. what4.A. toB. atC. by5.A. understandingB. understandC. understood

You must think of ______ you can do for your parents. A、thatB、howC、whatD、which

This is the problem( )we have no good solution as yet.A. to thatB. whichC. for whichD. to which

A high-level language is an artificial language with which we can write various(66)A.filesB.instructionsC.textD.papers

High-speed rotation in a centrifugal purifier can produce a force ______the force of gravity.A.many thousand times larger thanB.the same asC.many thousand times smaller thanD.which has nothing to do with

Which of the following is Not True?A. Advertisement makes contribution to our pockets and we may know everythingB. We can buy what we wantC. Products of good quality don't need to be advertisedD. Advertisement makes our life colorful19. Which of the following is Not True?

__we will do next is still under discussion.A.ThatB.WhenC.WhereD.What

共用题干What is the Coolest Gas in the Universe?What is the coldest air temperature ever recorded on Earth?Where was this low temperature recorded ?The coldest recorded temperature on Earth was -91℃, which_____ (51) in Antarctica(南极洲) in 1983.We encounter an interesting situation when we discuss temperatures in_________(52).Temperatures in Earth orbit(轨道)actually range from about +120℃ to -120℃. The temperature depends upon ______(53)you are in direct sunlight or in shade.Obviously,-120℃ is colder than our body can ________ (54)endure.The space temperatures just discussed affect only our area of the solar________(55).Obviously,it is hotter closer to the Sun and colder as we travel__________(56)from the Sun,Scientigtg egtimate tern- peratures at Pluto are about -210℃.How cold is the lowest estimated temperature in the entire universe?Again,it depends upon your_________(57).We are taught it is supposedly__________(58)to have atemperature below absolute zero,which is-273℃,at which atoms do not move.Two scientists,Cornell and Wieman,have successfully______(59)down a gas to a temperature barely above absolute zero. They won a Nobel Prize in Physics in 2001 for their work一not a discovery in this case.Why is the two scientists'work so important to science?In the 1920s,Satyendra Nath Bose was studying an interesting_______(60)about special light par-tidles(微粒)we now call photons(光子).Bose had trouble __________(61)other scientists to believe his theory,so he contacted Albert Einstein. Einstein’s calculations helped him theorize that atoms_______(62) behave as Bose thought一but only at very cold temperatures.Scientists have also discovered that ultra-cold(超冷)atoms can help them make the world'S atomic clocks even__________(63)accurate.These clocks are so accurate today they would oniy lose one second _________ (64)six million years!Such accuracy will help us travel in space because digtanee is velocity(速度)times time( d=vt).With the long distances involved in space _______(65),we need to know time as accurately as possibie to get accurate distance._________(63)A:thatB:suchC:muchD:more

The truth is that it is only by studying history( )we can learn what to expect in the future. A.which B.and then C.that D.by which

()I enjoy most is()I can have a holiday from work.A、That;thatB、That;whatC、What;whatD、What;that

This is the problem()we have no good solution as yet.A、to thatB、whichC、for whichD、to which

The gangway is ()high for the stevedores ()board this ship.()A、so;thatB、as;asC、too;toD、so;to

单选题We want such materials ______ can bear high temperature and pressure.AthatBasCwhat Dwhich

单选题We want such materials _____ can bear high temperature and pressure.AthatBasCwhatDwhich

单选题As to the piston cooling, of the following, which statement is not true?()ABecause the piston is exposed to very high temperature, it must be cooledBThe lower the piston cooling temperature is, the better it isCBoth water and lube oil can be used as coolantDOne of the piston cooling methods is vibration cooling, with better effect

单选题Leaky exhaust valve will result in which of the following?() (1) high exhaust temperature; (2) low compression pressure; (3) low firing pressure.A(1) and (2)B(1) onlyC(2) onlyD(1),(2) and (3)

填空题What we can learn from “Paper from Rag” is that you had better buy archival materials from specialist suppliers.____

单选题High speed aircraft is made of metals that can()both high temperature and pressure.Astand byBput up withCwithholdDwithstand

单选题When bilge water is heated in a holding tank, which one of the following statements is not accurate?()AThe high temperature facilitates primary gravity separationBMost of the oil and organic solvents are raised to the top layerCThe high the temperature is, the more the top oil will be collectedDThe high temperature has little use on the separation of emulsified oil

填空题What can visitors do when they find materials on the website inaccurate?They can send their comments to ____.

单选题Reading()the mind only with materials of knowledge; it is thinking that makes what we read ours.ArectifiesBprolongsCminimizesDfurnishes