


推理题。由文章最后一句“Please call me at 0411-89726374 to arrange an interview at your earliest convenience”可知,介绍者留下了自己的号码,期望安排一次面谈,所以需填an interview。


单选题It is reported that air pollution affects rivers and lakes indirectly because it causes acid rain.A据报道,空气污染导致酸雨,因而对河流和湖泊造成间接影响。B据报道,空气污染了河流和湖泊,间接的原因是因为酸雨。C据报道,空气污染间接来源于河流和湖泊的污染,因为后者会导致酸雨。


填空题The guest paid (little) ____ money than he should for the room.

单选题_____AAbout every four minutes.BAbout every five minutes.CAbout every six minutes.DAbout every seven minutes.

单选题The manager showed the new employee _____ to find the supplies.AwhatBwhereCthatDwhich

填空题The painter died before he had a chance to finish the work, so the painting remained (complete) ____.

单选题_____AOn Main Road.BIn front of the Central Park.CNear the terminal of Bus No. 6.DNext to a discount store.

单选题_____ the temperature falling so rapidly, we couldn’t go on with the experiment.ASinceBForCAsDWith

填空题I shall appreciate your effort in (correct) ____ this error in my bank account as soon as possible.

单选题_____AIt’s too hot in JuneBIn East Europe.CIn the countryside.DAfter December 24

单选题_____AA contract.BA product.CA list.DA book.

填空题If only she (know) ____ that her behavior was not welcome, she would have been more careful with it.

单选题It is obvious that Jack can hardly understand the instructions of the mobile phone he is reading.A杰克显然看不懂他正在阅读的手机说明书。B杰克费了很大劲才看懂本来很明显的手机指令。C显然,杰克努力去理解他正在阅读的手机指令。


填空题It is high time that the manager (pay) ____ more attention to the services for the customers.

单选题Customers consider location as the first factor when _____ a decision about buying a house.AmakeBmadeCto makeDmaking

单选题It is the general manager who makes the _____ decisions in business.AbeginningBfinishingCfirstDfinal

单选题It is important that we _____ the task ahead of time.Awill fishBfinishedCfinishDshall finish

填空题She described the ancient city in detail because she (live) ____ there for years.

单选题_____AThat’s all right.BIt’s possible.CNo way.DMy pleasure.

填空题It is strongly recommended that teachers (use) ____ computers to assist in their classroom teaching.

单选题Allan is looking forward to _____ his American partner at the trade fair.AmeetBmeetingCbe meetingDhaving met


单选题The house was sold for $60,000,which was far more than its real _____.AmoneyBpaymentCvalueDprofit


单选题Candidates who are not contacted within four weeks after the interview may consider their application unsuccessful.A面试后四周内仍未接到通知的求职者可以考虑再申请。B求职者在面试后四周内不来签订合同则被认为是放弃申请。C求职者如果在面试后四周内尚未得到通知,则可认为未被录用。


单选题What can we learn about the Greyhound tickets?AThey are not available for traveling outside the U.S.BTravelers should buy their tickets in person.CBabies Call not travel free with their parents.DThey have the exact travel date on them.